SMG4 Lawsuit Arc REVIEW

SMG4 Lawsuit Arc REVIEW


1 год назад

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@martinikov883 - 04.06.2023 12:00

Maybe SMG4's chilhood memories were injected like Mario.

@TheAwsumMegario - 01.06.2023 14:29

About the Meggy’s collage arc being incomplete, smg4 actually listened to his audience about how they were angry about how the Meggy collage arc didn’t continue, so he made Mario’s Tunnel of Doom. This is not the only example, as in the episode announcement, he listened to criticism and redesigned smg4, smg3, bob and boopkins to look better

Wonder why people say smg4 doesn’t listen to critism

@RedbearRickyYT - 25.05.2023 02:14

i don't think Meggy tried to pursue being a lawyer. she had to be a lawyer to save her friends

@RedbearRickyYT - 21.05.2023 07:50

If SMG4 lore is complicated, take a look at FNAF lore.

@RedbearRickyYT - 21.05.2023 07:47

i personally like the Lawsuit Arc. but i understand why you don't think the same. i also like the re-redesigns around the time of "It's Gotta Be Perfect" also, WOTFI 2021 and 2022 Rap Battles are my favorites

@tarbamichaelwijesunderajr - 04.05.2023 06:14


@dimitriwarchief301 - 04.05.2023 02:09

I think smg4 took your advice…. Slightly

@jrloulanza6534 - 13.04.2023 01:49

Oh and another thing old man, Rob, and jub jub are from Pokemon a part of Nintendo so they shouldn't have died to the DMCA.

@jrloulanza6534 - 13.04.2023 01:39

The arc we wanted: breaking Luigi but it follows the same format as mushroom wars the most obscure unofficial arc that is a star wars parody but here parodies breaking bad. I have only seen a few things about breaking bad never watched it so breaking Luigi is going follow a similar plot to breaking bad but with a meme parody kicked in. The arc we got: a shitty arc with shitty redesigns and a villain who hasn't been established as this guy that nfts and decided to get rid of smg4 because his version of Mario committed many sins to count and lawyer Kong almost committed suicide because of it it would have made him more compelling.

@Gregbot153 - 03.04.2023 05:24

Now the Smg4 lore kind of feeling lot like fnaf lore

@dasupamario5588 - 03.04.2023 04:41

The worse thing about the lawsuit arc is that its contradicting cosmology but I have a theory and that is that there are two different consciences in smg4 one that is the original one (aka the one seen in cosmology) and a conscience that is not Luke but mirrors Luke but its not an exact replica of Luke that's why sometimes smg4 remembers the events that took place in cosmology but also thinks that he was "just a naive stupid little child" because the smg4 conscience that mirrors Luke does not know anything about cosmology. Is this cannon, no will it be cannon, no are there plot holes, probably if someone else makes the research for me I would gladly appreciate it, because I'm not going to because just like Luke I HATE doing research.

@Scythetrapstudios - 28.03.2023 06:52

For me this is the weakest arc smg4 has done and it was messy but it wasn't all terrible I like how they use meggy role as an lawyer like how it was establish but in smg4 university I did like donkey kong as the main villian,wasn't an big fan of the breaking bad reference but it fine like we got to see inkling meggy again and splatoon,love the song and I'm out of compliments so in conclusion this arc is messy but alright

@HenryTheNostalgicEngine - 20.03.2023 09:19

It's funny how smg4s alternative nintendo ip to pass the border is litterly now his new design

@piakirei28 - 14.03.2023 06:22

I think that Smg1 and Smg2 haven’t had a redesign because something happened to the company that made Spudnik. Maybe it’s that or something else.

@sgjr8458 - 12.03.2023 23:15

tough love is practically this video lol

@oneshotsinperkidlol8789 - 12.02.2023 00:34

It’s the same thing like SML Because they got a lawsuit from Nintendo of their plushy’s so that’s why some of the characters are a human

@someoneontheinternet9000 - 30.12.2022 04:21

Wait the lawsuit arc also said meggy was a lawyer in training so wtf

@kadrierkal2481 - 22.12.2022 10:08

Kerem Erkal 88

@grobble4383 - 15.12.2022 03:39

I can agree with the Meg guy part, she just feels repetitive, but her voice actor is pretty nice.

@ardentt - 12.12.2022 04:45

lawyer Kong is funky king getting revenge

@Crueler_YT - 06.12.2022 16:15

Imma be honest
This was the worst arc in smg4
It barely involves law the episodes weren't quite interesting and lawyer Kong wasn't good for the most part and I felt like the only good thing about this arc was the wotfi rap which slaps so hard

@kellyannar6376 - 05.12.2022 05:45

The reason SMG4 hasn’t been copyrighted by Nintendo is Miyamoto likes SMG4, think about it, since Nintendo is very sensitive with someone profiting off their ideas so for someone like SMG4 to survive so long without being copyrighted by Nintendo means that someone in a high position at Nintendo likes SMG4’s content. Also, while SMG4 was taking a trip somewhere (I forgot where he was going), SMG4 met a digital Mario who said something like “Very nice to see you Mr. SMG4” which means someone in Nintendo must’ve saw SMG4 to include that in the programming. But hey, that’s just a theory, a stupid theory.

@Stxr45 - 03.12.2022 08:26

It would have made more sense of their redesigns if they give Bob, Boopkins and smg3 a big role in this arc as they weren’t used a lot in this arc.

Imo, they should have made more episodes in this arc

@FutureRken - 28.11.2022 00:08

I just started watching this channel, and I really like it, I think this is a good channel and I'll probably start watching more videos 📹 😀

@FutureRken - 28.11.2022 00:05

Amazing 👏

@NumberOneUndyneFan - 27.11.2022 23:13

The thing that I don’t like about the Lawsuit Arc is that Lawyer Kong has no… villain energy if you know what I mean. He just feels like he was there just because they needed a villain. And the enemy could’ve just been Nintendo. Because (almost) every arc has a villain and they just didn’t know what to make so they just used a Funky Kong model and put a suit over it. They didn’t even give Lawyer Kong a backstory. Because every arc villain has a backstory but they just decided to make Lawyer Kong evil, because he’s evil. He’s like early SMG3. He’s evil just because he wants to be. And they had the audacity to make Lawyer Kong even more of an annoying idiot by dubbing the DK rap over his voice. Honestly, I thought the Lawsuit arc was fine, but, SMG4, next time you make an arc, please make an (at least) enjoyable villain. For example, Waluigi. He was a really funny character and was perfect for SMG4 at the time because all of his videos before that were just random videos he thought were funny. But, after all of that. I still enjoyed the Lawsuit arc. Even though Lawyer Kong was probably the worst villain I’ve ever seen.

@deathandbananas2152 - 26.11.2022 06:37

Y’all do realize the only reason why this arc happened was because meggy pissed off lawyer kong

@Finnz4510 - 25.11.2022 09:40

I think my theory is that meggy being a lawyer and trainer I think shes both cause Lawyer Meggy was there before Trainer Meggy (idk its been awhile I could be wrong) and once smg4 said a naive stupid child is because of him acting like one but funnier than not cringe

@triciamiller7371 - 25.11.2022 00:47


@ReallyRealTime - 21.11.2022 03:30

About time,

@Georgia--wl3ku - 17.11.2022 21:35

Also most of the redesigns look bad.
Especially Boopkins.
Good god

@exalpergames90 - 15.11.2022 23:00

Well in my opinion the lawsuit arc felt really rushed and is definitely my least favorite arc of all. Like I really hoped meggys inkling self being back would have more impact on the story, but it didn’t. Same with the whole everyone dying stuff. It was such a touching moment only for them to casually be brought back in the next episode, it doesn’t really feel like anything special. Also just wanna point out, I think meggy is overused and overrated. I’m sorry but she was just completely ruined after her redesign. She used to be so likeable and fun, but now she’s just insane like every other character and I just hate seeing a character with so much potential go to waste. Also wotfi. It really doesn’t fit with the arcs. I mean I get that making arcs isn’t easy, but it all just feels like a ruined potential for a plot that could have been really interesting. Oh and there’s also the redesigns or whatever…

@t0ph4t1 - 15.11.2022 09:14

As a new SMG4 fan, I can't pick either side just yet, and since this is my first arc, I don't know what to side with. And please don't judge me, but I loved the Lawsuit arc. It was funny and the rap was just chef's kiss. For the redesigns, and I think I will get flamed for this, but I love Boopkins new design. Yes it looks boxy and stuff, but reminder, I'm new. Bob's redesign is also sick, I think everyone can agree on that. Still getting used to SMG4's redesign, but SMG3, I just don't like it, mostly the beard, the beard looks like it was drawn with the biggest brush font in Microsoft Paint. Again, please do not flame me, I have an opinion, and you have an opinion, we are not the same.

@Averydude1 - 14.11.2022 17:22

i will say that i have seen many episodes, and im starting to understand what actually makes his channel fall down.

@janloyd626 - 14.11.2022 03:39


@janloyd626 - 14.11.2022 03:39


@theminecraftcreeper4140 - 14.11.2022 01:52


@Nathan_Chaos - 13.11.2022 23:19

I felt like it was just short, and the "Clown Fever" video should of been a start of a arc, because like the clown has more backstory like how his girl thought he was not the biggest clown and how he was a failiure, it's like the waluigi arc, how
he had been rejected from the smash game.

@Andrey-yn2hx - 13.11.2022 20:44

Hey, you didn't remember that she said that she is gonna probably have to get her lawyer brain out. Means kinda become a lawyer kind of. So, Meggy doesn't want to actually become a lawyer. She had to, its not her job, and more.

@jakewairbelly - 13.11.2022 15:19


I like this arc

@yogurtmaster64 - 11.11.2022 12:13

I thought that SMG4 Died because the channel got deleted As in what if SMG4 The show got canceled which kind of killed him

@maxwellgates2202 - 11.11.2022 00:44

Honestly the only part of this arc I enjoyed was Luigi being Walter White, for some dumb reason anything that has breaking bad joke in it will automatically be funny to me.

@pensivecat6705 - 09.11.2022 03:57

Kinda mid not gonna lie. Wotfi felt like nothing in that episode. It could have been more intense but like it really wasn't sad or entertaining

@MaryyInsertSomethingHere - 08.11.2022 03:10

Fr ill take this arc as a filler even if it isn't

@theenderkirby939 - 07.11.2022 17:49

Also SMG4 should check his comment section is a dump full of bots trying to leech on his infamy

@theenderkirby939 - 07.11.2022 17:44

I just gonna say after the revelations arc I felt SMG4 run out of ideas as a whole even the revelations movie despite liking it a lot for thr first month now feel rushed now, like I thought the revelatiobs movie they gonna make melony a much more prominent character and heck maybe to a very intresting one but no only giving her some of a main in the zoo epusode and just shove her to the side shelf like good amount of the cast and kaizo dear god his existence is just so saiko will have a redesign
