For The Love Of God: The Man Who Thinks He's Jesus (Cult Documentary) | Real Stories

For The Love Of God: The Man Who Thinks He's Jesus (Cult Documentary) | Real Stories

Real Stories

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Rouf R2
Rouf R2 - 19.09.2023 17:03

Major sign of Judgement day
False prophet

Gary K
Gary K - 16.09.2023 23:55

Is mary quite contrary ?

Gary K
Gary K - 16.09.2023 23:31

They said all that with a straight face 😂

B3 - 15.09.2023 03:13

If the interviewer looked at me like he's looking at this guy, I might think I'm Jesus too.

AkaMonkey05 - 14.09.2023 09:08

Matthew 24:5 Jesus said many will come in my name 🙏

Spoopy Radical Snake
Spoopy Radical Snake - 13.09.2023 22:19

that's not Jesus that's Tom Cruise

Linda Mon
Linda Mon - 12.09.2023 19:45

Wait... Jesus married Mary his mother? How the interviewer kept a straight face is beyond me..🤣

Stephanie Daniel
Stephanie Daniel - 12.09.2023 18:21

Is it really that easy to be delusional?

ClownWarpaint - 12.09.2023 18:16

I hope he runs into a guy who thinks he's Pontius Pilate

Brian Lopez
Brian Lopez - 09.09.2023 09:55

I'm just waiting for Noah Harari of the WHO declaring himself he's the Messiah.
This guy is "just a very naughty boy".

John3:16 - 08.09.2023 11:17

The Bible is clear that Jesus said many Will come in my name. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many

Zuba Keek
Zuba Keek - 05.09.2023 17:38

Please if you are reading this comment search for the movie THE THREE CHRISTS OF YPSILANTI, The movie is even more amazing!
It's a must watch.... If you have read this comment search for this movie and watch it so you'll understand how sick AJ is! 😀😀

Mae 💋
Mae 💋 - 05.09.2023 15:18

When he said he could see everything after he died, he said he saw them break his legs, but they did NOT break Jesus' legs because he was already dead, so they didn't need to. This guy is a liar, and I feel sorry for him. I got absolutely upset when I saw children in his congregation. May God's goodness lead this man and all of these deceived people to repentance.

Itwontfitn - 05.09.2023 10:56

I love how they hesitate when they state on camera they are Jesus and mary. Just those tiny details add up along with other clues that these goofballs are to be laughed at.

D.Master - 03.09.2023 15:55

I like the positive spin this documantary did on this. So what if he aint Jesus. If he is doing more positive and little negative.

D.Master - 03.09.2023 14:36

I love which these Jesus Impersonator videos.

D.Master - 03.09.2023 14:28

Him a Jesus for real. The original Jesus came to his prominence in his 30s. What if Jesus spirit is sent into men for real. If Jesus came in the past, nothing stopping him from coming again. The disbelieve him already, they can do it again. Still, the bible did say many will come as Jesus?

C B - 30.08.2023 10:18

I see why someone would get into this. Not me personally, but I almost envy someone who could believe this. Imagine believing whole heartedly that you are friends with Jesus, you're going to an after life, you've basically figured out life and the universe. Even if it's a delusion, that must be a very comforting way to live.

u2b - 29.08.2023 05:36

That man is not Jesus, he doesn’t even speak like Jesus.

1ftjsjt4 - 28.08.2023 20:40

As in the wonderful lyrics of Matt Johnson (The the).

"If the real Jesus christ were to stand up today, he'd be gunned down cold by the CIA"

1ftjsjt4 - 28.08.2023 20:30

Just found the documentary on Netflix. The first thing that struck me, aside from Miller's massive delusion, was the acceptance by the documentary maker, that there was ever a 1st coming of christ. I often see that belief snuck into things, as though it was a settled fact.

B W - 28.08.2023 01:32

It never ceases to amaze me the level of crazy there is out all different The power of a great story....

Frosty Bear
Frosty Bear - 27.08.2023 23:12

Poor guy...he needs to be institutionalized!

Dorotheos Dorotheou
Dorotheos Dorotheou - 25.08.2023 11:08

How dare he claim to be the son of man, me. I can prove it: i make a wicked humous!

Danny - 18.08.2023 13:34

People don’t be fooled he’s not a con artist he’s not crazy he’s possessed by DEMONS & so are his followers clearly this is the work of Satan giving them this “reality” of who they were STAY AWAY FROM THIS PPL DONT BE DECEIVED REBUKE THIS EVIL IS JESUS CHRISTS HOLY NAME STAY AWAKE SHEEP FOR GOD SAID THIS WOULD HAPPEN

Fahad Abrar
Fahad Abrar - 17.08.2023 05:01

he sounds a lot like a hindu rather than a christian, in my opinion

Mike Cosculluela
Mike Cosculluela - 15.08.2023 04:21

Unreal delusions. I guess the Bible is wrong about the second coming. Who knew it would be an Aussie hanging out in the outback.

Rick C-137
Rick C-137 - 15.08.2023 01:27

He kinda looks a bit like nicholas cage must be something genetic that causes people that look like Nicholas cage to be similar.

Christi Lewis
Christi Lewis - 13.08.2023 21:18

I think this guy is demonically possessed. He is at least teaching doctrines of demons. The biggest thing he's doing is leading people away from the truth of the real Jesus who you can learn about in the Bible starting with the gospel of John.

Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love - 13.08.2023 20:44

He is speeding🙄

Anthony Varley
Anthony Varley - 13.08.2023 17:31

Two clowns. 😂😅

Robert Petrey
Robert Petrey - 12.08.2023 22:46

I bet he thinks earth is flat but doesn't tell anybody because that would be embarrassing

Just LoveIt
Just LoveIt - 07.08.2023 19:11

Jesus never feared anyone or anything and He did have any problem that anyone would know who He was, in fact people tried to kill for identifying Himself as Son of God.

Rawganic - 07.08.2023 14:05

Both him and his partner (“Mary”) have dark circles around their eyes and sunken eyes… wonder what’s keeping them up at night 🤔

Javier Sanchez
Javier Sanchez - 06.08.2023 20:03

I believe in Santa!!!

Nick Villalobos
Nick Villalobos - 05.08.2023 08:23

Jesus was not married in the gospels accounts. If he was Jesus he would be able to heal sick people of all diseases and know all matters of life and even science. He does not. Also, he would be Catholic, not some generic teacher with a perfect knowledge of Scriptures. Protestant faith and all non Catholic churches all came from the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Thanks to Martin Luther. He also has no such understanding of Theology or philosophy which are key things to know to understand the nature of man and other beings such as angels and demons. He is simply a deceiving person with Good will who may also have a psychological illness. When Jesus returns we will all know it. It wont be only for a few. It will be in final judgement separating the goats from the sheep.

OminousImpression - 03.08.2023 19:53

I am both the returned christ and the antichrist!

OminousImpression - 03.08.2023 19:53

God the Mother has descended as Zahng Gil-jah, the prophecy of the second coming has been fulfilled!

Cassie Wall
Cassie Wall - 03.08.2023 12:42

Another Chad Daybel and Lori Vallo

Jamie Phillip Langlois
Jamie Phillip Langlois - 31.07.2023 16:13

If he is Jesus I hope he saves the world and feeds the homeless and starving around the world

MusicFeedsYourSoul - 29.07.2023 19:28

Wait, this man is claiming to be Jesus, but he’s teaching the grieving father about Summerland? That’s a Wiccan belief, Christians believe in Heaven instead. I’m not going to attempt to make sense of this man claiming to be Jesus, but if he’s really gonna claim that shouldn’t he be talking about the Christian beliefs instead of Wiccan ones?

Bobby Manford
Bobby Manford - 29.07.2023 00:26

My ex wife thought she was Claudia Schiffer

Mike Varner
Mike Varner - 28.07.2023 23:50

This person and his mate know who they are,they also know who there not,just like any other human being on this planet,they are not being deceived by anyone,they are deceivers who's work they do is of their father the devil, there's not deceiving the elect of God,if their father had this power they would would, the ones they are deceiving are the professing Christians,how?"my people will suffer from lack of knowledge, knowledge of what?of the written word of God, God's holy scriptures, Don't be deceived, many will come saying I am the christ,and "Will" deceived many,even the elect "If"pospable, should someone say look the christ is here or his over there,believe them not,"just as his word says they seen him go,he will all so be seen as he returns,all on earth will see him at the same time,this is why he says "even the elect could be deceived "IF"it were possible,only the elect will not be deceived, in these end times,don't condemn anyone,stay sober minded at all times

GARY KING - 27.07.2023 20:37

AJ you are lying and teaching people the opposite to God's word in the bible , you need to repent AJ

Margo ME D.
Margo ME D. - 27.07.2023 19:35

AJ: I remenber my live 2000 jears ago, my name was jesus!
Other guy: Ah yea, i remember something similar!
AJ: Cool! What was your Name back than?
Other guy: Judas.
AJ: ... 👀
Judas: ... 👀

Rhizophagous Ramblings with R.P. Humunculi
Rhizophagous Ramblings with R.P. Humunculi - 26.07.2023 06:17

Now I'd like to see a documentary on the Bible Belt of Australia. Cool doc. Thanks for producing/creating and sharing!
