Before Attending A Photo Workshop, Watch This...

Before Attending A Photo Workshop, Watch This...

The Photographic Eye

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@dawnofthedead1285 - 20.11.2023 08:06

Brilliant speech Sir

@xtra9996 - 06.08.2023 14:28

Wow, beautiful. But what is this guy talking about all the time. ;)

@gregsmith6373 - 06.08.2023 00:35

Ive been on a workshop with two photographers one from Poland and the other from Germany. We went to Iceland. My experience is not any good. I felt like we were sponsoring these two. They've been taking pictures and just told us take your own. I felt like we were abandoned to our selfs

@gordonjohnston684 - 09.03.2023 18:26

This is so subjective, I scratch my head in disbelief, they haven't a clue whats a good photograph! or is this my opinion, or am I missing the point. I don't really bother much expressing my personal opinions just techicnal if it's glaring obvious. After all Peter Lindberg's ironic fashion image of 6 super models wearing white shirts on Santa Monica beach, was hated by one Vogue editor and loved by another. So I try and follow the recipe, before adding my own ingredients, well I try.

@filmic1 - 28.02.2023 16:23

I loved the three day workshop I took at Dawson College's Ctr For Imaging Arts and Technologies. It was a real hands on film burner. It was a studio lighting and fashion programme. The prof had gotten us models. Fortunate because we used the studio that the full time commercial students used during the week. Really dynamic, classmates were amazing. I got more out of it than the Nikon School, though it was interesting and showed how he used colour.

@renejul2534 - 17.12.2022 00:00

Workshop wit you... Streat photography.... A place you haven't been before, so it would bee "fresh eyes"

@HR-wd6cw - 24.10.2022 05:44

I think if you go into a workshop or photo conference with the right mindset and knowing where you stand as a photographer, you can get some great value out of them. I think where people tend to not see value is they sign up for classes or workshops that do not interest them (just to try out the genre perhaps and it ends up being a waste for them because they find out they don't like the genre) or they sign up for workshops or classes that are perhaps beyond their skill level, and so thus they find them to be too challenging and they get frustrated and thus feel it's a waste of their time and money, and to a point, they are right. But if you go in with the correct expectations you can get some good value out of them. For example, I will be attending (for the 4th year next year) a local photography conference and over the past 2 years I've basically focused on shooting models, and not so much on classes, because I feel that with my photography, I have the technical down, I just need to shoot more, and the only reason I attend this particular conference is because of the quality of models provided, and the fact that conference itself is cheaper to attend than me trying to line-up models for full day shoots for 3 days straight (one full day shoot would probably be equivalent to hiring a good model for 4 or 6 hours). So for me, it's about getting experience and letting someone else take care of the hard work (getting models). Bu I have been to workshops and conferences where I took the "wrong" classes. Maybe I took an LED light painting course which was very basic, but I actaully was looking for something intermediate level, so that was my fault, or i took a class on macro when I really didn't care much to shoot macro anyway. So I think if you go into workshops and conferences with a set of reasonable expectations and know who you are as a photographer (skill level) and know what you want t oget out of the conference or workshop, they can work for you. Plus they can also be good networking opportunities (which is the other reason I do the conference too -- meet up with old friends, meet new photographers and models, and shoot and share a common interest). The other benefit for me is that there are also pro photographers at these events that teach the classes so it's a bit of mentoring that happens too as you get to shoot along side them and they provide live instruction in some of the classes (which I don't really do much anymore) but still they are available at the conference to help you.

@lisajoseph5817 - 16.10.2022 21:28

I've never done a "proper" workshop, but I do have a couple of friends who are more advanced photographers than I am and just going somewhere for an afternoon or a weekend with them with cameras in hand and mutual brain picking can be extremely useful.

My first outing with one "pro" was a weekend in Yosemite. He was shooting both film and digital - and I had a compact point-and-shoot. He noticed I was deliberately not trying to compose shots right next to him, but he reminded me that we could shoot from the same vantage point and still get different results because we can look at the same thing and see different things.

When I made the upgrade to a DSLR my other "pro" friend and I went out to a Japanese garden. He helped me with settings he thought would work for me and turned me loose. Then he handed me his camera, only one generation newer than mine, but with a very smart, very fast 35mm lens. I got some great technical help to start me off and some feedback on things to try.

@charlesw6382 - 16.10.2022 15:15

The quality of your life experience is directly proportional to the quality of the questions you ask.... Anthony Robbins

@LeviFiction - 06.10.2022 23:36

But I love being the guy hiding and away from everyone else in the class. 😁 I'm also poor so I couldn't go anywhere for a workshop even if I wanted to. Now, the impossible idea of live streaming a trip with a photographer on my phone, taking pictures and auto-sending them for review in 1 hour sessions of time....that would be fun. I could go anywhere I wanted, and just get a personalized review of what I'm looking at. Especially with the flat landscape of North Dakota. It would probably be horrible for the teacher though. 😅

@wayneclayton5426 - 24.09.2022 13:22

I admit the last Photo workshop I went to. The only thing I came away with was the thought. They're only here to fulfil the criteria to get money for an arts grant for own project.

@leirumf5476 - 24.09.2022 01:34

I wish I could go to a workshop with you, since you are my main reference to the art of photography. Sadly I know I'd fall into the trap you talked about if because I'm too shy to talk. And the other issue is that I'm stranded here in south america and traveling isn't much of an option rn.

I wish you and the people who are lucky to partake in the workshop a very jolly and insightful time!

@ddsdss256 - 22.09.2022 21:33

I'm trying to find a "master class" but most of the workshops and classes I can find anywhere close by are too "basic" for my needs and aimed toward either the "casual" shooter or "professionals" who work for hire. I'm just trying to make art, and although I'm happy with my portfolio, I want more "expert" feedback than I'm able to get via online comments or gallery owners/patrons. I'm always searching for new ways to express myself and sometimes it takes a kick in the rear from a third party to shake things up. I've thought about trying to form a small collective of like-minded people to give each other feedback and stimulate ideas, but it's been hard to find them (I'm not a huge fan of social media). Any ideas? Does anyone know of a good source for "advanced" workshops (or live in southeast Michigan and want to get together)?

@markschenkman8942 - 21.09.2022 15:57

I attend workshops with 2 photographers whose company's mission statement includes the statement to "seek your own vision". Don't do what everyone else is doing. They won't tell you what to photograph but when you are at a scene ask you what drew you to the scene and then help you realize your vision through composition and use of light, not camera settings. So important to photograph what speaks to you, not everyone else. A good workshop leader will work with you on your vision.

@TimberGeek - 21.09.2022 10:35

It occurred to my how insanely high it would have been for an equivalent workshop back when we were students. Everyone would need a rather high end medium format camera equipped with a Polaroid back (plus others) and an abundant supply of film for all.

@keithpinn152 - 21.09.2022 04:52

Great video! Thanks for creating and sharing this content. I liked your points about removing yourself from the crowd and asking practical benefit from the workshop. Learning to ask the right questions. Cheers, Keith

@johnleonard4149 - 21.09.2022 03:35

Very well spoken and you gave me a lot of pointers. Thank you so much...

@alexiacerwinskipierce8114 - 21.09.2022 02:35

A gaggle of photographers! That's hilarious 😂

@iaincphotography6051 - 21.09.2022 01:47

Choosing workshops is a problem in itself, friends who have been on a workshop have complained that the photographer takes great pictures but couldn't teach to save his life.

@wolfgangtoeglhofer1710 - 20.09.2022 19:41

dear Alex kill bee, will you ever do a workshop in Europe some tim in the upcoming year

@jsollowsphotography - 20.09.2022 19:39

Photography workshops I’ve attended have been dismal. Most that offer these workshops may be very good photographers but a precious few know how to teach!

@wolfgangtoeglhofer1710 - 20.09.2022 19:18

Maybe once you will cover the top8c of photography versus paintings. I e your opinion on the difference between both

@wolfgangtoeglhofer1710 - 20.09.2022 19:17

you are the best

@vladimirpevzner6037 - 20.09.2022 19:12

The woman in pink is good.

@henrywilliam8506 - 20.09.2022 15:14

Over egging, I haven't heard that expression for over 30 years, it is, however, very relevant. I've found over the years that when I'm working in a photographic group, rather than taking the same photograph as everyone else in the group. I usually end up photographing the group.

@wanneske1969 - 20.09.2022 13:35

I've often spent 100 to 200 € for a photo workshop that lasted a few hours. First there was this talk about iso, aperture and shutter speed (which I already knew) and the we were allowed to 'experiment', so I learned nothing.

@tduke91 - 20.09.2022 10:47

Great information yet again. Keep up the good work

@65WZ - 20.09.2022 09:54

A hobbyist for 45 years, and never experienced a photography workshop. I guess managing my own pace was my comfort-zone.

@MayurPanghaal - 20.09.2022 09:31

Books and practice. 2 mantras

@andrewgreig1197 - 20.09.2022 08:48

Hi Alex,
I participated in a group workshop, once, where the photographer leading the workshop set up the set for the model and some "hot" lights, so that anyone could shoot at the same time as anyone else, once they worked out their settings. The mood was like a pack of paparazzi let loose. We had been given some latitude to gain the models attention, but after I gained her attention for a shot another photographer, who had been shooting from a crouch, stood up right in front of me, obstructing my shot. Unbelievable, fortunately it was not expensive so I stood back, worked out what I would like to do and then shot a few frames. So for the three hours I took around 15 shots. And based on those I got to work with the model later. Sometimes it is more worthwhile to hire an experienced model and pay the price. If you paid your way through a photographic school you would pay more. My personal experience shows that everytime I work with a World Class model my photographic skills take a huge leap forward. YMMD

@judgerivers7631 - 20.09.2022 08:22

Sign me up..I attended a Cliff Mautner boot camp years back and loved it..✌🏼🤓
Im in Arizona

@marcthibault8723 - 20.09.2022 06:48

Love your insight into photography. If I were in England I would love to take one of your workshops! But for know I will have to content myself with your videos! Cheers from Canada! 🇨🇦

@jimmcmullan9324 - 20.09.2022 05:43

As always Alex, brilliant tutorial!

@zigatretjak75 - 20.09.2022 05:03

Hmmm, I would love to meander Edinburgh and surroundings😊

@alexanderpons9246 - 20.09.2022 04:41

Very true Alex Kilbee, many times we want to be wallflowers when we actually need to be fully present with our guard/ego down and be ready to make mistakes and turn them into something great!

@mikefoxworthysr.7183 - 20.09.2022 04:38

Workshops are worth every penny. You described my first workshop perfectly, I was the least knowledgeable had the least expensive gear embarrassed to ask the instructors questions BUT I learned a lot, could have learned more if I had not been embarrassed. That was approximately 13 years ago and I try to go on a workshop once a year. Mostly landscape workshops in the Western USA. I did one portrait workshop that I dearly loved and would like to do another. Have two landscape workshops scheduled in 23 and another in 24. Would love to do one in Iceland or maybe a portrait in a European City but out of my price range. Always learn something new on the workshops. I so enjoy your channel.

@washingtonradio - 20.09.2022 03:26

I recently finished a photography course. We were given assignments to explore certain topics but each picked the subject. The instructor would show the photos and discuss each in the class pointing out things he thought we could improve on.

@kipmay5101 - 20.09.2022 03:25

Photographers......always a smart move to invest in education from photographers whose work you admire.

@CarmenFalkenburg - 20.09.2022 03:06

Such a profound podcast, as an Aspiring photographer I'm developing my own style. I love to understand the minds of creative Visionary film makers, and how they understand light. I'm getting used to using flash, however the formula I use 90 percent of the time seems to work well but I still want to master flash at weddings. I never had the chance in the past to be second shooter, so I pretty much learnt my skills shooting manual on my own, and literally always taking the camera with me, just about everywhere.
I would love to be an assistant to a photographer like you. You're an amazing mentor. 😊

@mixiepalms8338 - 20.09.2022 02:43

i am mixie !

@Rob.1340 - 20.09.2022 02:09

Thank you. All the best. 👍📷😎

@hairybanana9668 - 20.09.2022 02:04

Been to a couple workshops and mostly what i got from then was relationships with other photographers that continue to this day . Oh and a lot of lighting setups that ive never used .

@JohnDrummondPhoto - 20.09.2022 01:38

Your words carry over to do many educational endeavors. It's so important to not just ask questions, but the right questions. The questions others have in their heads but are afraid to voice. That way, everyone benefits.

In my old job, I had a number of instruction assignments. I told people that the only stupid question is the you didn't ask when you should have.
