EU4 1.34 Poland Guide - THIS Mission Tree Lets You SUBJUGATE EVERYONE

EU4 1.34 Poland Guide - THIS Mission Tree Lets You SUBJUGATE EVERYONE

The Red Hawk

1 год назад

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Journey - 16.08.2023 20:22

always reject pu over lithuania for 2 reasons, 1 you can join the hre and get tons of bonuses and a massive vassal swarm, 2 you can also form ruthenia which gives you a ton of bonuses better than commonwealth ones and also means you can have all the land and not have the terrible government reform that comes with the pu. honestly the pu is a massive trap.

Bandermachine - 09.07.2023 22:10

are you prefer to play with licky nations?

bronzedisease - 10.06.2023 12:22

Local noble is a viable path if you want to do the whole hre revoke thing. Its good in a way but you get bored after a few times.

Danya Kandaurov
Danya Kandaurov - 10.06.2023 04:22

A small missed opportunity: if you do Lublin talks and take these Ukrainian lands from Lithuania, it decreases its province count to about 40. The decision to form PLC allows up to 60 provinces for Lithuania. So you could feed them a bunch of land in the East and then get it cored up for free when forming PLC. (I guess it is compensated by the fact that you spend admin on coring the lands you took in the first place - but having spent it should be an even stronger incentive to make up for it by feeding Lithuania.)

Chewbacca Gamer
Chewbacca Gamer - 31.05.2023 22:18

How do you get rid of golden liberty

Kasufert - 16.05.2023 12:55

In my game I waited until tech 8 to take the Negotiations of Lublin, then just gave Lithuania all of the provinces back and then immediately formed Commonwealth at tech 8 with no paper mana wasted on coring Ruthenia

Moon Lander
Moon Lander - 14.05.2023 16:45

Hi i just found your guide and followed it with a great pleasure. Even when my game looked a little bit different your guide was great enough to correct everything. Awesome Stuff. Thanks!

domeniarz domeniarz
domeniarz domeniarz - 09.05.2023 12:37

and how to deal with russia later

Jaminski Games
Jaminski Games - 10.04.2023 20:29

is it possible to beat ottomans at the tech 6 / 7 point of the game ? had a few attempts of this and otto always declare war on me around this point? or should i avoid rivalling them ?

Zantrific - 02.04.2023 17:58

i had a good run and hungry fell to the austrians as common pu form their choice event

Tomasz Pietras
Tomasz Pietras - 29.03.2023 10:06

While doing this guide did You consider is very early game conquering Constantinople from Byzantium (even without CB), so by this action having Constantinople before Ottomans made them little bit mindfucked which might even end that Ottomans won't create any super powerful empire that will be after all difficult to handle before mil tech 15?

CoL_Drake - 16.03.2023 23:30

i normaly destroy teh HRE in 1446 xD then taking whatever u want is so easy

Ted Urschel
Ted Urschel - 16.03.2023 03:45

Maybe tell me to check if austria and bohemia are rivaled before I go thru all of the set up first. thanks.

Meatloaf Isgood
Meatloaf Isgood - 13.03.2023 17:20

I did an Ironman run of Poland without this dlc so it was a bit different but I think I did pretty well. I managed to conquer all of the balkans and dismantled the HRE. It was my first time so I don’t know any fancy maneuvers, but I don’t think any nation alive at the point could have defeated me other. Other than spain of course with like six colonies each with a hundred thousand troops. And of course they allied with Russia so I had to watch my step with anyone around me.

Albako - 05.03.2023 04:57

I love the moment, when you say that the danzing-Teutons is a very easy war… while in mine there were livonians, whole Kalmar Union, and some minors from the hre

Levi Duhaime
Levi Duhaime - 04.03.2023 02:47

Another tip that wasn't mentioned: the mission tree can give you a PU CB on Sweden (or whoever holds Stockholm). You can take advantage of this by allying Sweden, feeding them Denmark/Norway, then breaking alliance and PU'ing them after they form Scandinavia for a very strong subject at low AE cost.

Yamcha1717 - 02.03.2023 00:26

Thanks for your guide, it was very helpful for me to have a nice start with good PUs.

But one "incident" appeared during my game : the year is 1471 and I got France as PU. I was afraid I let the nobles have too much influence, but I think this game will be fantastic to play.

Thanks again for your guide, I may still watch what to do after my war, but I think I'll chill and destroy all my enemies little by little.

Tom Fischer
Tom Fischer - 27.02.2023 03:45

I think the Danzig event will always trigger in 1460 because to avoid it you have to seize crown land right on time 3 times. If you don’t manage it Danzig will form. AI never does it so the event triggers. Should always be at the same time if I remember it right.

arda aklar
arda aklar - 24.02.2023 22:53

i go blind with aggressive expension

Benjaminy - 24.02.2023 09:31

Didn't even need to do anything and I became the HRE emperor from bohemia.

Ghosttz - 23.02.2023 20:27

my king died at 1448 and i lost my pu 💀

Vice Consul Imhotépien en Obédience de l'OBPFPB
Vice Consul Imhotépien en Obédience de l'OBPFPB - 10.02.2023 16:02

Ok uhm I inherited Burgundy too. With full integration of the Netherlands. Yes.

Ertuğrul Turker
Ertuğrul Turker - 06.02.2023 20:12

perfect guide mateeeee

Christian Sannino
Christian Sannino - 05.02.2023 22:18

Poland is op, but Byzantine much better

Christian Sannino
Christian Sannino - 05.02.2023 22:17

Who is the price of this game?

Keyan cent
Keyan cent - 03.02.2023 19:27

hungary is allied to austria and the ottomans have guaranteed them. what do i do?

Spiddy - 01.02.2023 19:01

Well in my game Hungary got PU'd by Austria via event right when i went to declare war

Vilgefortz z Roggeven
Vilgefortz z Roggeven - 25.01.2023 00:21

Just started playing eu4, really helpful video

Speedy Pichu
Speedy Pichu - 22.01.2023 18:25

Question, does compromise with the nobility affect golden liberty, since it is just a replacement of increased levies.

DIY Miracle
DIY Miracle - 13.01.2023 12:57

I cry everytime Red Hawk plays with high estates influence

Hafee - 06.01.2023 12:44

Poland plays so fun. I have around 2.5k hours, hardly played outside of Europe, but played Poland like 10-15 times, it's always so much to do and so many ways to expand - wide or tall

Mathieu Gariépy
Mathieu Gariépy - 05.01.2023 04:55

Poland has Danzig? Oh boy!

Tom Havenith
Tom Havenith - 02.01.2023 19:44

Was diplo vassalization the OPM livonian order not an option? Not that it matters much of course.

Tom Havenith
Tom Havenith - 02.01.2023 19:30

You could play with the fact that noble integration policy revokes itself when you run out of 'integratable' subjects. So if the nobles are loyal you can eat the influence over 100 for the time integrating and let the priviledge disappear. But that's probably for advanced players.

Megumin - 29.12.2022 03:41

Good guide, but Quick suggestion!
If there's some condition worth restarting over, please lead with that in the future. Having to reload my game AFTER doing a bunch of startup is quite irritating (Austria and Bohemia weren't rivals)

Slav Emperor
Slav Emperor - 29.12.2022 03:23


Bernd - 29.12.2022 02:54

I did this Poland - PLC run today, and very succesful.
Got Bohemia,Hungary,Serbia and Nowgorod as PU´s/Vassals.I also kicked the Ottoman and Moscow twice, and formed PLC.
But how do i get my Pu´s out of negative chance to integrate ?

breakone9r - 27.12.2022 02:16

So I completed that mission "Develop Ruthenia" where it said I can take the Commonwealth decision. But it still says not until admin 10. My playthrough mimic'd yours almost exactly. But while I did get the Burgundian PU, I didn't get the other event that almost-always results in an instant inheritance once that occurs. Also, Austria is guaranteed by France?! lol. I've so far, released Novgorod, and Bulgaria, and have even gotten all but one of Bulgaria's cores back from the ottos. It's just weird how my playthrough almost completely matched this one. Including Muscovy taking all but the single province of the LO.

Baal’s Adventures
Baal’s Adventures - 24.12.2022 21:57

Shogunate vassal swarm please. I really wanna see dat.

MtGuyful - 23.12.2022 22:13

I got better one,
-right when you get Jagiellon, no CB byzantium and vassal them (improve relationship with kebab for right of passage)
-attack muscovy when they are dealing with novogrod and take 2-3 provinces - it makes dealing with them later easier
-ally Austria, use them to beat up kebab by 1470 and reconquer most lands of Byz
-you should try to annex most vassals ASAP, taking sejm perk to remove diplo -3 is good idea.

Indyk kowalski
Indyk kowalski - 23.12.2022 08:01

I keep attempting this guide but the crown looses land every time

Tunabros - 23.12.2022 04:39

what dlc is required for this?

General Universe
General Universe - 23.12.2022 04:20

You talked for a long time about nobility influence like it matters. It does not matter if it reaches 100.

XTennisGUYZX - 22.12.2022 23:43

I’m playing a game and the Prussian confederation event has not fired yet and it’s 1485, is it possible it does not fire and you can’t do the mission tree? The Teutonic order still exists.

DeusEversor - 22.12.2022 23:28

I think that... The Commonwealth should work alot more like HRE - sure, instead of electors you had Sejm, but you had more vassals: Moldavia, Prussia, Courland, Zaporozhie, with only Mazovia annexed because of no local heir! You almost had: Bohemia, Hungary, Kiev/Ruthenia, Muscovy/Russia and Sweden in the union and Crimea, Wallachia and Transylvania as vassals!

and finally. only constitution of 3rd of May unified Commonwealth into one state! that is end game as it happened in 1791!

and thus yeah, i believe Commonwealth should be more like its own HRE. And in the case, you are Commonwealth leader but also HRE emperor, there should be a decision of merging both institutions, where you have both electors and a sejm

Mick Jaggard
Mick Jaggard - 22.12.2022 21:50

There are other approaches. Initially, Ally Burgundy, Bohemia, Lithuania, and Moldavia. Once you get Moldavia, get them as a vassal, and take the privilege. Take the mission and attack Wallachia and full annex. Then PU Hungary. Give Bohemia as much of Austria as you can in separate peace deal. Burgundy will also help with this war. Then, turn East. Crimea, Russia, and keep currying favors. Bohemia will become a PU with a mission once they have 200 relations and 100 trust. (be careful, your computer may crash a few times when you take the mission). Feed Lithuania Russia. Then, develop Lithuanian land, yoink, and you spend your development on low cost Ruthenian land instead of high cost Russian land. I feed Livonian order to Prussia along with the land bridge and Sweden. Gives a decent march that helps for a good bit of time. Get Lithuania up to 59 provinces before you form the commonwealth. Waiting may be a good idea to get enough governing capacity to absorb them. Alternate Russia and France as your targets to grow Burgundy and Lithuania. This gives a nice break to help with growing admin ideas.

As far as idea - kinda disagree. I think Diplo, Religious, Admin are your best 3 to start. That gives you the ability to convert your land and get loads of papal influence, lowered cost to take land, an extra diplo slot, lower coring cost, and more governing capacity. With your PU/Vassal swarm, you don't NEED military ideas because your vassals do a great deal of the fighting. I like Offensive as the first Mil idea in slot 4 for the siegability and land force limit, but at that point, you ought to be 1500 dev yourself with another 1500 in PUs. Also, you can attack into the HRE and take Austria to split between Hungar and Bohemia. Once you have Burgundy and Hungary nice and fat, you can use the CB for Balkan independence on the Ottomans after you get the age of Reformation 25% against other religions. With the diplo idea and that age bonus, you can take a huge amount of the balkans in one war and feed everything in Ragusan node to Hungary, and keep the Constintanople node for yourself. During Age of Reformation, it's mostly expansion East and South. Use the Religious ideas CB to freely attack to finish off Ottomans, Nogai, Muscovy, kazan, and Uzbek. By Age of Absolutism, should border Oirat/Ming/Shun, Transoxiana,/Timurids/Mughals and Mamluks.

I think the trickiest part about Poland is negotiating the Age of Absolutism disaster while still being effective in your expansion. You may end up spending a great deal of time just fighting magnate rebels, so consider getting a bunch of AE just before 1610 and then using the magnate rebellions to let the AE bleed off.

NESS - 22.12.2022 12:14

Congrats on 100k bro!
Austria guide next? :^)

Dexter Williams
Dexter Williams - 22.12.2022 10:00

"If Austria and Bohemia haven’t rivaled each other, restart. Don’t worry, you won’t have to restart too many times."

Meanwhile I’m typing this after my 13th consecutive restart…
