Build Guide for Arcane Tal Rasha Wizard (And I compare Damage to the Ice Meteor Build)

Build Guide for Arcane Tal Rasha Wizard (And I compare Damage to the Ice Meteor Build)


1 год назад

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@omnilothar - 18.04.2023 06:45

how about Blizzard-Snowbound? easier to target, spam-able, good for speed run (no need to switch build anymore)

@jammin_maestro - 18.04.2023 15:30

GGs in your 150 clear btw. I cleared my 1st 150 at 2k gons this season with Tals using starpact. Rubies in wiz doesn’t make it worth it since our entire defense relies on shields and the buggy karini procs lolz. Hence more HP = more shields = more squirts uptime.

For my push, I ran with 1.1 mil HP, by socketing amethyst in helm and pants. Of course the usual fishing for open maps works. My clear was a 4-corner vile swarms festering 😍

@TheMadJoker87 - 18.04.2023 17:14

i'm currently "stuck" at 147. im using guardians set instead of aughild/squirts because it felt too squishy, and my gear sucks (dont even have ancient rings yet). im also at 1200 paragon and havent fished much, so im taking my time since this season is gonna go on for a few more months
...and i suck at playing wizard, so if i can do it, anyone can xD

@anpe008 - 19.04.2023 02:57

I plan NS. I have 2k+ paragon. Maxed out build like your with good stats (just need augments). Question: shall i still go for arcane or stay ice? Can i do 150 GR with any of the build?

@imullinagasaki1922 - 20.04.2023 10:21

Would you recommend this build for my non-seasonal wizard with 900 paragon only?

@Prince_Sharming - 20.04.2023 10:37

Great guide! I'm very new to all of this, and I'm working my way up bit by bit. I do have kind of a silly question that I couldn't find the answer to. Why run GR 150 if you already have all of you gear/stats by then? Is it just for setting or competing against records?

@Mmnch_Gaming - 24.04.2023 01:41

Hey dude. Just a couple of notes in regards to the templar. His skills are effected by cooldown reduction so you should be stacking cooldown on stats and ideally a leorics crown with a diamond. Also could have a vigilante belt for the extra cdr roll on it and swap out cains for captain crimsons x2 piece for even more cdr. For weapon i use thunderfury paired with wydward (probs not spelt right) for extra slow procs and wall of man (craftable shield for even more cdr). This will give yourself and the peeps getting tips from here extra heals.

@AllrightNOR - 24.04.2023 20:04

What do you need RCR for? Uou deplete all your arcane power when you use Starpact

@lowercaseCAPS - 24.04.2023 23:21

Great vid, subbed 😀

@pksvkpk4801 - 25.04.2023 08:49

wont matter till your 2k para, cold is fine or arcane i find cold survivability better. as your 3400 of course you clear 150s ez.

@partyheartyboy - 25.04.2023 14:24

Hi. Great video! Subscribed. 😎👍🏻

@frozen_crown - 26.04.2023 07:37

Freaking amazing guide!!! I needed this! Thank you! Subbed

@aidanmercuri3919 - 27.04.2023 14:36

all of the damage numbers toward the end are null and void. you're comparing dps with different amounts of smoldering core stacks on the targets. it's not useable for comparison lol. also you should be running power of the storm rune when you play arcane, it's a ~9% dps boost as the reduced arcane power cost adds that cost onto what you actually spent casting the meteor. you should also not tap metors at all, especially not when targets have less than 10 stacks of debuff applied. hold meteor down, forcemove to kite mobs. your weapon needs 7% ias as a 4th stat, not rcr or elite%. only once you are high enough paragon to give up the int though (don't drop int on guardians setup). not only does attack speed stack your smoldering faster, it also fits more meteors into your arcane coe window. for that same reason you should be using an enchantress with either the attack speed passive selected over a cheat death, or ideally the allskills token, and enough stats/augments to have it survive 150s. this is about 1.1billion sheet toughness (armor augment.. str/dex. they receive flat dmg reduction through armor). guardians set, borns set, ashearas set, sages set bonuses all work for the follower, as do the mutilation guard and esoteric alteration legendary gems. you don't need a single augment to gear a follower for 150s, but doesn't hurt to overdo their toughness incase they stand on some moltens. (if you are sticking to templar for the heals/safer cheat death. you have the wrong passive selected on the third slot., the one on the right gives 10% additive damage, and won't mess with your pulling capabilities as much as the stun)

@zam1007 - 28.04.2023 11:20

Dear Mr Spe, please keep making guides for games because you explain things very well. It is very clear because you don't do all that distracting sound and visual effects. I can watch your videos all the way through without getting lost or getting a headache. Thank you,

Zam Junior, 8 years old.

@brandonhollenbach9822 - 22.07.2023 22:22

Why cant i have more skill active like you. I can only have one active in that row . Like the familier and then the storm armou
