How to Add an New Admin User in WordPress Website via PHPMYADMIN | WordPress Tutorial 2020

How to Add an New Admin User in WordPress Website via PHPMYADMIN | WordPress Tutorial 2020

jecoder TV

4 года назад

83 Просмотров

In this video I discussed clearly on How to Add a New WordPress Admin User to the WordPress Database via PHPMYADMIN.

This tutorial is useful for every developer because when you are locked out or you don't remember the wordpress username and password you can easily create a new one in phpmyadmin.


User Meta Entry Information

Fill the user_id with the id from before, meta_key will be wp_capabilities, and meta_value will be: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;}

Then fill another row with unmeta_id blank and user_id the one from before.

meta_key will be wp_user_level and meta_value is 10.


Please watch the whole video to know the step by step process.

#WordPressAccount #mySql #database #phpmyadmin


#wordpress #wordpress_account #wordpress_users #mysql #phpmyadmin #mysql_database #wordpress_database #create_users #wordpress_tutorial_for_biggerners #wordpress_admin #WordPress_use_mysql #WordPress_need_new_admin #WordPress_force_admin_user #WordPress_lost_password #WordPress_add_admin #WordPress_give_admin #WordPress_mysql #WordPress_new_admin #WordPress_lost_admin #WordPress_insert_admin
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@jecoderChan - 08.10.2019 13:32

Thank you for taking time watching this video. Kung may question at suggestion po kayo, comment lang po kayo dito sa video.

@RichEmzReyes - 03.10.2019 10:41

gusto q toh matutunan, mag stay aq sau!
