Wrist Breaker? The Most Powerful Handgun In The World is the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum

Wrist Breaker? The Most Powerful Handgun In The World is the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum

JBJ Honez

2 года назад

434 Просмотров

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@mikemelrose5718 - 01.09.2023 01:58

Which 1 do you like the most?
Which would you choose if you could only keep 1?

@adamlong54 - 30.07.2022 04:40

When shooting big caliber hand guns there is a secret to it. I will share it with you.
1 hold gun firm but not overly tight. If your death griping it the recoil will make you very much wishing you never shot it. Hold it firm like a lady's hand at prom while dancing.
2 the Dirty Harry aim .
Aim a couple inches lower than where you want the bullet to hit let the gun do what it does and flow with it firmly holding it not overly trying to man handle it.
I learned this by myself and shared this with a few cops who shot my 44. The ones who listened enjoyed it and shot ok the ones who didn't listen cried it was too much and the recoil hurt them and wanted nothing to do with shooting it again. Firm and flow is the key to big caliber hand guns. It's a Canon if you try to control the Canon it will bite you. If you respect it and flow with it you will enjoy it and be successful in your shooting

@dirtbily7222 - 19.07.2022 15:32

When I come up your gonna have to let me put a couple through it. That thing looks awesome but a little scary as well.

@peachycheeks4394 - 18.07.2022 15:47

Pretty cool video. I didn’t see any flinching lol. Good shots. I hear all the cicadas. They get pretty loud like that here too. I like the added clapping at the end. Congratulations on your 2K🎉🎊🎉🎈

@jesseboutdoors - 17.07.2022 21:00

I’ve always wanted to fire one of these 👍

@GunSam - 17.07.2022 18:10

S&W knows what they are doing. They could have done a 3 shot K-frame, but for obvious reasons they made it they way they should have made it. I have shot an 8 3/8" .460 Mag and it had considerably less recoil than my model 69 with .44 Mag.

@wilburnmartin5706 - 17.07.2022 16:31

I LOVE your cap! The recoil didn't look as bad as I would have expected. Good video!
