Traceyhd's Review The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid

Traceyhd's Review The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid


9 лет назад

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@tubee103 - 07.06.2016 11:02

I recently received this deck but mine doesnt have the gold edges... :/

@angeltheitinerantlibrarian - 13.08.2017 01:15

It is a beautiful deck, and a favorite of mine. It is based on a book of hers, The Map, but I have not read it yet (have not found a copy). Still, they work just fine without having read the book. I tend to use my oracle cards combined with a Tarot deck. So far, this deck has worked well with the Gilded Tarot, and more recently the Steampunk Tarot (by Moore). Definitely a great little deck.

Thanks for the review. Paz y amor.

@VLoveCrystals - 11.12.2019 08:11

I have this one too. It's such a lovely deck with room for intuitive growth!

@Preteahumblegirl - 18.07.2020 10:23

I can’t wait to order this deck thank you for sharing ❤️
