How Soulweave Regen Works on Warlock Healer! (formula) Essence of Power vs Time! - Neverwinter

How Soulweave Regen Works on Warlock Healer! (formula) Essence of Power vs Time! - Neverwinter


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@scorpicora90 - 29.10.2023 17:49

Thank you for the useful info! I felt that regen was pretty slow, and was wandering how much impact each feat gives. Well, now I know - actually not much😂

@marshallodom1388 - 29.10.2023 14:50

Libre Office is a free version of Excell.

@pudelinocacalat2951 - 29.10.2023 04:44

Huge video! Just metahopped on a warlock (like many others) so this is a very interesting topic 🎉

@user-kv1ih9lf5e - 29.10.2023 02:57

Soulweavers are amazing right now. Nothing better than joining a mdwp group as tank with one. The shield is amazing, can get to about 50% of a dps hp and like 30-40% of a tanks. To make it even better, on last boss revitalize cleanses the poison, soul storm can keep you alive through axe phase forever pretty much, and they have great debuffs. Besides all that, it's so easy to cap stats with all the free bonuses they get allowing for them to put more stuff into forte. Imo it's the 2nd best healer in the game, 1st being bard, because they have so much in their kit, dmg reduction, tons of healing, shields, insanely fast regen, a good cleanse with a heal over time, debuff chest for a ton of extra dmg to the team and an encounter that gives the team dmg and dmg reduction. Poor clerics need a buff though, with the daily nerfs, they struggle hard and just don't do much at all in terms of team utility and their healing is weak in general.

@cedriccano3290 - 29.10.2023 01:46

My personal experience as a Cleric Devout :

* My ability score at the beggining was DEX / WIS -> suffered a lot from divinity starvation, so i change it to CHA / WIS and this improved my divinity regen notably.
* Stacked forte as much as i could, ring, mount insignia bonus, enchantment, neck/waist/arti bonus and found that divinity does regen faster but when outside of combat, in
combat divinity will regen depending how often you cast heal encounters (that use divinity), personally i believe the penalty to divinity regen should be fixed or lessen, because it does at
times become difficult to heal when the content is harder, or the latency of the game and player impacts the gameplay.
* Because i have recently been able to get gear pieces with OGH i've noticed a much stronger impact on my heals (dots), this is very important, critical strike and critical severity do have their
place, but like many content creators have suggested, focus on those last, first : Power -> OGH -> Crit Chance -> Crit Severity and as you gear up, get some forte, it will help, but stronger
heals (dots) help a lot more than faster weaker heals.

Having stated the above, i must say, i have made several mistakes that impacted my divinity regen and my ability to heal other players, specially in PUGS when the coordination between players is almost always out of the window, much more with inexperienced players (not at fault, we all start at some point) :

* Cast bastion on everyone every time they take damage, if you have casted HW before, let HW do it's job, DON'T PANIC and start casting Bastion almost immediately, use bastion on the
occasional DPS brain fart (which happens a lot :P ), or the TANK occasional unmitigated damage hit.
* Cast HW without buffs, this, i have done many times, read the game momentum and the position of everyone related to you, buff up your next heal and cast HW or bastion if needed.
* Get lazy, start using at wills to ramp up action points and have your daily ready, either Angel or HG for party wide damage, not after when you need it the most.
* Forget HW cd is 18 seconds, stay on point, keep track of the cd and always keep it on cd while in combat, also don't forget buffs (forger's, food, others).
* Get lazy again, don't forget there are other healing/combat/buff encounters at your disposal, use them, you got small shields, debuffs, damage encounters, use them, be a team player.

And last but not least, the healers mantra :

If the TANK dies, it's the healer's fault;
If the HEALER dies, it's the TANK'S fault;
If the DPS dies, it's their own dam fault !

cheers !

P.S. : as soon as i gear more my cleric i will start on my SW, will try the same.

@diddlysquat88 - 29.10.2023 00:15

Players demand a fix to this. On both Cleric and Warlock you cast a few heals and are already out of resources. It makes it a very slow and clunky playstyle when you stand there doing nothing. There is a teason why this game has a serious lack of healers.. It's just not fun classes to play!

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 29.10.2023 00:05

I missed the Cleric one. I'll have to check it out later.


@monokheros5373 - 28.10.2023 23:13

jerk wants to play DPS but is running 80k+ IL and doind speed runs with a Random generated group....
then the "tank" gets yelled at... the "healer" gets yelled at for not doing "thier jobs" when the Support COMBINED IL is not 75k

IF you run anything other then Wiz Rogue or Ranger and can not do the SUPPORT SIDE.... why are you complaining about Q times...
9 classes 8 can DPS of those only 3 are restricted to DPS and not allowed to Q in as Tank or Healer

every toon gets TWO LOADOUTS
if you time it correctly you can get FOUR LOADOUTS for "Free"

might wanna share that info

