How Netflix Lost Everything.

How Netflix Lost Everything.


1 год назад

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@DigitalSamTV - 30.01.2024 02:17

It's amazing how completely and utterly wrong this video is. Netflix is going so amazing, rocketing up the stock market.

@Galaxylord2 - 25.01.2024 22:42

This can also be said about amazon prime video putting in ads. Streaming has been killed with high price increases and the dreaded ads.
Back to cable. My dvr allows me to pause and ff through commercials. I cannot and will not do these damn ads.

@Crazyuncle1 - 20.01.2024 13:54

11 months later and Netflix is still here.

@courtanimation311 - 04.01.2024 03:38

One word….CUTIES

@user-lo6yo9yv3d - 30.12.2023 15:57

In a nutshell, Netflix caught a case of the Blockbuster.

@BenjaminM2804 - 19.11.2023 09:37

Living in Thailand I found the licensed movie selection lacking in depth, genre and comparison price point to competitors. I dropped them and won't go back and Netflix is the next extinct Blockbuster. Screw your customers with price increases without distinct value and this is what happens.

@Mr.plv767 - 15.11.2023 23:56

I love 8t

@Xerdar36 - 04.11.2023 21:45

Maybe blockbuster will make a comeback.. lol

@Hollowdude15 - 26.10.2023 07:01

Netflix really needs to change and great video man :]

@sirruf9618 - 24.10.2023 03:20

funny how this video got old very bad. let it be a lesson

@arminiusrache81 - 15.10.2023 19:57

Now 8 month later nothing has changed in being a customer of netflix. Nothing

@sherlove123 - 30.09.2023 11:19

I just recently canceled my Netflix because of password sharing which I will never understand why they do this or why they are allowing to track whose households whose

@alexbrezny6108 - 29.09.2023 11:09

I knew it was a red flag when you used the fake sounding story of reed returning a video to blockbuster late when it's really because Marc didn't want to get deported. They also were nerds who liked DVDs because at the time Netflix was founded it was this cool new tech from Japan. Personally I like the real story more because it's two tech nerds one of which had money.

@oldoneeye7516 - 07.09.2023 08:16

I am not saying, your arguments are invalid or wrong, in fact, the point I want to make is a complete, 100% subjective one. Where I live, 16 Dollars is the price of an "order in Pizza". Nevertheless I order in on avaergae once or twice a week. So the price of Netflix is no issue at all. The one and only reason why I cancelled Netflix after just 2 Months of subscription is their cancellation-policy. Pretty much everything i liked was cancelled after one season. This is stupid as fuck. Hell, every single Star Trek season 1 was garbage and it has become one of the biggest sci-fi franchises ever. Even more so, a show is cancelled if not enough people are binge watching it. What? I am a working guy with a 40 hours job + 48 hours on-call duty. I CAN NOT binge watch!
So, Netflix makes 0 sense for me, even if it would cost 1 Dollar only a year.

@dancook4993 - 04.09.2023 08:24

Greed they will never say we keep raising prices all study’s show people love paying more ,,,,,,get real dump them

@truthbsaid1600 - 28.08.2023 22:48

Just cancelled my long standing Netflix subscription. Fed up with the political indoctrination and sexual messaging plus the huge amount of "filler" movies from Indonesia, India, etc which are produced in those countries like sausages (I am sure they have better stuff) Switched to Tubi which has commercials but they are shortened versions and not too frequent. The selection of movies is truly vast and it is FREE

@markus9877 - 23.08.2023 19:08

So much garbage so glad got Disney they have at least good old school movie and tv series like lost, Prison Break, die hard, face of and much more ❤ netflix can go fuck em self and there shitty movies and series orginal my ass

@Wilk111 - 09.08.2023 19:20

Good riddance

@MasterMayhem78 - 31.07.2023 07:00

When streaming services become just TV with commercials I’ll be glad I’ve amassed a nice collection of physical media.

@romainletellier5794 - 23.07.2023 23:03

Dammit midjourney was terrible 5 months ago...

@sierragillotte5407 - 20.07.2023 18:36

All they need to do is start making better content again and stop cramming crappy foreign stuff and reality trash in our faces.

@dmitripogosian5084 - 20.07.2023 09:11

The problem is that streaming services become compartmentalized, you need to subscribe to several too have some coverage, at the total cost that starts exceeding what cable was. So as the result offerings of each particular service are now limited, there is little cross-licensing, what was the core of Netflix success when it was the only game in town. In some time, the industry may produce consolidator, again, the role cable played.

@glassofmilk3474 - 18.07.2023 23:45

Disney+ is 10 times better than Netflix, even their exclusives are better and don't create a cult of people wearing a PlayStation controller button mask.

@tulkas2142 - 18.07.2023 08:13

They banned the account sharing they where praising at the beginning, so we quit.

@MrCaiobrz - 17.07.2023 21:46

What a load of crap. Even with data from early 2023, they were NOT on a dive. They were at peak revenue, peak subscribers and stable content spending. Nearly 6 months on from this obviously non-researched video, Netflix is recouping the subscribers and revenue from their CORRECT decision to cut off PIRATES of password and is back in ascension, while it is actually DISNEY+ that is cancelling their contents, shelving plans and losing subscribers, and it was all clear as day to see on any Business research (google "Netflix Revenue and Usage Statistics"). Do your research, crappy channel.

@svenabend360 - 17.07.2023 14:37

Garbage content lol. The stock price is now $450, so clearly their decisions have been good.

@whatwhat9519 - 15.07.2023 20:41

Wow has another decade already passed?

@kenn781 - 14.07.2023 17:19

For me their downfall is lack of content. There is literally nothing good to watch

@saantii - 14.07.2023 17:19

And their stocks are now up… just shows how garbage your content is!

@shadoninja - 13.07.2023 07:31

As of today, Netflix stock is up 150% over the past year.

@gandalfwiz20007 - 12.07.2023 20:35

They steal money and privacy, they make everything gay and black. They deserse to lose

@davek9412 - 12.07.2023 08:52

Now do one on: "How this video lost my interest"
5 mins in and it is still telling pre 2010 story.

@costcojohn - 09.07.2023 03:40

This video doesn’t really tell us anything. I think Netflix is doing just fine. I don’t see them filing bankruptcy in the foreseeable future.

@Razalghul777 - 08.07.2023 22:22

Once they green lit Cleo Patra that DOO Doo JAda Pinkett show it was over

@KyrosQuickfist - 08.07.2023 12:02

Is it possible that by now, basically everyone has watched everything? And people were just bored? At that point, almost everything hinged on the new original series'. Then mix that with how aggressively politicized everything became. Entertainment was supposed to be an escape from politics, but here we are having it thrown in our faces constantly.

@lycanthrophy616 - 08.07.2023 09:58

My netflix shares seem to be doing just fine.

@coinmba - 08.07.2023 09:00

I don’t pay for nothing, piracy and ilegal streaming is the future

@theshadow7201 - 07.07.2023 10:38

Another reason is that account sharing now requires the users to live in the same household.

@ragimund5502 - 07.07.2023 02:27

memento mori

@n4n1damn - 06.07.2023 14:19

Netflix's logic: "Our product isn't selling so we'll increase the price."

Big brain move right there.

@Nahan_Boker94 - 06.07.2023 11:12

Netflix downfall is they are the most expensive (in my country), their pettiness to sharing account and maximum devices, utter garbage original show/movies mostly, and others such as Disney, Paramount, HBO, WB, etc. / make their own streaming service and make every movies/series they have streamed there exclusively. The only saving for Netflix in my country is K-Drama/Variety Show that also rivaled with Viu & Disney Hotstar. The worst is they now adding ads to a expensive paid services, so whats different than regular cables then? So its matter of time their decline is imminent.

@ladislavsieber - 06.07.2023 10:14

So true Netflix is garbage now 🥴

@dennistims2604 - 06.07.2023 07:40

When Netflix started giving out corporate welfare to non creators like politicians from the Obama administration and even the Obamas themselves, the quality of the product took a nose dive IMO.

@MahdiKnicks - 05.07.2023 20:13

They must hired some blockbuster executives 😂

@drivingduck2234 - 05.07.2023 13:00

I still trust in netflix, they full fill my desires for media consumption much better than Disney+ (its joke quality wise) and Amazon Prime That is inconsitente as hell.
For now i am loyal to netflix and there is still a lot i want to see

@SaltyMaud - 05.07.2023 04:25

Netflix has done all sort of weird moves over the years, but the main thing that's killing netflix for me, or rather the entire video streaming service industry as a whole is the fragmentation due to new competition. Competition isn't always good for the consumer when instead of paying for one video streaming service I now have to pay for half a dozen, and still half the time I can't find what I want to watch on any of them.
