Session 1 - Pt 1 Jack Frost - Experiencing the Father's Embrace

Session 1 - Pt 1 Jack Frost - Experiencing the Father's Embrace

Pure Passion Media

13 лет назад

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@HaileeWilkinson - 22.09.2012 15:37

He too directed me here. I was a blubbering mess from 12 minutes and cried the whole way through. I have tried to stay "strong" for so long & although I am SOOOO sensitive to other peoples pain I do not acknowledge my own pain. This is just what we need.

@catchyadreams - 19.02.2013 06:32

Hey David, It's so good that Jack's teaching lives on. Thanks for posting. He is an amazing teacher second to none.

@Osuguy54 - 10.02.2014 11:12


@susiewelchman8658 - 24.06.2016 12:43

Such a amazing testamony! Xxxx

@manichairdo6346 - 17.12.2016 14:41

Wow. Pain seeks pleasure/comfort...........

@joshuafrost8653 - 07.05.2017 09:55

Love watching these old videos of my dad. Thanks for posting

@cliffallen7879 - 20.06.2017 07:20

hi this is Cliff allen- I just love watching that preach and his old videos expecially parents and the father's healing love that is such awesome teaching I have been reading the book for over a couple years but I have turned my back completely on God but they're losing my wife so I was very angry at him so I fell into some bad stuff that I used to do a long time ago and now I have renewed my valves with you for forgiveness for turning my back on him and how God is feeling me with experiencing the father's healing love each time I read it I could feel like the love of Christ pouring through my veins in my heart feels like it's going to explode and I just get overwhelmed with all the compassion in the real God has for me emailing me with his love and now he has continue filling me with his love and I just love reading the book I just could feel the love gif going deeper into a new keeper level specially with the woman I just met God has me to Sharon with her of the father's telling love when we're not together the law of Christ just overwhelms me that the love I have for my fiance is such a awesome thing to have he has sent me a very beautiful angel for me in her to spend the rest of our lives together and also God has given me in my fiance such a deep love we both read the book every day 2 times a day I just feel the love of Christ going deeper and deeper taking us into a deeper level and I just pray for my fiance how things work out right for her and me she is the best one that I have ever met in my life occurs when she is from God to me that is such a beautiful thing I love her with all my heart I would never disrespect her or I unconditional love in the guppy Love Of Christ in the mother Heart Of God it sucks too powerful in the heart of God is very strong and powerful he just continues to pour his love into a bowl ideas so overwhelming sometimes I cannot even stop crying spend 9 days now since I have stopped crying and it continues to go on every day you very much Jeff Ross for writing that book of experiencing the father's healing of and I think child placement Ministry I think Sarah her husband they are so awesome Lord continue to bless them and everything they do you very much cliff allen-

@eugenerichter - 25.07.2017 10:01

Thank you.

@juliavank2484 - 31.10.2017 17:59

This is so needed to hear.

@richardbilodeau807 - 19.03.2018 01:02

A very impressive and well described transparent witness to the reality of our hearts longing to be loved, and how evil we become without Gods love.

@craigprentice4648 - 04.10.2018 08:58

I recently completed the entire course, and it changed my life completely, from a suicidal drug addicted, broken person, into a new creation in Jesus Christ. You have to watch it.

@robertleo7486 - 27.04.2020 17:37

Just found this man, my son sent me the link, wasn't sure why initially. Now I know.

@Su_aSponte - 04.09.2020 09:24

felt such joy from his humor and spirit when i saw him and just couldn’t stop weeping. came looking for him because i wanted to remember what happened inside me when i came to jesus. god bless him. i hope he’s praying for us from heaven. i know he’s having a blast there

@daynehaworth9258 - 10.10.2020 10:39

I love the way Jack tells a story... So gifted ❤️👏👏

Cant wait to watch part 2. Please pray for me. I am in crisis and desperately need God's love to find me in my weakness

@ArickECA - 29.10.2020 22:44

Goodness is there anyone that had a better happy voice than Jack?

@blake1194 - 03.12.2020 07:27

Sounds like Billy Graham when he preaches.
