How To Write Scripts with ChatGPT (Easy Step by Step Guide for Beginners)

How To Write Scripts with ChatGPT (Easy Step by Step Guide for Beginners)

Olympia Independent Pictures

1 год назад

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@legacylee - 21.01.2024 10:12

I've been writing a screenplay for a mini series I've been wanting to create for a while now. It's based on New England urban legends. It's already an ambitious project for someone who came from performing music to jumping into filmmaking. I found myself using AI to help with the process where I can and if it makes sense to use it. I found myself pretty much feeding all of my ideas for the story, the characters, the locations, the urban legends and historical events i'm weaving into the story. I ended up giving it as much detail about my characters and their motivations, the locations, and the dynamics of the group of characters as well as the protagonists. So, I basically am telling it the story and having it help me piece together a script based on everything I've told it. At times it did forget certain key points or character details and I had to steer it back. I'm hearing this new version of AI LLM that learns from a reward system will be much better at retaining important information. As long as the AI knows the story as I tell it, i feel it will really help with the script writing and the dialogue. The more details I give it about the character(s), the better it understands and therefor I get back some pretty decent results with very usable dialogue. The more info and ideas you give it, the better and richer the story gets. It lets me focus on world building and fleshing out characters, giving them different motivations and perspectives in the show as well as more compelling story arcs because it knows so much about my characters and how they react to different situation or the choices the make. I'm using AI for all sorts of things, being a musical minded person, I can work with the AI to create something new, not just let the AI create the music for me. Been testing out creating image models of my friends in tools like photomaker (using the huggingface version), it allows you to create a model for that person with only 1 image but obviously the more images the better. I was able to create consistent characters of my friends with this tool and then run it inside of Pika to animate them, and with runway's motion brushes you can have even more control of the scenes. I'm waiting for someone to finally develop a high quality img to 3D model, this way I can rig it and animate it inside of Blender or Unreal opening up even more amazing possibilities. Fusing AI with 3D as well as live action, sure it's a tall order... but someone's gotta do try lol I'd like to see you get more in depth with the use cases for AI in writing a rich screenplay. This video was great intro to the tech, but I'm willing to bet if you give it more creative input from your end, you'd be able to fire up a crazy script. Droppin' a sub, I'd like to see more of your work and check out the content. Thank you for the video, def will help folks out there just getting into or interested in these types of tools. I'll see ya around!

@bs6938 - 16.01.2024 06:45

OIP, I don't need Chat gpt for ideas. I have plenty that I have thought through and outlined. My problem is I dont have much free time. I would like to use chat gpt as an editor. I have completed a television pilot using Final Draft, and I have some questions that I hope you can answer for me.

1. Can I copy and paste my completed TV pilot in parts from a pdf form into chat gpt and use prompts like, "please correct any spelling errors, proper use of parentheses, proper use of syntaxes, proper formatting for a professional pilot script etc" 

Plus any other prompts like those.

Could I use chat gpt as a second editor with Final Draft being the first editor.

2. If the above scenario is doable, then how do I get chat gpts edited version of my tv pilot script back into Final Draft or into a pdf form for submitting and posting to the Hollywood types and contests.

This would save me the time I'm sorely needing.
Thanks for any help you can provide me.


@shanequastunningbrave5376 - 14.11.2023 00:57

Will copyright and ownership of ideas be a problem down the track?

@allamerican2728 - 06.11.2023 05:26

This is great, but it's so blurry that it's hard to read.

@shreyanshtripathi4300 - 10.10.2023 09:33

I'm 17teen still i want to a film🎬 please help

@SkylineChronicles - 03.10.2023 04:27

Hey man thanks. I have to say I have watched many videos on this topic and none where of any help. But then I found your video and it works great man thanks so much for your video.

@willgates6620 - 21.09.2023 16:05

i tried to create a synopsis for a script i wrote a few years ago, but when i put it (script) in chatgpt4 it says content is too long. Is there a way around this?

@AllanRochez - 05.09.2023 07:30

This is soooooo busted haha

@isaacbarlow8247 - 21.08.2023 03:56

I've been written with this program for a few days now. It really helpfull , can i ask question, if we use this is this cheating or is it a tool?

@chrismachabee3128 - 01.08.2023 15:49

Really great instruction on screenplay creation. You teach it well. I've seen some others teach it OK, but the hooks weren't there. You were so concise and moderate in the presentation you honestly make it look easy. We know it is not, but I appreciate your method. I shall begin to practice your way. So, I will sub and look forward to more of your presentations. Thank you.

@Musiclandsuite - 15.07.2023 10:40

This is awesome thank you!

@donnaconsiglio6766 - 10.07.2023 19:36

Thank you, this is exactly what I needed to get a first draft, as I have never written a screenplay before.

@fawdept - 02.07.2023 22:37

nah bro thats a L

@abysmalvsmarcus - 27.06.2023 08:36

I tell it to use bulletpoint outlines using my own synapse

@CastlesForEyes - 25.06.2023 15:00

Been experimenting with this today, seeing what it can do with some old short scripts I wrote years ago. Really surprising some of the things it comes up with, especially when it gives you an angle you never even considered that fits perfectly. It's like having a writing partner who is smarter than you and very very agreeable to YOUR ideas 😅. I'm loving it.

@FuzzyWuzzaBer - 19.06.2023 05:32

The word I think you were looking for was SYNOPSIS. Synapses are the connections in the brain, and it's common. I hate to bring this up, but it was kind of distracting to hear it when I am trying to absorb otherwise awesome content.

@venrakkhita - 29.05.2023 15:26

it's synOpsis... not synapsis... those are nerve endings in the brain.. just saying

@animeman8668 - 17.05.2023 18:10

Can you please say what is the name od script writing app

@murraysaucedo897 - 03.05.2023 18:46

My experience using chatgpt is that it is quite dumb actually. It can do bits and pieces and basically a screenplay scene the equivalent of a single page. But if you go too complex it’ll go haywire. Like for example it’s been helpful when I’ve input short snippets of random ideas I have in my notes and it can help develop those ideas for me some have been really good about things I would’ve otherwise never followed thru with. But for example I asked him to write an indie screenplay for a character study film then gave as input the equivalent of two full pages worth of a Word document and it basically came back with a story that had nothing to do with it like it completely ignored everything I said. Just my two cents

@yyatharthh - 29.04.2023 17:17

Would you please tell us the name of screwnplay writing app?

@daballingercompanyvideos2522 - 25.04.2023 09:47

Can;t see what you are doing and this was a complete wast of time.

@ommm8 - 20.04.2023 21:17

I haven't tried ChatGPT yet, but it looks pretty amazing. How do you "bring it" into your screenwriting application , just copy and paste ? Thanks. Also, can you ask it to write a detailed treatmewnt based on your ideas and plot points ?

@jchang28 - 19.04.2023 19:15

What if I have a text that I need to convert into a script? Please improve the sound of your video.

@chrishanson1968 - 13.04.2023 16:03

Great video. What if you already pretty much have the story, characters, etc mostly flushed out and you just want help with structure and finishing the screenplay? I am totally new to screenwriting as well as using any kind of AI. Do you put everything into the prompt and then ask it to convert it into screenplay or Save the Cat format? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

@agehaynes7620 - 13.04.2023 02:30

can chatgpt work on already formatting scripts?

@robertruffo2134 - 13.03.2023 01:51

A good screenplay has true human insight. This badly emulates a terrible hack.

@MePeterNicholls - 08.03.2023 07:16

I love priming chatgpt to make sure it knows what I expect of it and what it should do and how etc. I’ve developed some script outlines and that I’ve been mulling in for years, using chatgpt has finally got me to solidify and start working in these.

I like getting it to not only suggest, but to prompt and ask questions, and then treat it as a Co-writer collaborator.

A priming example is, “You are scriptwriter specialising in features for uk television. Let us start by exploring a basic premise for a script idea. If there is anything you are unsure about what I’m asking or telling you throughout, you will ask questions to clarify. “

@ThatsJustMyBabyDaddy - 05.03.2023 20:05

I think you mean to say synopsis, not synapses. ❤️

@CaliMeatWagon - 02.03.2023 18:01

If you "Regenerate Response" it will create a new response, but your old one will be saved. Just click up next the pfp for Chat GTP on that comment and there should be arrows and page numbers.

@milestrombley1466 - 25.02.2023 22:52

Writing a script and turning it into a novel is also a faster way to create a novel in chatgpt. You have to write the script longer to get the right word count for your book and change the narrative into a suitable style you want too.

@alhyde1269 - 25.02.2023 16:02

Let's say I have the story written in novelette form. Is it possible to upload it into ChatGPT and have the AI write a screenplay based on it?

@markkrishnan9173 - 23.02.2023 21:21

So the writer's department will be terminated?

@noahg9567 - 21.02.2023 09:34

I just met my new best friend.

@ikealamp53 - 20.02.2023 11:06

I like how the shark actually attacks the group on the beach and follows them to their car. hahaha. But seriously, Chatgpt doesn't really know how to write screenplay format (yet). It gives both camera directions and actor directions, the two biggest nono's in screenwriting. Professional screenplay readers won't make it past page 2 or 3 before binning the screenplay and starting on a new one. That said, I fear the day, the big production companies come up with their own version of screenwriting AI software set to industry standards. It will still need a human touch but then it will be done by a script doctor/prompt engineer. Anyway. The video was helpful. Thx.

@page_rage - 13.02.2023 23:52

You can also type "continue" and it will resume what you were doing.

@EricFullerton - 13.02.2023 19:51

I love the Save the Cat structure idea. I also like to further refine the story with this: "Using the Dan Harmon story circle, write me 8 beats of drama that tell this story from beginning to end."

@MrcakeEZ567 - 12.02.2023 18:01

what script software u use?

@mwm33333 - 11.02.2023 21:03

Could I ever hire you to consult with?

@mktlateshow8704 - 09.02.2023 03:50

Fascinating info. But unfortunately it is banned in our area and i used vpn still no help. Any suggestions for substitute?

@NineVoltDigitalCinema - 20.12.2022 07:22

I’m actually very interested to learn more about Slugline. I bought the app a while ago, but never really figured out how to use it. So, I end up writing my scripts in the Notes app.
