Laravel 8: Squash Migrations into SQL File

Laravel 8: Squash Migrations into SQL File

Laravel Daily

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@tannercampbell - 15.12.2020 09:26

Does it order your tables with foreign keys dependencies correctly?

@laltu-das - 15.12.2020 10:09

Sir, Can you upload the Laravel Breeze multi auth video?

@kupapopol1980 - 15.12.2020 13:40

Sir, Can QGIS map can embed on Laravel. Because our project is Web Based GIS and I plan to use laravel to create a website. Thank you sir

@justanickname8960 - 15.12.2020 15:07

Or you can just put your migration files in subfolders. Then use it with php artisan migrate --path=/pathto/migration/subfolder

@mhmdomer - 15.12.2020 16:40

Does that mean it won't work when testing with phpunit using in-memory sqlite database ?

@anwardote - 15.12.2020 17:09

Does it not weird that the migrations folder goes disappeared?

Actually, I would like to keep the migrations folder while my project is still in development

@pkbissyer7751 - 15.12.2020 19:05

Single database Multi tenancy in laravel 7 my error on screen is class' app/models/post' not found
How to solve this sir

@Mongolians - 15.12.2020 19:38

Hello mr Povilas.
Can you make it reverse? i have sql tables to rebuild migration :)

@mojizze - 15.12.2020 23:40

It doesn't say in the docs that it supports SQL server

@Wisquimas - 16.12.2020 17:58

Is There is an option or property to prevent that a migration file gets deleted using this feature?

@An_Najib - 16.12.2020 18:15

can you please explain how and when use Access Token, APi Key, Personal Access Token, Authorize Code. And how to access APi from SPA or from Ajax/Axios. And how securely save token or APi Key

@dnlgrz91 - 17.12.2020 12:20

Is it possibile to revert migrations back from the squashed sql file in case I need to edit a migration?

@guilhermemoraes4055 - 28.12.2020 22:42

Why would anyone thumbs down on this? This is so useful

@snowballeugene - 01.01.2021 21:01

Is there a way to restore the file based migrations from the scema dump file?

@brokersadda-tv - 01.06.2021 06:28

HI. Excellent videos. I have a query. I have a database with old data and ned to import few tables from this database to my Laravel 8 project database. I can easily import tables in phpmyadmin. But then how will I get migration files and model files for these tables ? Is it mandatory to have migration files for all tables ?

@brokersadda-tv - 01.06.2021 10:24

Also a small query. What if I want to change/modify an existing table ? What is the best way to do it ?

@shuvadeepchakraborty8639 - 16.02.2022 13:10

sir how about seeding the records will happen with this squashed schema. please enlighten.

@DavideDelNista - 07.07.2022 15:42

Hi, can I Ask one thing: I make schema dump from online db for generate a copy in local environment, this db have tables imported from other db and tables generated from Laravel or other packages. On line i make artisan migrate:fresh and the db drop and recreate all tables (Laravel native and not), but if I try in local environment the migration generate only few tables not all. It seems that generate only tables from old migration before :prune command. Where I can find the command for include also the schema.dump instructions?

@utchas - 28.08.2022 14:52

is there any way to generate migration files from mysql dump?

@nomanalisiraj8217 - 06.10.2022 20:48

lets consider a scenario
i have a db file with name db.sql where structure of db is there.
now i just want that
with single migration i should to able to create whole db structure

@fiberart-k3o - 23.11.2023 11:29

what a nice concise explanation
