Rabbits vs Sheep

Rabbits vs Sheep

Jorma Tikka

1 десятилетие назад

13,241 Просмотров

Rabbits Vs Sheep rules:

Each critter you kill will spawn 2 critters at the enemy side. If your side has 300 critters or everybody in your team dies, you lose the round. Each player controls a hero and you get gold by killing critters.
You can spend gold to upgrade your team's critters, boost them with damage, life steal, attack speed or health regeneration aura and you can buy items for the hero.

Each match has multiple rounds (example: 5) and this video is showing the last round we played. The hero i used can be slightly unfair if you manage to use it right (and the enemy doesn't know how to stop you), so i guess i was partly lucky.


#Rabbits #Vs #Sheep #Warcraft #TFT #The #frozen #throne #custom #map #blizzard #battlenet #Jormaz
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