The Saki Sanobashi Research Iceberg Explained

The Saki Sanobashi Research Iceberg Explained


2 года назад

4,821 Просмотров

Today's video after a long winded break is my first take into the Iceberg side of Youtube, this Iceberg I found when watching Dantavius' video on Internet Mysteries and came upon an Iceberg for the lost anime Go for a Punch or Saki Sanobahshi. I hope you enjoy my first iceberg video as this took me a couple days to make and enjoy!
^ Link to the iceberg incase you wanna follow along or wanna see it for yourself


#iceberg #saki_sanobashi #go_for_a_punch #saki_sanobashi_go_for_a_punch #iceberg_explained #iceberg_chart #iceberg_video #lost_media #saki_sanobashitsu #anime #explained #lost_anime #lost_media_wiki #lost_media_iceberg #explanation #explanation_by_an_idiot #commentary #narration #samurai #minecraft #mine #craft
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@SLAVKINGRED - 02.12.2023 18:58

if only he still posted.

@ItsGryphon - 27.08.2023 18:51

I always hope that this anime get found, even if it doesn't have definitive proof of existence.

@chokichocat3083 - 11.12.2022 08:21

oh shit. crazy someone actually did a video for an iceberg. some corrections on my part: Team Saki was never a search team, it was a team created by me who sole purpose was to create our own version of Saki Sanobashi as what it could have been. i was the main director of the Team who lead and is still leading the project. theres even a video on my channel that kinda goes through the beginnings of Team Saki (still working on a part 2 of the series but idk if i'll ever release it) and the corpse husband trolling might refer to something i did once on the discord. i have a very convincing imitation of corpse husband's voice so i took a video of Corpse playing among us with streamers and added a voice over where he says he knows where Saki is and people deadass fell for it and thought corpse actually knew something. Also sakism is a philosophical way of thinking then more a cult. its a belief that every human has 6 different outlooks in life and to lean too much on one will lead you to a fatal demise similar to the girls in the bathroom who relied too much on one way of thinking. Sakism's entire belief system is based on the Team Saki version of the story Saki Sanobashi. also FUCK GORDONISTS SAKIST 4 LYFE!!!

EDIT: the "stfu ily" thing is Juanelizabeth's (yourou) catchpharase towards me and a few others. usually when disagreeing with them.

@lidkasplus - 29.10.2022 17:23

A bit late but I'll explain some things that werent fully explained. Stfu ily is just a gag from one of the researchers. Wiki griefing attempt was from one of the people who kept being a dickhead on the server, when I banned him for that he ended up editing the wiki and writing insults directed at me. Team Saki was related only to the team whos making a recreation. "Kudo, Lidkas and Maximov are the only researchers left" got me pretty nostalgic, by my username you can probably tell why

@deiciderose - 11.08.2022 15:28

One of my favorite things about this is that even if this isn’t real, the concept very much is. From what I understand, there was a big guro anime community back in the day, so even if “go for a punch” isn’t real, there’s gotta be something like it. And, even better, there are people trying remake it. Very cool!

@arisumego - 10.08.2022 11:18

im not sure why anyone bought into sakiOP thread. do you people have any idea how easy it is to modify exif data, let alone shop the date on the photo?

@CEOofBerserk - 04.08.2022 10:20

I really am interested in this situation and Want to research and find out if this is real or fake

@dieyng - 02.08.2022 07:08

This was just horrible. Lazy, not properly researched, and you spoke with the conviction of a Milquetoast.
And even though it was just twice, your mispronunciation of the term "hime" was nerve-grinding.

@antarcticite472 - 01.08.2022 14:46

I think i have left a comment here before, but thanks for the video. It was very interesting, though I wish there was more info. I was extremely active as a spectator in 2020, so I witnessed a lot of these go down live. Official Saki Sanobashi subreddit got memed to death with shocking content and Nikocado Avocado OF content. There was a lot of drama, like one discord server getting raided and shutting down, some other leak which claimed the name was actually something something 蛇口 aka tap on Japanese. Now there is just ChokiChocat left as a part of Team Saki aka the people who wanted to animate Saki, a new remake upcoming with voice acting and a barely active Saki San no Bashitsu subreddit. I think there was also a lead including a Chinese (?) Game called something along the lines of daughter neglect. Saki community is dead so far, but thank you for the iceberg.

@LaukkuPaukku - 27.07.2022 11:15

"Hime" is two syllables, it's pronounced "he-meh" not "haym".

@piquant_pretext7630 - 25.07.2022 17:21

Maybe saki sanobashi is in the edge of the universe that's why we can't find it.

@kittenmittenkitten - 20.07.2022 05:54

The Exterminating Angel and No Exit are references to the film and play of the same names. The Exterminating Angel is 1962 film about a group of dinner party guests who find they cannot leave their dining room. For Weeks. Many of them commit, err unalive. No Exit is a play by Sartre. Two women and a man are trapped in a small room, slowly driving eachother insane until they realize they are in fact in hell. You can see the simularities here, though who knows if they were an influence on the anime or hoaxer.

@gregcain1468 - 19.07.2022 12:48


@hopea.theoriginal6648 - 19.07.2022 07:30

Contents good more energy please :)

@chorispierrot9646 - 18.07.2022 20:38

Looking forward for more icebergs in the future

@chorispierrot9646 - 18.07.2022 20:38

very helpful!! Thank you so much for providing more info! :))

@twom5592 - 18.07.2022 10:58


@Mercuryreal - 18.07.2022 08:00

we will watch your career with great interest
