Sorted Food

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@GirishManjunathMusic - 04.06.2024 16:52

you know what would have rocketed mike's dish to the win, on second viewing? tartare between the tomato and the portabello.

@TetraFlash - 04.06.2024 03:23

Jamie holding that like a baby is the reason I keep coming back to these videos, Jamie ... don't EVER change, you are beautiful

@littlehills739 - 03.06.2024 08:23

vegans trying so hard to ride of meat eaters
plant based chicken
mushroom stake -- are they that inept at coming up with a genuine unique non meat word for there own food

@justynak5279 - 31.05.2024 13:34

my favourite part of this episode is Jamie constantly laughing like a madman

@rishianand7566 - 28.05.2024 18:55

twice now in steak battles, mike doesn't cook a steak lol

@andymair7992 - 23.05.2024 19:26

Jamie for the win! It was a steak battle, he had steak in his! 😃

@42moosejaw89 - 21.05.2024 20:44

Best video you’ve ever done, savage

@no-ys3sj - 20.05.2024 12:03

Who drew the concepts for the dishes?

@twinkle7389 - 20.05.2024 07:01

I love that Jamie knew that raddish is also called Mooli🥹 I'm not sure if that was intentional or I'm just reading into it

@NGTheDoom - 19.05.2024 18:52

the AI generations on this look really bad, you're better off just not using it at all

@ethancampbell215 - 19.05.2024 11:16

This probably could’ve been one of the most difficult battles to judge for Ebbers 😂 Mike didn’t serve a steak in a steak battle, but Jamie’s steak was underwhelming in the dish 😂

@merlion6613 - 17.05.2024 14:03

I love Mike’s courage, creativity and commitment; but I would like a steak for a steak battle please❤

@albertoroche9831 - 16.05.2024 18:53

This video was one of the ones that confirmed that IF THEY NEEDED TO give the sous chef role to anyone, it's really only a battle between Mike and Barry. Jaime, I love you and your recipes are the closest to what I love to eat but dang you gotta step away from the pickles and steak lmao

@stalelemonproduction - 15.05.2024 18:55

Hey sorted, could you say something to the people upset about the ai art you're using to show what the guys are thinking in the description?

I think the hand drawn ideas looked so much better and had more of a personal flair.

@bloodwolfblacktree - 07.05.2024 19:37

I genuinely think that if Jamie just made steak spring rolls, he immediately would have won, but because of the pork floss, sausage, blood pudding, etc, steak was about 5% of the roll (more than mike's, but hey we live and learn)

@icypalace2919 - 07.05.2024 00:36

People who are furious at Sorted for, purportedly, using AI art are really missing the forest for the trees. Instead of obsessing over symptoms, it'll be more worthwhile to direct our attention to the root cause - the lack of preparedness and adaptability in a changing technological and social landscape.

Going around villifying individuals who are using Generative AI on a small scale to make their lives a little more convenient is a futile exercise. It's like how some "urbanists" love to blame car drivers for city sprawl and bad public transport instead of working to foster political will against irresponsible city planning. Or, instead of getting involved into their local politics, working to spread awareness and galvanizing civil society to put pressure on governments to institute more welfare measures and improve social security, people will just sit at their keyboards, push all the blame for socio-economic inequities and weak economic mobility onto private property and personal wealth and call for communist revolutions with zero appreciation for the fact that oppressive and authoritarian structures are indispensable if a communist society is to last. What's happening in all these instances is akin to trying to fight an epidemic by killing the infected instead of attacking the infection.

AI is not the enemy. This is not the first time that technological progress threatens to be disruptive and creates the potential for economic upheaval. This time is not unlike when we built machines to till the soil, draw water, grind our grain, move heavy loads, make clothes, do our calculations and even, build themselves. Each technological leap has brought about big changes in labour and income patterns and came fraught with employment anxieties for many people. And yet, once we got over the tough transition phase and reached a new equilibrium, technological growth, has more often than not, made an improved standard of living accessible to more people than before.

What we need to understand, as people who hold the power to shape the society we will live in tomorrow, is that technological progress is desirable. However, we need to make the transition phase as painless as possible.

The solution is not, therefore, to hunt down every single person who relies on AI for some tasks instead of paying a human to do it, and name and shame them. Instead, what we need to do is to create political awareness about the social and economic consequences of a rapid and reckless transition and lobby our governments to provide adequate safety nets for people who may become displaced during this new phase of automation and to institute measures to help them remain viable in a shifting market.

Also, what we need is to bind the tech industry within ethical frameworks to ensure that their products and procedures do not threaten the health, safety and fundamental rights of people. We need to regulate tech the way we have done with medicine, manufacturing, transport networks and other industries. There needs to legislation and administrative infrastructure to ensure that products of the tech industry must meet certain ethical standards and prove themselves to not be in violation of human interests, before they are allowed to enter the market.

These are the areas where the discourse needs to be focused on, both in politics and in civil society, instead of wasting time with self-righteous witch-hunts against individuals exploring the possibilities of a new technology. A lot of academic work is also needed across multiple disciplines like law, economics, sociology, political science, computer science as well as philosophy to help us build a knowledge base that can inform both responsible public opinion as well as effective legislation.

If you really want to do something, think about how you can contribute as a citizen as well as a student/professional to building responsive and resilient systems that can address the social, economic or environmental challenges of AI integration. Moral grandstanding achieves nothing and often does more harm than good. Even if you and I made a personal choice to steer clear of generative AI, it wouldn't make much difference. It's about as effective in the grand scheme of things as giving up meat or plastic straws is for climate change and sustainability. On top of that, if we also went about bullying people for not going vegan or choosing a single use plastic over a more sustainable alternative or asking AI to draw them a picture, then we are the ones who are being selfish and inconsiderate.

@TheRamblingBean - 03.05.2024 21:21

Really enjoyed the cooking battle but I cannot like a video that uses AI art

@moldybread5733 - 02.05.2024 11:49

everything mike did this video would have been an excellent accompaniment for an actual steak

@sintorlion - 02.05.2024 10:37

they look good, the mushroom dish is something I'd like to eat

@samfisher6606 - 29.04.2024 04:52

You do a tomato steak and then add beef stock. What was even the point?

@aussiecountry9320 - 29.04.2024 04:38

I love all of Jamies mad scientist giggling when his creation some how some way works 🤣

@LethalPigeon7 - 26.04.2024 03:13

I guess I respect the challenge for challenge's sake but what's the use case for making a meat-free steak if there's chicken stock?

@juanarenz9251 - 20.04.2024 20:29

the illustrations of the dishes - is that AI? I need to know... BBeautiful

@richmondvand147 - 13.04.2024 12:16

LOL Kush playing the role of kitchen gremlin is something I didn t know I wanted

@achimsinn6189 - 13.04.2024 10:36

A steakbattle where nobody prepped a steak.. I had to doublecheck if this was added on april 1st.

@panimala - 12.04.2024 22:26

Please don't use midjourney slop, its just so cheap looking

@deawallach3404 - 12.04.2024 09:06

Agree with the others about thr foid pictures.. ditch them.

@ukrockhit - 11.04.2024 00:00

What is that black pudding!?!?!

@MultiDan112 - 09.04.2024 19:18

I wish he’d stop calling them spring rolls, he’s basing it off a summer roll

@Aikano9 - 06.04.2024 19:10

AI looked great, idk why so many people claim they hate it.
That monstrosity Jamie created also looks incredible

@salimcahuas1412 - 06.04.2024 08:11

God, I hope they do not continue using AI to make pictures of the dishes, it's so... eugh.

@sharayalee3376 - 02.04.2024 22:36

Just came to say Mike’s plating was really very beautiful

@TheLoneRayven - 02.04.2024 20:20

The AI art is shifting the tone of your videos a bit. I don't think its necessarily for the better, but it feels off brand for Sorted. Just pointing it out as a longtime fan who works with brands. 😅

@kristeneL - 29.03.2024 14:37

Mike's dish actually looks pretty good.

@illu191 - 29.03.2024 13:33

Here's a theme idea, stuffed foods

@destorer5000 - 29.03.2024 01:57

Mike's kinda looked like a vegan/vegetarian burger without the bun...

Emphasis on LOOKS

@rereertege7571 - 28.03.2024 12:05

I like the ai art, its fun to see what ai thinks the dish would look like. Maybe you could even do a challenge of getting as close as possible to a picture of an ai generated dish, i feel like that would be funny since ai art can often be a bit unrealistic and weird lol

@stecky87 - 26.03.2024 06:03

Kush's disappointment when Jamie didn't feed him the steak!

@maryg5913 - 26.03.2024 01:55

The pure joy Jamie is having cooking steak makes me giddy.

@m0rtalitas - 25.03.2024 23:38

no ai ‘art’ thanks boys

@danielkristen-thomas4637 - 25.03.2024 22:25

Please stop using AI images in your content guys

@indieemil - 22.03.2024 02:39

Jamies giggling and pure happiness here is nothing short of amazing 😂

@GeekMoiSiTuPeux - 21.03.2024 04:37

Tbh if i ask a steak and they gave me the Mike steak... i'll be soooo mad!

@daylemullaney8164 - 20.03.2024 22:30

Omg. Mike saying “what am I going to do with this? What am I going to do with this?” Is letting his inner Janice out😂😂😂

@ExtraTerrestrialDust - 20.03.2024 19:35

The laughing. The LAUGHING! 😂

@sharonsealey8425 - 18.03.2024 23:21

Does anyone else think kush is the creator of chaos 😂😂

@herbsandlemons - 18.03.2024 02:52

I 'd love to try the burrito without the pate. I have no idea why he would add that when he had such a lovely steak.

@Jenqh - 17.03.2024 12:45

unironically i need the complete recipe for jamie's dish.

@Certari - 17.03.2024 04:40

Poor Ben….

@akino15 - 17.03.2024 03:25

I think what Jamie did is a travesti... but on a steak battle, he wins by default. Mike didn't use a steak in any part of what he did.
