Shocking Truth About AI, Immortality, Civil War, Elon Musk & Simulation Theory | Peter Diamandis

Shocking Truth About AI, Immortality, Civil War, Elon Musk & Simulation Theory | Peter Diamandis

Tom Bilyeu

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@Baleur - 19.12.2023 16:13

With all due respect, and i'm sure this will be a brilliant conversation with two great minds, but before the 1 minute mark i'm already detecting incredibly common misconceptions in what Peter just said.
"Immortality comes when we can scan your brain and upload you to the cloud".
This is kindergarten logic, without thinking deeper about what the identity of "you" really is, and how your subjective first person experience arises.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, and i myself am a huge proponent of technological revolutions and transhumanist cybernetic enhancements.
But you will NEVER be able to EXPERIENCE life as an uploaded mind in the cloud, or in a fully synthetic body.
The "you", the first person identity and experience of "you", sitting there reading this right now, will never escape your brain.
You MAY be able to, in Warhammer 40k style, wrap your brain fully in synthetic frames and life-support systems to give you essentially superhuman strength, AI chip intelligence and memory enhancements, and being able to withstand enormously harsh environments and even the void of space.
But those life-support systems internal to the shell, must ALWAYS continue feeding your fleshy organic brain with nutrients and oxygen.

You will NEVER "wake up" as a synthetic simulated awareness fully in silicon (or quantum computing).
Why not?
Because the very "you" that is experiencing reading this right now, is intrinsically tied to your organic brain.
We can't "cut and paste" your awareness into the computer. The best we could do is COPY and paste.
That's what is meant when they say "scan your brain and upload you to the cloud".
You scan your neural pathways, connections and currently active cells, then write an artificial COPY of that pattern to the synthetic computer.

It's a COPY that will awaken in the machine and think "wow, i'm alive, it worked, i'm myself! i remember everything!".
Meanwhile, the ORGANIC you will still be there outside the machine, thinking "it didnt work, i'm still here."
Unless they decide to scrap your organic brain right after the copying is completed, of course.
At which point, RIP to you, glory to the newly awakened copy..

The point is, the continous awake awareness and identity of "You" reading this, will NEVER wake up in a synthetic chip, unless your brain is carried over, physically.
The only way to even hypothetically scan and upload a mind, is through COPYING.
You could hypothetically say, lets destroy every neuron we scan, the moment we scan it, but at that point you're still just killing your organic self, until the synthetic version wakes up.
"You" reading this wont ever wake up as the synthetic version.

Because "you" cant be transferred, "you" cant be moved.
You can only be copied. And then killed so there's only one of you left.
So when people eagerly run to the streets clamoring for uploading their brain to the cloud, i just sit back and marvel at the self-destructive ignorance.
They're literally, literally, begging for their own suicide. Because THEY will never experience the new synthetic copy's first person experience.

Though, if you personally feel that is a sacrifice worth it, so be it.
If you truly are willing to give up your own life, so that a synthetic copy of you can live on forever.
I admire that courage. Me, i would never choose it.

@nnaenae - 19.12.2023 15:00

This man is obviously very smart and has very interesting and cool ideas. But the way that he constantly cuts off Tom is infuriating. Why can’t he just let him finish a question or a thought without interrupting him?

@noewindmuller465 - 19.12.2023 13:53

The food, pharma and healthcare industries are such a scam.

@SlentzStrength - 19.12.2023 10:18

For anyone that may know is life force the book that peter is talking about where he breaks down things like exercise, sleep, nutrition ect or is it a different one? Thanks

@generalshakewell - 19.12.2023 10:05

As soon as some tool says you can upload your brain to the cloud, they lose ALL credibility. If you upload your brain to the cloud while you are still alive, the "brain" in the cloud isn't you therefore, the idea of uploading your brain to the cloud to live forever is utter nonsense.

@clevinjack1129 - 19.12.2023 09:54

Goddard from Nickelodeon's Jimmy Neutron is an AI personality coming to a lifetime near you.

@belleofthecamp6530 - 19.12.2023 07:21

Ok was def intrigued all the way up to the existential philosophical hypotheticals…then it got super cool! I Love this interview.
Ps: it’s a dream within a dream within a dream (and so on).

@pattyrosales-rasband4048 - 19.12.2023 02:25

Peter, all Sounds good but the people who would like to take care will need also Money... and we go back to the poor will die faster and the rich will have a chance to live longer... INEQUALITY....

@jjw5165 - 19.12.2023 02:01

No, there are no gaps in space to fall through, because if you go to the smaller model of physics, you do not have particals in space but interacting waves and fields in the either. No gaps to fall through for big items made of molecules.

@SoundsLikeOdie - 19.12.2023 01:45

I'd like to change my simulation package settings to a world with less suffering. Thabk you.



@merodobson - 19.12.2023 01:07

Stephen Wolfram, Rule 30.

@nalnal9759 - 18.12.2023 22:58

The beginning of this interview feels like an old Adult Swim sketch

@walkonearthofficial - 18.12.2023 22:44

Imagine when fertility window is increased; girls be 58 like “ I’m tired of the games.” 😂

@LaserGuidedLoogie - 18.12.2023 22:21

Yeah, this is bullshit.
Tweaking our supplements and "health lifestyle," isn't going to move the needle on aging. Diamandis is more interested in shilling his company than he is in pushing anything uselful.

@aidanthompson5053 - 18.12.2023 21:55

Don’t do it again

@criticalthinking42 - 18.12.2023 21:48

Great show. I find this guests optimism to be a little unrealistic. We see very clearly how this type of technocracy and medical tyranny has already been rolled out in real time. I will happily die the average human I have always been. No interest in merging with a machine. But what are they not telling us. What if we already have access to all this, we just have never been taught how to access these characteristics.

@voteloonydotcom - 18.12.2023 21:12

Peter D. is one of the few people that are close to being 'on it' ... He's probably a couple of years behind the envelope, which could equate to a millenium in today's real Ai terms. Humanity is currently going through the process of 'the singularity' and nobody can even perceive what this is; despite their experiencing of it. This demonstrates how screwed we are, completely and demonstrably unaware of our own environment. Humanity requires a mass evolution of mind to address the future. Don't hold your breath; we're all left with nothing but hope... in humanity 🤞

@mr.pritchard67 - 18.12.2023 20:05

I keep thinking that once we have incorporated AI more, we will unlock exactly how the ancient people designed the things we still see left over from them.

@kayleighkannthewisher - 18.12.2023 18:59

I feel like even if AI can create something, humans will still feel the pull to do so. That’s purpose.

@xavierrecio7274 - 18.12.2023 18:04

I have watched hours and hours or podcasts and interviews, this by far is one of or THE best one I have ever watched. definitely an eye opener.

@angelcandelaria6728 - 18.12.2023 17:58

Its harder to have hope, when new things keep coming out.
We need a few decades of “no advancement”. People worship advancement more the god or anything now.

Let people sit still and silent.
Let then learn and build and grow

@angelcandelaria6728 - 18.12.2023 17:56

“Technology “
Is very different to everyone.

What some people call “technical advancement” killed and ruined my life.

Then some other things called “technology” helped my life.

Currently “technology” is a barrier for the wealthy to control the poor.

Technology is now the business.
It is no longer an art.

Techne was the word for art AND technology. Before it became what it is now.

Technology is now just stocks.
Every time the little man gets something its “old already” .

Technology has not helped most of the people in their life. Technically it has robbed them of their real life.

We have a lot of people trying to learn and fight to get up only to keep having to “learn the next thing”
Its a hamster wheel now

@kayleighkannthewisher - 18.12.2023 17:49

Unfortunately the average people do not have the $ to spend on testing and vaccines to find these issues in our bodies. It sucks that this is how our world works.

@justinrudolph7232 - 18.12.2023 16:59

we need time stamps for when tom starts and stops speaking so we can skip it

@robinchambers6748 - 18.12.2023 15:58

This is not going to work out the way you think Peter. You said it yourself: What's the motivation once you are passively managed, better than you can manage yourself - exercised, socialised, sexualised, intellectualised with ever geater intensity by an intelligence far greater than you can imagine? We should be going the other way, experiencing more out of the simple natural peasures we already have. Watching a sunset is not the same as a sunset screensaver on your PC. We should be expanding those moments. Otherwise it's just Wall-E on steroids, no real will at all.

@PhysiKarlz - 18.12.2023 14:37

The shocking clickbait.

@YanErikDecorde - 18.12.2023 13:58

Thanks for having Peter on your show !

@maffef4089 - 18.12.2023 11:06

Wil AGI help with hair cloning?

@Xab7903 - 18.12.2023 10:49

Low tech solution, if you live in the US, move to Spain, or Australia, for example you'll gain (statistically) 8 years more.

@thieverytree - 18.12.2023 08:45

"edit our hardware" "edit our software"
yea.... at some point you need to admit you've left the atmosphere and are floating in coocoo land jo. this bloke is beyond optimistic and what he proposes no sane person actually should want: to get uploaded into the cloud... fack no...

@svatekzprahy - 18.12.2023 08:27

You know what's also intriguing - tech industry has been doing everything in their power for decades to lengthen this runway to AIG as much as possible to maximize profit within each stage of technological development.

@leewilliams9158 - 18.12.2023 08:15

Take more drugs again, so the drug companies get richer selling new tablets. Take this take that and you will live longer.😂

@svatekzprahy - 18.12.2023 08:09

All of existence already is sentient. We are just in the process of discovering and are experiencing the evolution of our mentality through this discovery.

@markdownton3185 - 18.12.2023 07:39

Lol...hits you with the God complex from minute one.
It must have escaped his attention that US life expectancy is actually going backwards.

@remannhall9457 - 18.12.2023 07:35

I dont see how anyone could think that anything discussed here is good and be optimistic about the future? Where are they going to get the energy for this over abundance of consumption? How much of that contributes to global warming when there is 8 billion people in the world?

@x2leon263 - 18.12.2023 07:23

Wow, this episode is amazing, right up my ally, I loved it so much I listened to every second of it, opens up into talking about my favorite question. And the guy said exactly what I also think will have to happen in order for us to become Immortal. Sounds like a bunch of Transhumanist pipe dreams I know but I think there truly is a way and super intelligent ai thousands of times smarter than the smartest human will find the way. I'm also exited for the point Peter made about AI teachers. Imagine there isn't a teacher for a class of 30 but a teacher for just you and everyone gets one and its the best teacher in the world. That's why AI is so important, people think we are getting more stupid because of social media and while that is true, ai will counter that but to do this the people who are making and running how this ai works is more important than the ai itself. It's like that old saying, it's often not the tools at fault but the people who use them.

@amandahauns960 - 18.12.2023 05:30

where will the biological data be stored? I know that Illumnia was looking to at DNA but I was unclear on what the source of that DNA would be

@amandahauns960 - 18.12.2023 05:27

I am glad to hear about quantum computig too I only hear about it in my grad program

@explorerendeavour3009 - 18.12.2023 04:32

Definitely we need longer health span

@jeffsilverberg5848 - 18.12.2023 03:31

Fascinating topic and one that makes no sense for anyone. It's just a bad idea to try to outlive each other. The last man standing doesn't necessarily WIN! He just agonizes in agony and extasy or maybe fantasy.

@angelofamillionyears4599 - 18.12.2023 03:25

Thanks TOm. Please condense to 15 minutes to increase subscribers.

@GoboBox - 18.12.2023 02:45

Sounds like a lot of BS.

@DaysOfFunder - 18.12.2023 01:58

What solves human greed, Though. That is the root problem rhat stands in the way of great abundance for all.

@darinthesecularspiritualist - 18.12.2023 01:46

our dna is coded for us to live 120 years max. im cool with that

@lisabalabas2305 - 18.12.2023 01:38

Can the earth sustain us? I, for one, do not want to live that long.

@InfluentialCoach - 18.12.2023 01:36

He pushes the Vax and creates them. Can't he see the shot only made people worse after. So many people I know who have taken the shot are sick all the time now.
