Underrated Winx season 2 moments

Underrated Winx season 2 moments

Lisa Fevral

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@arlenblooms841 - 25.01.2025 16:41

season 2 is the best season for me, season 1 introduce us to the characters season 3 gave us a great storyline. but season 2 did both.

@majomist - 25.01.2025 16:55

Riven was better off with Darcy anyways

@igorraposo7428 - 25.01.2025 18:03

u look so pretty here omg!

@totallynotmarcie - 25.01.2025 18:09

everyone shut up, my show is on

@ceeford9919 - 25.01.2025 19:17

In my opinion the scenes with Jared made was downright awful. Not only because of the implications that he had been stalking Musa and taking photos but the fact the creators tried to play it off like it was cute and that Musa never found out about it. However, what makes Jared creepier to me is that in the 4kids dub. Instead of the photos being candid, they were photos Riven had of Musa. And Jared just stole one when he came into Riven's room unannounced and couldn't find him.

And tbh when it comes to Riven telling Jared about Musa. I don't know if Riven even knew Jared had a crush on her. Mainly since Jared did ask about her. And I highly doubt he'd tell Jared about her if he knew about the candid photos.

@Iustful - 25.01.2025 20:58


@selena_swan - 25.01.2025 21:41

I love your background, its so real✝

@jojakargbo1959 - 25.01.2025 21:58

Ok, but Bloom saying you want me to drop him just like Tecna did? Is so unhinged but so hilarious

@seungfactory - 26.01.2025 01:08

In the german dub, stella calls princess amentia a slut lol

@Gamerpercy456 - 26.01.2025 01:35

I’m just laughing thinking of the idea of “underrated Winx season 7 moments”

@hellbyshortcake1321 - 26.01.2025 01:53

in my opinion season 2 was absolutely the best era of the winx. Each character had such personality which made me appreciate this season even more.

@weikat569 - 26.01.2025 02:45

Amazing how the time passes, it is 3 years already since the deep dive when I found the channel, it was like yesterday...

@symwinter - 26.01.2025 10:14

I love season two but it was mainly because Flora is my favourite character and she got a boyfriend this season.

Edit to add that I also watched the four kids dub which was wild in its own right, but I wanna give special mention to one of my favourite lines in that dub from Darkar when the winx and specialists arrive in Realix: “this is ridiculous. This isn’t some kind of prep school mixer.”

And an honourable mention to when Sky shows up to break Bloom out of the spell and Darkar asks if Sky’s here to ask Bloom to prom.

@Idjirina - 26.01.2025 16:44

the amount of icons in the back is so russian of you 😭😭 anyway the second season is SO underrated, I've seen people saying that it's absolutely useless and shouldn't exist....character development is non heard off nowadays I guess...

@mariagaleno5054 - 27.01.2025 02:39

I can’t believe nobody has mentioned this but your earrings!!!! Absolutely gorgeous they shine in the camera like in a really pretty almost drawn cartoon way? Idk how to explain I love them

@ohw5306 - 27.01.2025 12:56


@crisub7968 - 27.01.2025 13:42

I would’ve liked if musa specifically wouldn’t have used charmix while they were in the caverns and used lover level spells because her powers were literally making thins collapse

@mladenzrnic2669 - 27.01.2025 14:44

Мон понна, Winx сериаллэн со сезонэз уг дунъяськы, со огшоры гинэ тунсыко.

@sugarpearl9781 - 27.01.2025 21:43

Riven very much gave limp wrist he did not like Musa 😂

@AprileXXIII - 28.01.2025 04:28

When I was younger I didn't realize how good and beautiful season 2 was, but now that I'm older...omg what an amazing season! Absolutely stunning just as season 1 and season 3😍 Maybe it's a bit "simpler" than the other two seasons, cause it has more "daily life moments" instead of adventures or battles, but this is exactly what makes it so beautiful and enjoyable.
In the 1st season we met the Winx and now with the 2nd one we could dive into their lives and get to know them better with their personal struggles, fears, hopes and dreams. It's something that we don't usually get to see in kid's shows and I'm so glad Rainbow did that. It made us love the Winx even more.

Personally I think that one of the most underrated moments is when Musa and Aisha share their hobbies with each other, and Aisha teaches Musa the "rain dance" and then Musa uses it to defeat Stormy. It's a very beautiful representation of their friendship and also a very nice demostration of how friends can enrich you.
The same can be said about the Winx' convergency moments: we see how hard it is for them to learn to combine their powers, cause being friends is not enough, they have to know and undersand themselves and each other really well at the same time. So when we see their convergence spell to escape from the simulation room it's such an amazing and satisfying moment.
Unity is stregth and at the same time everyone is important and has its own part to play. That's what Winx taught us. A message that I believe should be underlined more.

(Sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language😅)

@rhettmitchell - 28.01.2025 05:18

Lisa thank you for continuing to feed us Winx fans, we luuuuh you 🫶🏼😤

@edavorfi - 28.01.2025 15:12

my favorite season!! so underrated

@marinabutenko1534 - 28.01.2025 18:54

loved the orthodox образы on the background <3

@soleyaastra7099 - 29.01.2025 16:40

I so love men in slutty outfits 🥺

@levitorating - 31.01.2025 18:15

stella and brandon are so couple goals😭

@kiaraosorio1903 - 31.01.2025 23:36

Oddly enough I was rewatching season 2 the other day and one scene stuck out to me on rewatch. I think it’s season 2 episode 15 where musa is singing at the concert and stormy crashes and is about to hurt musas dad so Musa starts asking the crowd to sing along with her. Everyone thinks she’s crazy and even Stella and bloom are confused but then riven starts screaming and running around the audience telling everyone to do what musa says and eventually they start singing as well. Riven and musa are a mess so it’s easy to forget they have had some really great moments. It’s honestly one of my favorite winx club couple moments just because of how blindly riven follows musas instructions even though I’m not even sure he knows what she intends to do but the fact that she says to do it is enough for him to rally everyone around her. It was one of the few moments I was like oh damn he really does like her.

@xDyxe - 01.02.2025 22:14

i'm so ready for more idby things!! i have no spending money rn lol but i will enjoy with my eyeballs

@martinleclairvoyant - 02.02.2025 11:52

Yes, Season 2 is that girl! 💖🙏🏻💖 The plot is important, of course, Darkar, the Codex, good be evil, however, I really like to see the Winx going out and about just like normal teenagers: talking about boys, homework, chilling out, working on their friendship and enjoying their personal goals. I especially loved the friendship between Aisha and Musa and Flora and Aisha, also that Flora was the one comforting Tecna the most, while she dealt with Timmy and her feelings towards him. I would loved to see Bloom engaging more in her art, this would be the perfect season for Stella to discover her calling and passion towards Haute Couture etcetera. In the newer season they literally became a hive mind: the same goals and Bloom being the main focus. We only had a glimpse of her hobbies and individual goals in “Word of Winx”, thank goodness! Also Bloom becoming the lead singer from S4, in lieu of Musa, onwards is a major crime!
Thank you for the wonderful video! 💖🙏🏻💖

@qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq54 - 02.02.2025 19:44

so lisa can come and get her tajiki on

@ziah5640 - 04.02.2025 02:29

I spend so much time waiting for ugh as if episodes i lowkey forgot the main channel existed

@Nameless_mixes - 05.02.2025 19:14

I feel like everyone goes through a very similar journey. We grow up loving seasons 1 and 3 as kids. Those become most people’s favorite seasons. But the older you get, the more you grow to appreciate the character development of season 2. It may not have the fight scenes of season 1 or the fast pace of season 3. And the stakes overall feel lower since Darkar doesn’t get directly involved aside from the first episode and the finale. So, it’s understandable why kids won’t gravitate to the season as much. But then we mature as audiences and realize just how impactful so many of these season 2 moments are!

@Nameless_mixes - 05.02.2025 19:25

I started seeing theories that Riven was a closeted gay man and felt forced to be with a girl because that was what was expected. And look at his squad. Sky, Brandon, and Timmy all basically had girl friends. And Musa’s basically a tomboy. So, that was probably the closest thing to what he actually liked.

Tbh, I can totally buy it. Winx has always had hidden messages of LGBTQ+ support. Mirta is trans-coded, Palladium and Avalon are a couple in my head canon, etc lol

@LORDKunzite3 - 05.02.2025 20:14

I love your winx videos. Season 2 is actually pretty underrated because darkar is a bit....meh. I would love to see a Deep Dive on World of Winx pretty please

@kato6196 - 06.02.2025 07:25

s2 was always my favorite!! I love how character driven it was. and I remember laughing my ASS off at the scenes of the trix in "jail"

@midoriya-shonen - 06.02.2025 18:41

I always glossed over season 2 as a kid cause Dark Bloom was upsetting to me, so I always like to hear about the moments I missed now as an adult. Thanks for this!

@lini6422 - 07.02.2025 23:55

god i love the slice of life moments in winx sm!! i think my favorite that i think about constantly would be the ones where they are chilling in the magix city specifically that one moment in season 3 when they’re in their little rainy day outfits and…. getting stalked by nabu

@seana_momsen - 17.02.2025 15:42

Dementia LMAO. S2 was such a gem as it introduced Layla (4Kids SUPREMACY) but the pixies pissed me off lol. Hate Charmix but loved dark Bloom. S1 is amazing but S3 is GOLDEN. It has my heart. Baltor is phenomenal and the fact that the 4Kids voice actor captured it so well, UGHHHH. 4Kids voice actors are the best. So magical and perfect.

@dariavasilenko7429 - 20.02.2025 22:00


@maya-p4h - 21.02.2025 15:36

im living for the lisa fevral winx videos!

@depressed_muffin_7537 - 25.02.2025 19:51

yourewhatswrongmagicwinx always in my heart

@themindofnd - 02.03.2025 01:13

Leaving a comment to help fix the algorithm and save you from the dudebros

@ohw5306 - 02.03.2025 03:36

Here again for engagement. Want to help with the algorithm 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@evoloxe - 02.03.2025 17:41

Season 2 is so nostalgic for me omg

@RanaKatana - 03.03.2025 08:16

Your Winx deep dive video got me to your channel and now I’ve been a full Stan and will be forever be❤❤❤

@dummysalami - 04.03.2025 12:14

Omg this makes me realize how much love was put into this show...

@n.a.7040 - 05.03.2025 00:07

Winx ftw

@sanjose6010 - 11.03.2025 16:47

Это православные иконы на заднике ? 🤓

@Darth_Bateman - 14.03.2025 16:45

Hey, if it works for Raphael it works for me.

Also, Musa could get it.
