the rise of stealth wealth and quiet luxury  (a study of style)

the rise of stealth wealth and quiet luxury (a study of style)


1 год назад

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Nicole B
Nicole B - 27.09.2023 21:05

I liked the way you covered fashion over the decades but I was pretty disappointed when you insinuated that “black” fashion is all logos and is tacky. The original Americans were “black” people (not Native Americans) and they wore furs, leather, pearls, emeralds, rubies, diamonds and gold all the time because they had kingdoms and empires here before they were destroyed by the Europeans. They were elegant and tasteful. The original kings and queens of Europe were “black” people and they also wore furs, diamonds, tiaras, silks, cashmeres, etc. The original royalty of Asia and Africa were “black” people and they also wore furs, tiaras, diamonds, sapphires, silks, etc. So all these old money “white” people, who only got their wealth by stealing it from others are copying the original people! The irony in trying to disassociate from them now is mind boggling.

Sophia Erling
Sophia Erling - 27.09.2023 11:33

Quiet luxury has become so popular that now all the brands offer the same boring clothes, but cheap and that you can really see that is low quality. There is more than expensive clothing to quiet luxury and this is why it is so difficult to achieve the perfect look and actually look rich; it is more about being classy and perfect in all circumstances. It is about attitude, the movements of your body while walking or speaking; it is about looking fresh with perfect teeth, nails and skin. It is the "no make up" make up style. It is one very simple jewel, one bag. It is about the seat you book on the airplane or the car that is parked in front of your home. It is about what you eat and where you eat. The real rich people do not pay attention to what the others will think about their looks and anyway they want to have time for other things. They prefer to invest in good quality simple clothing and accessories that can be used in all circumstances:: a shirt chosen to go at the beach or another day to a fancy restaurant can be the same.

sunsetkizz1 - 26.09.2023 22:50

These terms were new to me but I def can jump on board with the quiet lux as it’s really just about buying classic staple pieces that work well with one another. It’s the way Europeans dress since they usually don’t have built in closets.

Shepard Smith
Shepard Smith - 26.09.2023 14:34

I wouldn't get caught up with all this talk about old money and new money and wealth in general. People that talk about it, are generally vacuous.

Genevieve M
Genevieve M - 26.09.2023 06:36

Too ******

Genevieve M
Genevieve M - 26.09.2023 06:33

She has a *** wish.

Connie Conway
Connie Conway - 19.09.2023 16:45

I think I am more primitive. Wealth or lack thereof does not have to limit or define beauty snd style

Terri J Davis
Terri J Davis - 18.09.2023 03:47

This was so well done and interesting and honest, specially some of the racist undertones of the style. Very enjoyable to watch!

Lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipse - 17.09.2023 11:03

Ok but i like this classic look and all but it became so oversatursted in 2023 i like really wanna look the opposite now. Old Money shirt from shein isnt gonna last long tho…

Mia Testarossa
Mia Testarossa - 13.09.2023 17:48

I like the historical perspective of this video - fashion throughout the ages. In the end though, I am left with the same conclusion... Fashion = consumerism... Fashion = NOTHING new, what was "old" is "new" again... This all is absolutely nothing new. Minimalists throughout the ages have been preaching quality over quantity for FOREVER. You can also see this aesthetic throughout the years in the "French" fashion industry and literature - where quality and fewer pieces are emphasized over quantity. Fashion = a "front". People are trying to "look rich" instead of ACTUALLY being rich. Wouldn't it be fun is people forsook trying to keep up the latest and greatest fashion trends and SAVED their money so they could not be in debt and actually be rich? Actually AFFORD to have quality pieces that are timeless and will last them decades - because we all know those pieces are going to stay in fashion and be all the rage soon anyway... Meantime, they could be comfortable in their own skin without the constant worry of how they will pay the TRILLIONS in credit card debt Americans have and they could travel and do things that truly, real rich people do. While I did really enjoy this video, it just literally brought to the forefront everything that is wrong with trying to emulate the "stealth wealth" and "quiet luxury" aesthetics instead of showing people being responsible and wearing those pieces because they saved their money and didn't jump on every bandwagon - they could be truly rich and not needing a dumb aesthetic to feel good about themselves... My 2 cents.

Nahla-Iman Amani
Nahla-Iman Amani - 12.09.2023 22:40

i actually prefer this style of dressing... for years now.....the name isn't important i just like the clean look

Adam Duxbury
Adam Duxbury - 12.09.2023 13:07

The stylist form Netflix “The Watcher” deserves a HUGE award!! 💛

John Roberts
John Roberts - 12.09.2023 06:43

Gilded ages tend to end in French revolutions.

Dinesh K
Dinesh K - 31.08.2023 11:51

Please don't use this group it's fake West of my money am very angry

Amairha Styles
Amairha Styles - 28.08.2023 17:14

I like this trend tbh

MagicknightrayearthHope - 27.08.2023 06:17

I love all these looks and this style, these outfits are so gorgeous, so much style inspiration from this video! That being said wow never realized the racist undertones of the distaste for new money

JC S - 24.08.2023 22:28

Wealthy, Rich, New and Old Money, there is a 'vast' difference between them all. To explain the difference in simple terms would be to say... 'Loud and Quite'. The 'Unannounced' and 'The Announced'. Very much like 'Lifestyle'. in relation to wealth. Some 'live' it, and some 'portray' it.
We see the latter all around us, always ensuring to 'be seen' in the trendiest places and locations (even on social media!). But rarely see the former, because with their 'inherited' style and class they are 'never so announced'.

Sandra Ankenbrand
Sandra Ankenbrand - 21.08.2023 18:53

I just always did invest in classic, no logo luxury pieces... some serve me over 20yrs already. Just like one slogan says: your own initials are enough!
same with simple living - we relocate often between countries/continents, even though it's paid for by the company we never rented huge villas/properties instead smaller places/appartements with all luxury/services included (best beds, gym, pool, cleaning service) - we move with 12 Suitcases/Boxes for 2 including sterling cutlery from grandma etc. So its also there more quality over quantity...

Yammy - 18.08.2023 05:28

Jesus Christ loves you and died for your sins to be forgiven, if you seek Him you will find Him. He will give you eternal life and peace and you can walk in light! Read the Bible in the book or John or Luke and see Jesus's life and His love for you!!

morpheuslaughing - 16.08.2023 00:32

Rich people do not like to hear this, but class issues are the root of just about every social problem we are facing today. Its disturbing watching average joe influencers turn into wealthy materialistic boomers in real time and just become the next gen of rich ppl to oppress

Mia Terego
Mia Terego - 13.08.2023 19:21

I love the way you explain stuff

Bella Lugosi
Bella Lugosi - 05.08.2023 20:16

Really. Dressing down is racist now, yes?!! 🤦‍♀️

HINDUSTANI TADKA - 24.07.2023 07:33


LostMoonRaider - 21.07.2023 06:03

Isn’t it oh so ironic now the Vanderbilts are considered old money?! Oh the wonders of time…

Andie Fernandez
Andie Fernandez - 20.07.2023 16:55

I have inadvertently veered into the quiet luxury aesthetic simply because i like to mix and match neutrals and like items that last a long time as im hard on my clothes. And i love fashion but keeping with trends is too time consuming

Kalavati Koluragi
Kalavati Koluragi - 20.07.2023 15:19


Cynthia Butler
Cynthia Butler - 18.07.2023 09:18

Jane and Surge what a moving and emotional love song Je t’aime - moi non plus is. I cry with with all my heart at hearing these words. Jane you are one I’ll never forget.❤❤

Joy Ross
Joy Ross - 13.07.2023 19:28

This is fucking ridiculous, and the author's insistence that minimal style = raicial prejudice IS racist. Why is it that she assumes that black people are so monolithic that they MUST wear loud and tacky logos?! I personally am friends with many POC that find this generalizing demeanor as incredibly ignorant. Whote people can (and do) wear loud, ostentatious items to signify new money. And POC can (and do) tailor their look in a classic and polished way. To assume that dressing minimalistic is prejudicial puts POC in an unnecessary box and paints them as automatic victims.

Maureen Damge
Maureen Damge - 13.07.2023 16:12

Why do you have Markle? She is not an old money haller!!!!!! She is a wanna be

Maelwael - 12.07.2023 13:33

Quiet luxury is good quality, bought to use for years, natural materials and no showing off. Better buy 1 expensive item than 10 cheap things. Good for the environment and your wallet. Don’t buy to impress others, buy to enjoy the material,design or anything you like about it.

A.S.M - 11.07.2023 17:17

Everything is a projection of racism and to some extent classism to Americans, its honestly laughable.

ksen333 - 10.07.2023 09:15

Looks like stealth wealth is not for me, I HATE beige. oh well

Jan Marchand
Jan Marchand - 05.07.2023 02:18

I didn't know my way of dressing had a name, and that it was quiet wealth. I've just always been attracted to a more streamlined, subdued wardrobe. I'm the same way with my jewelry, and I grew up in the eighties, so I know I stuck out! It's never let me down in any social gathering.

DeeDee Porter
DeeDee Porter - 04.07.2023 22:24

From a young age my mom taught me to invest in classic styles that will be fashionable for years. Once you have your classic basics you can add in trendy items, without spending a lot to update your wardrobe. This will allow you to save money that you would have spent trying to keep up with every fade.

Krystal Gomez
Krystal Gomez - 01.07.2023 11:44

I am just gonna quietly take notes

Alex James
Alex James - 30.06.2023 19:02

This video was interesting, and does well summarising the development of this fashion trend from a very american perspective. However I feel it misses a lot of context and deeper meaning by not including the way that American fashion trends mirrored european fashion, and followed a similar course to the way that this developed in Europe but over a shirter time period. European wealth have been dressing like this for decades, and followed a similar trajectory to get there (minus some specific fashion trends).

It could also have provided some interesting parallels and ironies for example the fact that most american rich families that are seen now or in the past as old money, would have been and probably in some circles would still be, new money within the context of european wealthy families.

Lisa Elevate DJ
Lisa Elevate DJ - 30.06.2023 18:17

I real enjoyed watching this really thorough essay on this topic, it was so informative and pleasant to watch, although I do wish you had included what movies and TV shows your clips were from, there were a few I didn't recognise but would like to watch.

Rajeev Kumar
Rajeev Kumar - 30.06.2023 12:59

Frouds don't do any activity

Jyoti Ninawe
Jyoti Ninawe - 30.06.2023 12:12


Kendall - 30.06.2023 03:13

such a cool video thank you for explaining it so well!

Nele Demeulemeester
Nele Demeulemeester - 29.06.2023 23:52

Let's call it was it is : boring

afqafq - 27.06.2023 20:08

I have a pitch for you for a video or a video series: Fashion analysis of each generation. Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, Silent Gen, Greatest Gen.

Questions to explore in the video(s):
1. In a profile of each generation, what was going on in the world that influenced their fashion? What were they reacting to? Economy, social movements, domestic or geopolitics, music, Hollywood, etc. Technology advancements influencing their fashion?
2. When does a generation have the biggest influence in fashion in their lives? Teens? 20’s? Older?
3. Why do teens often influence fashion so much? Do teens really have that much consumer power (compared to people in their 20s+) or is it just that we culturally are obsessed with “the youth” and whatever is the youth are into everyone else follows? Has this changed at all over time - ie. was Gen X the first generation to have greater consumer power than the generation older than them?

Again, you could do one big video or a profile video on each generation! I think you would do an awesome job on a video series like this!

Pam at Sea Mist
Pam at Sea Mist - 26.06.2023 02:37

the music is quite distracting

american woman
american woman - 22.06.2023 04:39

Bravissimo. Loved the ending credits, hilarious. What was the name of the Lindsey Duncan Historical film clip?

Funmi Ajayi
Funmi Ajayi - 19.06.2023 18:40

The thing about"old money families" is that they were once poor.
