Zoosk Review real honest blunt review of Zoosk

Zoosk Review real honest blunt review of Zoosk


9 лет назад

6,422 Просмотров

Why Zoosk is utter shit

1. only paid members can read messages.
2. only paid memebers can respond to messages.
3. search results can't be filtered by who has actually logged in lately
4. even paid members are restricted to 100 messages/winks per day
5. as near as I can tell, it is well programmed to eliminate any reference to outside contact systems
6. search has a geographical limit of 160km yet somehow I got viewed by girls from other countries
7. the website tells you people "want to chat with you" but the webiste doesn't have a chat option and neither does the phone app. In order to "CHAT" you have to download a piece of shit PC prog that force auto starts every time you boot up, can't be turned off, and isn't even a proper instant messaging system anyway it's just an
alternate way to received SNS.
9. The whole thing is a cluster fuck
10. No other paid dating site has ever failed so badly before


#Zoosk #dating #online_dating #internet_dating #review #rant #angry #derp #blumpkin #matt_damon
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J C - 14.07.2022 08:22

Finally some honesty.... Thank You

Bullmastiffs Rule
Bullmastiffs Rule - 17.05.2020 03:56

Don’t do it! Especially if you are a single guy. Waste of $$$.

Rhani & Rajah
Rhani & Rajah - 08.01.2020 01:05

Any think called zoosk is probly gonna be shit

Private Private
Private Private - 28.11.2019 21:17

A gripe I have with Zoosk, is that scrolling means viewing. So, even if I’m not viewing a guy’s profile, he thinks I am. I’ve had a few guys say, “Hey, you keep looking. Why don’t you say something?” I have to explain to them, that I was merely scrolling past their profile, not viewing it, hadn’t clicked on it and good luck in their search.

On any dating site, one of the things that make me think that a profile is fake, is sometimes when the person doesn’t even seem to be aware that a picture is even being taken.

I could be wrong but, I don’t believe Zoosk is 100% fake though. I rarely speak to guys or even say hello because there are some who feel that, the moment you say hi, the door is open or they’re already hitting a home run or are even already in a relationship. But, there was one guy who we liked each other, we texted, we spoke on the phone, but he lost interest, most likely due to the fact that I have put on some weight, even though he said not to worry about it, and we live far apart. That he replied at all after he was no longer interested was nice enough and we’re not going to pair up, but I do think he was a genuine human being.

Freestyle !
Freestyle ! - 23.08.2019 10:32

damn I noticed this but your right......I hate that I subscribed !

Poco1997 - 05.05.2019 19:38

I wish somebody would shut down Zoosk

david wickham
david wickham - 29.04.2019 23:21

Zoosk is a f#*ing rip off

Dr Johnson Hungwell
Dr Johnson Hungwell - 16.01.2018 14:31

Wasn't surprised by them comments so I'll add my 2 cents , all of the dating sites are bullshit

Charles Philip Adams
Charles Philip Adams - 15.09.2017 09:06

All the women I've "contacted" who supposedly are interested ... ZIP, ZERO, NOTHING. I have noticed that several have not even READ my messages (and I have paid for the upgrade so that anybody could read or respond) so I don't even think these people are even still active members. Yes, their "Search" engine is pathetic. Unacceptable. For the money they ask they should completely rework their whole site and make it usable.

James McDermott
James McDermott - 09.05.2017 03:39

They play on the fact that you are looking for genuine relionships. Zoosk are bastards

James McDermott
James McDermott - 09.05.2017 03:34

It doesn't what you do from now on Zoosk I will never have anything to do with you again . If I see any association whatsoever with Zoosk in any way I will dump you faster than you can say fuckoff

E Buzek
E Buzek - 22.12.2015 09:18

Wish I would have seen this sooner. I live in Houston, tx. paid for 2 month and have not spoken to 1 woman. you might get some texts back in forth but good luck on actually speaking to someone.

staggles100 - 17.11.2015 22:23

Paid for a subscription but hasn't opened my account, ZOOSK is a scam

Damon Blue
Damon Blue - 13.11.2015 09:42

Did you try to put your email in your story spot???
