The BEST Unity Game Dev Advice I Wish I'd Heard Before…

The BEST Unity Game Dev Advice I Wish I'd Heard Before…


1 год назад

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Alex Hosseini
Alex Hosseini - 05.03.2023 18:35

he forgot to mention addressables in unity. make sure to check it out!!!

Pirate Skeleton
Pirate Skeleton - 01.03.2023 18:45

I would definitely say, that if you are on your first game, it's best not to make it exclusively multiplayer, since that would make the playability dependent on other people. Have a single player option.

Frades - 17.02.2023 16:15

i always thought the best unity game dev advice was to swap over to unreal engine

Narsiph Spearheart
Narsiph Spearheart - 28.12.2022 09:13

Finishing games is the most important thing at first. But to look at it with logic you game did not fail because it had no online multiplayer, it failed because the marked is oversaturated with this type of game and you can choose better games. You don't have a unique selling point. This is in no way bashing or anything and I want to use a current example:

Vampire Survivors

After a month or two games of the same type are spreading on steam like wildfire and there are, at least for me, just barely a handful (3 - 4) that have enough uniqueness that they set themselfes apart. I am looking through my steam lists and see dozens and dozens of clones, absolutely exact ones. That is the main problem. Sure, the games probably have some fun hiding in there but why buy a barely reviewed product when you can have the master product and/or 3 - 5 more similar products with unique touches?

What I want to say with it is that you have to know your market too. Just because you make the same burgers as the McD doesn't mean you will make any form of noticable profit. BUT for a first release this isn't too important as long you can get in the costs you have spent. Assets, Steam-Fee (100€ for me as example) the extra energy drink you do sometimes to work a little longer. Rarely the first game will be a banger and it's more about the experience you gather.

Learn update procedures, learn how people tick within reviews (quick to blame, barely anyone edits their reviews later), see where you can improve steps and so on. If you work for profits you will fail because you will start to think "What would they like" all the while loosing the passion and the way of "I make the game I like!" You will have it much easier to find people that like the same stuff you do, thus your game too, instead of playing the constant changing russian roulette. With a machine-gun. Belt-Fed. Bullet in every clip. Pointing at you.

Thats the main reason why 3A Studios most often only copy the same concept and barely change things up. And most important if you think of being an awesome indie-dev is you need realism: Out of 100 only 1 will make it.

Again: Game is fun looking but at least in my mates library I have so many couch games of similar types and/or combined types I wouldn't buy it. Not because it's not cool but because I already own good ones. And I don't like more of the same.

Stay crunchy.

Dante - 30.11.2022 04:54

ƤRO𝓂O𝕤ᗰ 😎

for education
for education - 21.11.2022 11:35

Thanks for making this video get to know about lot of things that I did not know before.

Shodan0101 - 21.11.2022 10:54


KreizLand Games
KreizLand Games - 21.11.2022 08:20

"Hi, I'm eleven and I make games" what? you are 11??
Ohhh you'r Levin...

Alon Gal
Alon Gal - 20.11.2022 08:10

I'm sorry if this is a weird question, but how did you get sponsored by unity while your channel is the size it is?

Problem?Let's talk!~No?Let's chat!
Problem?Let's talk!~No?Let's chat! - 19.11.2022 15:05

Thanks man,you're a LEGEND for helping us like that!

Kasairoオペオペ - 19.11.2022 10:35

I am literally thatonegamedev

GC Studios
GC Studios - 19.11.2022 05:53 day for sure I'll be making games :D
(I hope)
P.S. do you know where Dani is levin?

Arthur Jorge
Arthur Jorge - 19.11.2022 03:20

I can't wait to use your code to buy on this Battlefield 2022 :p
-I know. Bad joke. Sorry :(

KDSBest GameDev
KDSBest GameDev - 19.11.2022 01:41

I love odin inspector. A proper dictionary and list inspector is basicly why I need it.

Bluzen - 19.11.2022 01:08

good~ keep it up~~

real2two but the boring stuff
real2two but the boring stuff - 18.11.2022 23:52

"Also yes I just used Dani for the thumbnail, please don’t kill me." - video description

look behind you.

Rob Lang
Rob Lang - 18.11.2022 22:54

Brilliant video, Levin. So much good advice in there. ⭐

Spike Studio
Spike Studio - 18.11.2022 22:34

There's some great advice in here! My one tip, is don't be afraid to fail. Just try over and over again, and you will eventually get it!

3c18f036888f4fb5968a - 18.11.2022 21:27

This is the only FPS with local multiplayer I've ever seen :) Seems like a fun game! Would you mind sharing what your conversion rate between wishlists and actual sales was? My friend and I are working on a game, we have a few thousand wishlist and I'm trying to figure out how many sales we can reasonably expect during the first week...

Rob Davidson
Rob Davidson - 18.11.2022 21:05

Also, from what I understand, another benefit of using the $ prefix for string concatenation over the + operator, is that where the + operator generates garbage, the $ prefix does not. 😁

Greyserf - 18.11.2022 20:35

Has anyone been able to actually use assembly definitions in their project? I'm talking about a mid to large scale project, and try to implement the assembly definition AFTER hundreds of code script have already been made?? We've tried several times but it is just TOO big to do it: you almost have to micromanage each script, folder...etc

We'd love this with our game. Our script compilation time is about 30secs now... and while it is not much, it takes a toll on day to day programming and working.

I will check the video he has talked about, but I reckon It won't solve our problem :(

mari is cool
mari is cool - 18.11.2022 19:32

very useful thank you and also thank you for knowing omori i can recognize that music anywhere

Matthew Jolly
Matthew Jolly - 18.11.2022 18:52

IMO Plastic is hands down the best source control for Unity. It just works, and it is simple enough that artists can figure it out too. I love Git, but it is painful to use with Unity, even with Git LFS. Just make sure you use the actual Plastic client, not Unity's new built-in crappy version. Though any source control is better than no source control

Zieder Ziet DE
Zieder Ziet DE - 18.11.2022 17:29

Dani??? xD

Very nice Video!

Wishbone Games
Wishbone Games - 18.11.2022 17:20

One thing i wish i knew before beginning was that finishing your first game is absolutely crucial. I felt so good after i finally released my first game, and honestly i havent felt burnt out since

Surpluss - 18.11.2022 17:18


Hassan Jomaa
Hassan Jomaa - 18.11.2022 17:16

