How Beneficial is creating alternate characters now in ESO?

How Beneficial is creating alternate characters now in ESO?

Adam Lutz

2 года назад

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@avtircaritas8229 - 14.10.2023 15:20

You forgot one more reason: carry capacity. I use my alts rn because I can't afford to buy more bank / bag space, and I can't afford eso plus. 🤷

@realdadgaming - 08.10.2023 16:38

I just joined ESO few days ago and this just summed up all i need to know if should i create an ALT or not. Thank you.

@jons363 - 21.06.2023 14:44

Personally I hate sitting around max level. I tend to abandon or even delete maxed toons to start over.

@Erick726 - 17.06.2023 09:31

If dungeons would queue faster I wouldn't mind doing it 18 times. Takes longer to wait in queue than it does to finish a dungeon.

@dagolf06 - 01.06.2023 18:14

I use my alts to farm transmutes. Basically just do the daily dungeon on all my characters. 50 transmute crystals a day!

@jasonhaygood1377 - 12.02.2023 18:22

I have four and working a fifth max level character and I just liking playing different classes

@chromevyper7894 - 03.10.2022 07:56

im ewish to the game and i just love grindy games, but the issue with me is grinding for cp is kinda hard for me after cp 300ish which might not be to other people so when i have time im trying to get all 18 so i can run all rnd's and get a fair amount of exp for my cp grind, then ill also be collecting transmute so i can make sets from them all, and also if i want to i can have 36 different builds with the armorys which might be overkill but if the game doesnt die and i get bored i can experement a lot without messing up characters i like

@TyreII - 08.09.2022 21:37

How can there be cons? If you don't want to play alts you don't have to.

@youtubewatcher8858 - 01.09.2022 01:16

All this sounds great but my biggest warning is if you turn your main into a crafter for a day and put points into researching then start 3 items researching. Go to your workbench and hit apply build on a blank build those extra researches are gone deleted... it's great for someone who already has everything researched I guess.
I'm just now starting research since I downloaded the game 3 weeks ago so constant rebuilds is looking slim suddenly

@LadyAmalthea0615 - 17.08.2022 00:45

The only reason I'm even considering creating more toons is to get more crafting materials from hirelings. I'm currently on Cadwell's Gold and the thought of going over all 3 the alliance zones again feels like a slog.

@ryanhoyle1166 - 14.06.2022 03:06

Does the sticker book/acquired gear drops follow you to alts? Apologies if I missed it in the vid!

@AjayRida - 13.06.2022 03:35

At the end of every 30 days of Cyro campagin for each char you get 50 Transmute Crystals = Total 900.
Everyday 1.8 Mill exp on random dungeons all 18 chars.
and more more more...

@zombiegodsire - 05.06.2022 07:33

dude it takes MONTHS to level a new characters skill lines and horses. This game is the least alt friendly mmo ive ever played, not the best

@rj6939 - 29.05.2022 07:25

How do you decide which characters to delete? I have deleted some but it's always a hard decision.

@over9000optimally - 25.05.2022 23:52

No cons. You can play with one character, but alternates allow more several daily reward collects each day, and allows each character to do the dailies. So, for making more transmutes and gold, definitely beneficial. Plus, it's good to switch up to a different class.

@gamefan8552 - 06.05.2022 18:00

One additional perk of having additional characters is the material hirilings, that you can setup with each of them in the crafting skill lines, it help to passively get tons of materials for free without needing to worry about farming for them for hours.

@WayneWinslett - 06.05.2022 01:46

Great info, thanks. Also I feel like a winner as I was your 777 like

@BBRocker75 - 11.04.2022 23:08

I have a simple question: How much time ZOS TESO will be focus just in Tamriel after Three Banner War and second era? It is getting BORING soooo BOOORING. A whole world is just there: the Merectic era, the Aeleyds-Alessian Wars and Empires, the Old Khajits and Argonian Kingdoms, Akavir, Aldmeris, Atmora, Pyandonea, Yokuda (rise, war and fall), the Dwemmer mistery (rise, white elf genocide, science glory achievments and vanishing).

@hithfaeron5305 - 30.03.2022 22:08

Why are you deleting so many chars? Even if you don't need them anymore, does it hurt to keep them if you ever change your mind?

@danguillou713 - 27.02.2022 21:47

There are still five classes and ten races. The tank, magicka dps, stamina dps and healer won’t be the same race for most cases. If you want to experiment with both dps versions on each class and a couple of tanks and dps’es and at least one of each race… But okay, eighteen might be excessive. I can probably do it with twelve.

@keldonator - 04.02.2022 22:46

Am I missing something? I felt creating an alt was super bad in this game lol. Having to collect all the skyshards over again... Mount speed.... The biggest benefit was using low lvl characters as bank space.

@thegoldenratio8127 - 29.01.2022 20:05

I have 8 characters. I wish I can delete 4 of them and get something in return

@aariyang5844 - 26.01.2022 05:43

I feel like having 6 characters so one of each class is enough as you can reserve classes like warden or something for support class

@garfywarfy - 26.01.2022 02:21

does the armor system work with vampirism/etc?

@h2t26 - 09.01.2022 05:24

I recently got on after a few years off. I originally had my main dps, then I eventually got a tank and healer, just cause those are such different styles of play, then I got a few more for writs now I have 10. I think I'll keep it at that. I want to lvl them all up just to see if there are any differences in how they play. Also I have different classes just for something different. It does get tedious getting them lvled and getting them in all the guilds. Put ya, good points I'll keep what I have and make sure I really need anymore, but having a few alts is still good.

@StrongArmJonEntertainment - 17.12.2021 14:49

On the fly. I keep hearing this. You mean stop what you are doing. Travel to house. Then change.

@mikeCavalle - 12.12.2021 04:42

a toon must carry ALL of the equipment that may be equipped, right?

@philipauster6957 - 07.12.2021 04:46

I've been playing about 6 months and using one character. If I create an alt does it start at level 1? How does it work?

@teggsy2165 - 06.12.2021 13:52

More Alts more storage is all we need to know in a few words?

@socaldayve6684 - 30.11.2021 23:58

I got a kick out of seeing "Brah We Taunt This" 😆

@l.apastore4208 - 29.11.2021 09:59

Almost all my toons are redguards all different classes out of the 9 available to me all different aesthetically, one stamcro with the ebony sword motif who I call blade, one magplar who resembles arkana’s dark magician, one hollow jacked out, shadow of the red mountain, way of fire, grothdarr equipped stamknight etc.. other races are my argonian healer - that’s it! I’d say viable end game options for me are been, my redguard sorc with Medusa, overwhelming surge and llamris - all gold/purple and my necrotank with the undertaker and grace of gloom - all gold/purple. Mostly play nowadays to have fun. Haven’t hit trials or pvp for over a year

@kevindenis9551 - 29.11.2021 01:56

I honestly don’t want to have 16 different characters to juggle and deal with. I’m just fine with the three I have who are the races I like most. Argonian Templar, Khajiit Nightblade, and Orc Dragonknight. Also got an Imperial and Nord Wardens for my human characters both planned to do different specs. In a game like Elder Scrolls I just can’t focus on one character. I like having a couple to experience the game in many ways to keep from getting bored.

@nixie_lynx - 28.11.2021 16:52

you could already swap between builds with addons, this is nothing new.

@danksalt5935 - 27.11.2021 09:10

- Extra bank (inventory)
- Free leveled rewards: exp scrolls, chicken dinners, gold, upgrade materials
- Extra Undaunted pledge = extra keys

@ortacreef8557 - 26.11.2021 22:41

Don't you find it dull and repetitive when you've got everything, and done everything?

@mughug9616 - 26.11.2021 01:44

Brah We Got This, what was your end goal in ESO? What was the Holy Grail goal at the end of your journey?

@Hexium_Vexium - 25.11.2021 00:53

'Why do people create alternate characters?'
For me, because I can't get Nightblade skills on my Templar main, or Sorcerer skills on Nightblade or Templar, etc. Until they released the Armory system, I had 'roles' for my characters, too. Templar is healer and is dipping into crafter; Nightblade is thief/assassin. I've got other characters with other classes, and I'm trying to figure out their roles (like my newly-50 Necromancer).

Found out last night that, unless I'm doing something wrong, I can only use the Armory system with one character. Templar, I've got a Work In Progress build for a Stam-based build, more so for thief/assassin stuff. I brought my Nightblade to the Armory last night, though, and... couldn't even interact with the Armory. (Nightblade was going to be more straightforward; a build for thief/assassin activities, and a build that lets me focus on a broader variety of PvE stuff.) No idea if buying an Armory Slot will enable me to use the Armory on my Nightblade.

In the meantime, if the Armory is restricted to a single character, I'll keep doing alts to fulfill other roles. (As commenter Jason H pointed out, if I do all the roles with just one character, I'll get bored.)

EDIT: Found out the other night that not even the first character who interacted with the Armory could do so again. Picked it up and put it down again, and it's working just fine on not just my Templar, but also Nightblade. Was just... weird glitch, I guess.

@chadsworthgigafuckii598 - 23.11.2021 04:18

please i need help i started new eso account in western skyrim few days ago and im completely stuck i can only find my way to part of morrow wind and its full of vampire giants that merc me as soon as i arrive and enter past the nords . pls help i love oblivion and skyrim and i just wanna explore tamreiel and the idea of seeing skyrim 1000 years before the events of dragon born got me but now i cant find a way out. in also wanted to see windhelm but i cant figure it out . i found the fast travel system but i cant find a way out. also what area am i supposed to go to for main story

@eriandhor7779 - 23.11.2021 01:40

Almost 8 years into Eso and still never made an alt. Dk stam dps Bosmer since launch

@barisyarar6147 - 23.11.2021 01:12

for slavery of course :P I'm not using eso plus so i need more inventory and a new character means free 60 slot.. it's cheaper ;)

@fatzach09 - 22.11.2021 23:02

Wish we can obtain a “change class token” Templar is fun but I want to change a class if I want to be a heavy armor tank.

@ChrisWhiton - 22.11.2021 07:27

Deleting characters? That makes no sense here. At least hang onto them for days that you feel like doing more writs or even just for the annual jubilee event. Heck, I've got a whole second account with 18 characters just for that event and nothing else.

@albatz1377 - 20.11.2021 23:25

Gear storage

@alien7161 - 20.11.2021 15:59

#1 reason to keep making alts. 1500 crowns PER SLOT is an absolutely ridiculous price for an armory slot.

@leathalEly - 19.11.2021 06:03

Wish I new this before capping the 18. Although most of mine are roleplay centric than functional

@adamwren8075 - 19.11.2021 00:52

I just wish that I could do the same thing you can with sky shards and vampirism that you could with excavation and scrying, the thing I hate most about using my alts is the fact that I can no longer have the treasure chest revealing perk without grinding all that back out

@nambobeht - 18.11.2021 22:15

That inventory space is an important factor...the inventory pets will increase 10 per character across 18 characters equals 180 items your account can store. that without any bag upgrades. I just hope fake tanks will at least have a taunt now with the armory system ......

@simpleargonain - 18.11.2021 16:28

I make new characters because I want to play all the classes
