ESO PvP Class Tier List 2021 - Markarth

ESO PvP Class Tier List 2021 - Markarth

The Real Godzilla

3 года назад

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@Raz-iw6fj - 12.06.2021 11:23

With all the skills and options to pull Nightblades out of stealth, they still got the nerf hammer and beat seven shades of sh*te out of it. Nightblade is just a blade now compared to what it used to be. The damage shield and mitigation from popping in and out of stealth is what made them survivable. But because people complained so much, having to take up an entire skill slot to deal with Nightblades, they gutted the class.

Before people start telling me stealth is still amazing and so OP cause guaranteed crit, with the double cost to cast and half the duration, you can no longer play the assassin effectively. With how many skills and AoEs that can pull you out of stealth and how short it lasts, you can no longer get behind enemy lines and take out those pesky healers for your team.

@AllThingsFascinate - 11.06.2021 08:42

Since you love aoe burst tower fights I was surprised you didn't like stamden but really liked stamsorc single target burst haha

@taylordocherty9807 - 08.06.2021 10:02

Dam I genuinely though magcro was really powerful but the points made outlined every possible problem that I didn’t even think of as a main Pve player. Great guide!

@suzzosuz563 - 20.05.2021 23:11


@CJN420 - 18.05.2021 15:00

Stam nb is a tier

@palsoltesz9967 - 14.05.2021 19:11

lol u play the same build durig the video? .. i thought u play the mentioned build after each cut.. :/

@mentalwarfare3782 - 06.05.2021 01:48

Stamdk ftw. Nice video - will you be making one for this patch?

@gabemaurer4969 - 19.04.2021 00:11

You can sum up most of this video with "it's better than magblade"

@RDJ979797 - 07.04.2021 00:57

I haven't played this game since 2015 on ps4. Did they get rid of the veteran system? I quit around the time they increased vet 14 to vet 16. I recently played on PC but obviously cannot transfer accounts but would deffo like to get back into this game on ps4 aswell

@joshlockert3918 - 16.03.2021 10:34

Yea stam soc h OP lyric shit run sundrflame armor and punisher with sord and sheldon holly shit you mel people

@MadRabbit0wnzu - 13.03.2021 02:00

The second you said you won't switch your main spamable to r1 is the moment I realized why I have a huge edge on console, if you don't use your bumpers for spamables it's far harder to aim and weave attacks. Your limiting yourself to a harder playstyle, buy a scuff control if not. The extra buttons you can program on the back of the control makes you better than pc players

@Goblinu_ESO - 20.02.2021 01:03

I’m a magblade main rn, makes it all the juicier when I shit I on people.

@leathalEly - 18.02.2021 05:30

I just sit on point as a necro Stam tank with harbinger and twin sisters. Fight me

@mosesyang4222 - 16.02.2021 14:25

I love me my necro but blast bonesNEEDS to be fixed...the whole fking inability to use blast bone unless the ui resets is so annoying

@drinkme5482 - 13.02.2021 08:48

"Jab is almost impossible to land on console, because you got thumbs" 😂😂😂

@babybulldasilva8139 - 12.02.2021 16:24

Stopped watching when I saw stamplar at B sorry but they are in a great spot. Overall the balancing of the game is great this patch, yes the meta is annoying but class balance is pretty good with magblade as exception they are very bad in pvp. But stamplar is easy A+ tier great one of the best spamable best cleanse in a dot meta is awesome. Great stun with javelien or that weird spear rush.

@johnfkennedy5158 - 12.02.2021 07:28

Idk magblade can be cancer idk what they run but i know Zaan and almost tanky

@joejoey546 - 12.02.2021 05:28

Instead of putting some icon on the tier list cant you just write the class name? Idk wtf those icons are supposed to be lol.

@mrsm0kin988 - 10.02.2021 15:14

Idk man, I just came back from quite a break... And I've been wreckin people with my Mnb.

@alphalegiongaming8535 - 08.02.2021 11:30

Sooo imma be real ive been in the game since beta bro and half this info is inaccurate as hell. Necro i 100% agree specially mag its in a very bad place atm. Mag blade i couldnt disagree more (granted im biased cuz magblade main) but blade is brokenly op you just have to be smart enough to not blindly charge in. Swallow sould IS NOT a HOT well i mean it is but thats not how your supposed to use it its meant to be used as a spamable not a pop and forget i 1vX with my mag blade everytime its hard to play yes but it also takes skill

Magsorc doesnt take 100s of hours to master its stupid simple i made a sorc build for a guildie a month into the game MAINING A CRO and literally 3 days later she is god tier pvp now. I barely struggled to mag sorc before i couldnt take it anymore you are biased as hell ergo why you put YOUR class you main as #1 above all really dude if your gonna make a list be objective im not tryin to trash on you but its the honest truth friend atlesst try to be objective

@sword5890 - 08.02.2021 11:16

do you know what time stamps are?

@redllapple - 06.02.2021 20:15

This is so bias lololololo

@arelotheso5713 - 06.02.2021 17:54

As a Magdk Main I have to disagree and agree with you on the placement of magdk as I personally believe I have one of the best dk Builds going and I've had it since One Tamriel patch, Dks have great healing if you do it right, the damage output of a dk is immense, yes with malacath but also without, it all depends on play style.
I play like a tank and it takes roughly 6-10 people to take me down in open world pvp but sometimes it only takes one but again that's down to play style.
I believe it should be in "A Tier" over all.

@AdamLAD - 06.02.2021 04:00

For a person who doesn’t play mag sorc, you have more knowledge about how it’s only ok in open world compared to others that I know. Especially on console, like lining up a combo on console (especially in lag) is like trying to get blood from a stone 😂. In towers it’s the worst class to kite, around rocks it’s the worst class to kite. In open field it’s great absolutely but that’s it. Dark deal is so slow and can be interrupted and you have to run away to cast it because of it. To get a good burst heal u NEED to run a pet but they can die 😂 and Pets are cheese. Shields are shocking and cost a shit tonne. Mag sorc has 2 things. Good mobility in open field and damage. But people can block ur so obvious combo or dodge roll it with ease. Range you could also say but 90% of fights now are close quarters. Glad u had the balls to put it where it should be 👌 especially on console anyways

@werytg1928 - 05.02.2021 20:39

mag is bad. stam is good

@asimplebuddy2660 - 05.02.2021 07:16


S: StamSorc, StamDen, StamDK
A+: Magplar, StamCro
A: MagDen, MagSorc, Stamblade
B+: MagDK
B: Stamplar, MagCro, Magblade

@THEWouter1212 - 02.02.2021 16:37

It could be just me but I really don't like the way using dizzying swing/rapid strikes feels like in the game. I wish we had more instant hitting spammables, which maybe hit a little bit less, it would just feel more active imo. In Pve on my stamcro DD I use cleave with the titanic cleave arena weapon and it's hella fun (it's a build from Lucky Ghost).

@stinkesocke_2587 - 01.02.2021 17:41

My Magblade gone with the Procc set meta :(

@-_-Emperor-_- - 01.02.2021 17:04

What armor set is in the thumbnail?

@ggraeroixia5591 - 01.02.2021 08:05

You think stamplar is bad atm? Hmm, nah

@ColdShadowDCUO - 01.02.2021 07:32

Subscribed! I just started yesterday on console. I’m going to restart based on these recommendations

@Atlas-ic3ky - 29.01.2021 17:50

Do you have a recommended non-mythic load out for a StamDK? Was thinking clever backbar, eternal vigor, vat 2h or something like that. If they take out proc sets, do you think willow's path is a good sub for eternal vigor? Thanks for the content - great channel.

@joelhodoborgas - 28.01.2021 04:09

What a whiny tier list man, also same class gameplay during all vid is weird.

@3RST-GAMING - 27.01.2021 07:16

If u havent played medium armor double SB stamden with procs u havent seen the true potential of the class.

@stuffies3841 - 26.01.2021 20:44

This is a bad tier list for so mean reasons

@snoozy9970 - 26.01.2021 14:13

I don't think stam dk is so op

@questshady - 26.01.2021 05:46

Spot on bro! Great vid!

@raithmhael3323 - 25.01.2021 12:36

I disagree about stamplar. Butttt you have to run torc necklace to pull off what other classes can. Briar torc and whatever back bar set you want be it dmg or utility like clever or trickery gives you what you need. My personal opinion is it's A tier but gear dependent. It's my favorite Stam class though and I don't play it with the heavy malacath meta which is what makes it so fun for me right now. You have minor fracture and it's biggest weakness before was no major fracture but you have the option to move away from the pierce armor meta and use caltrops if you want opening up more build diversity. Or drop Pol and run pierce with snb back.

This is all my opinion though and I'm not saying the class is great just pointing out it's strengths and uniqueness in build diversity. Also no one runs repent anymore. Like I said it's gear dependent you NEED torc to play like I do outside the heavy eternal vigor meta it opens the class up to many build paths.

@frostylo1678 - 25.01.2021 12:20

Please don't fucking use class icons when ranking them. Just fucking write stamblade or magblade. Fuck it makes it hard to read.

@killamrbxb1151 - 20.01.2021 10:47

You put magblade bottom but you forgot they make the best gankers/ at least they do have a role right? 🤷‍♂️

@1717prettiboi - 19.01.2021 23:16

Your entire input on magsorc was negative. How is that objective ?

@codygainz6981 - 19.01.2021 17:20

Yo dude keep making the content you want to make bro.

@sprey9459 - 19.01.2021 13:50

Proc heavy magden is the best mag class u can have 40k+ health and do lot of dmg cuz procs..but man stamnecro is the best class atm with stamden without doubt

@kisovalley7234 - 19.01.2021 10:21

This tier list is for outnumbered group pvp?

@iceman2k17eso5 - 18.01.2021 14:36

Great Vid man really enjoyed the way you put it together to, and Godzilla dancing at the end. OP

@zekkrn9739 - 18.01.2021 14:10

I like how ZoS designed their class system so that each class are different be it in the gameplay or the buffs they get, but its kinda to the point where you're forced to play it in a way that they want you to.

@grovsey3656 - 18.01.2021 12:08

The best class is any that tanks and stacks hp pvp is dog shit

@k-3402 - 18.01.2021 08:06

"It used to be my baby." Feeling sad about what you and Stamplar had rn. F

@dab4539 - 18.01.2021 03:39

Back bar vamp ult on mag blade = s tier
