Cyberpunk 2077 High Settings DLSS 1440p | RTX 3050 | Ryzen 7 5800X 3D

Cyberpunk 2077 High Settings DLSS 1440p | RTX 3050 | Ryzen 7 5800X 3D

Bang4BuckPC Gamer

1 год назад

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@Bang4BuckPCGamer - 23.11.2022 01:37

It just goes to show you how demanding Cyberpunk 2077 is. It will cost you over 1K to play this game comfortably above 1080p.

@Thutch32 - 23.11.2022 16:04

Thanks for doing this video. People need to see what kind of performance they can get with this type of hardware. The Ryzen 7 5800X3D also helped the RTX 3050 GPU in performance as well. Not bad for these specs.

@ARealPain - 23.11.2022 13:38

NEVER thought I'd see you benchmark a card that isn't the best of the best!

@jasonstatham483 - 23.11.2022 12:24

Can you put everything on low and turn rt lighting on medium ? I think it is gonna look better than high settings without rt at all.

@Ahmad_8412 - 23.11.2022 09:21

Does dlss or fsr 2.1 look slightly worse at 1440p compared to native? Can u see any noticeable downgrade in resolution? I wanna play this on a rx 6750 xt oc and 1440p ultrawide no ray tracing

@alexpop3883 - 23.11.2022 08:52

CPU 3 is working pretty hard

@Monol1th2112 - 23.11.2022 08:48

It's with the latest patch?

@lesgrosgainz - 23.11.2022 06:38

Haven't tried the game since a while (basically almost at launch). With all the patches, would my GTX 1080TI FE be able to run the game at 60 fps (constant) with medium/high settings in 1080p?

@ahmadxgamer1234 - 23.11.2022 03:12

Do evil west

@deluxo2901 - 23.11.2022 02:09

Dood Callisto Protocol here soon hype and Dead space.

@Bang4BuckPCGamer - 23.11.2022 02:06

Can this rig be classed as mid-range? It's certainly not low end that's for sure.

@KyleRuggles - 23.11.2022 01:59

Had me going there for a second lol, thought there was some new AMD processor I never heard bout.

@grahamstephens9931 - 23.11.2022 01:57

The performance is actually pretty decent for the card. Isn’t RT but the screen space reflections are pretty nice.

@emdea - 23.11.2022 01:49

The thought of Zen2 having 3D cache is interesting

@GhostOfHalo - 23.11.2022 01:44

Is this a typo or should it be 3070 lol
