How Did Perturabo Become A Demon? | Warhammer 40k Lore

How Did Perturabo Become A Demon? | Warhammer 40k Lore


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James Crawley
James Crawley - 01.10.2023 05:39

I read A LOT of books so much doesn't scare me in literature, but the most terrifying thing I ever experienced was in I believe "The Emperor's Gift" when some psykers were remotely watching Angron on Armageddon, and as they are remotely viewing Angron, Angron suddenly turns around and looks at them... one of the psykers is talking and the other one is like "Wait, he sees us!" I think they were all the way on Titan watching him, not sure, but he turns and swipes at them and cuts one of them, across reality sans distance... I wish they would explore Angron's ability to "reach across reality".

Scott Emerson
Scott Emerson - 27.09.2023 12:06

I miss the og grim dark art work I really do

Guy on a Buffalo
Guy on a Buffalo - 27.09.2023 04:37

Nothing like listening to warhammer 40k lore from haley Joel osment

Bill L
Bill L - 25.09.2023 22:06

Their best retconn, would be this: perturabo made a pact with Vashtorr.

He’s the only calculating, logical chaos god. Perturabo might see him as them best opportunity to impose order on chaos, and bonded with him from the start because he had the king game in mind

DemonicX4771 - 24.09.2023 01:57

Imagine for a moment perturabo didn’t become a prince of undivided, rather of vashtor. That would kind of make sense and be kinda cool

Wandering Oglethorpe
Wandering Oglethorpe - 18.09.2023 16:48

Really good video, been trying to learn some more about all of the primarchs and this was a great overview.

Undercover Takodachi
Undercover Takodachi - 17.09.2023 10:49

My Friend has a theory that Perty Isn't really the daemon but his armor, I found her theory ridiculous then she argued Daemon engines, Daemon Prince Engines can that be a thing?

RamireZ - 16.09.2023 00:12

He did it because he was dying. When he went to with fulgrim and he ascended a part of his soul was taken or destroyed. Nurgle comes to him and tells him that he’s dying, offers him immortality and he basically says piss off. As an iron warriors fan I can’t say I like the lore but I guess I can understand it

Timothy Lyons
Timothy Lyons - 15.09.2023 17:43

Back in the day any traitor primarch that survived became s demon prince.
Nowadays l believe that Games Workshop would ret-con the Perturabo demon prince and make him a Primarch in a dreadnought suit of armour cobstructed for him by Vash'tor.

Jimbo Tussock
Jimbo Tussock - 15.09.2023 06:54

Perturabo had a 'soul wound' from Fulgrim which was slowly killing him... demonhood was.prolly the only fix?

ryan kolick
ryan kolick - 13.09.2023 18:22

The best plot twist GW could ever do is perturabo isn't a demon Primark it's just a suit to make others think he is so they leave him alone

Hatien Tacetlen
Hatien Tacetlen - 13.09.2023 11:12

Peurturabo isn't less emotional than his brothers. He isn't driven by logic he's driven by spite, bitterness and jealousy.

/dev/ null
/dev/ null - 13.09.2023 10:29

I still personally think that Perturabo became a Daemon against he will. Maybe the gods conspired to violate him and ascend him even if he never wanted to because they wanted no such thing as a primarch whose soul wasn't their.
It would still make sense for Omegon to not ascend, as he is (likely) secretly loyal and has been hiding the fact that he is still alive

White Snow
White Snow - 11.09.2023 23:43

Demon cyborg moment

Iago Favilla
Iago Favilla - 10.09.2023 18:43

Brazilian viewers... I know what you guys were thinking... E sim, perturbou é foda mesmo KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Виталий Глинкин
Виталий Глинкин - 07.09.2023 18:46

Imperial Fist who saw the iron warriors fighting before this all: Oh, so this is how it feels.

doubleP - 07.09.2023 18:23

So basically, Pert´s demon prince form is a super-Obliterator.
A normal Chaos Obliterator is absolutely horrifying, now imagine a pissed off Primarch version of this!

Starstryke - 06.09.2023 02:59

So, how does Into the AM compare to Liquid Blue as far as shirts?

The Music Archive
The Music Archive - 05.09.2023 00:42

The S is silent in debris dude.

Eric M
Eric M - 04.09.2023 02:38

You could have bought the storm of iron ebook for 9.99.....?"

Am i confused?

Kristen Argyle
Kristen Argyle - 04.09.2023 01:45

A**hole within, a**hole without

SolidGoldMagicarp - 01.09.2023 06:45

They play Warhammer in Warhammer?

Caleb Carroll
Caleb Carroll - 28.08.2023 22:24

The idea that bitterness has eaten his soul, twisting him into a demon, makes perfect sense

Rule of Kool Wargaming
Rule of Kool Wargaming - 26.08.2023 07:22

If Perturabo did actually turn Daemon, my assumption is that it was to save his life, as he was slowly dying continuously from the events of Angel Exterminatus. If he isn’t a true Daemon, then I like the idea that he has Assended in the same manner as Corax has. A Primarch made of the warp, embracing the primordial material he was made from, and now able to fully express it and control it. His is creation, invention, intellect, strategy, etc. he is in a way, a living breathing super computer

Aki Greus
Aki Greus - 25.08.2023 22:23

What did the chaos gods do when Perty fell to them?

They went to their palace and they perturuboed one off.

Raph Walker
Raph Walker - 25.08.2023 15:26

Simple he wanted immortality

Joshua Walls
Joshua Walls - 24.08.2023 20:29

Pert: "daddy didn't give me enough hugz!"
Pert to brothers: "I will teach you! Screw your wagon, I'll ride alone in my own!'

In essence he's a grown ass man with ODD (oppositional defiance disorder)

Magnus Nygaard
Magnus Nygaard - 24.08.2023 17:09

Guilliman saved Perturabo by dragging Dorn out of the Iron Cage... he had him juuuuuuusssssst where he wanted him!

x0r - 24.08.2023 13:10

Game Workshop f*ckery at work

Dan Cox
Dan Cox - 24.08.2023 12:47

GW Where's my Knight sized Daemon Primarch? 😮

handsinthefire - 23.08.2023 11:58

eh. I don't think he's a daemon prince. Like most of us, I think he's literally just more robot than man at this point. He doesn't like chaos, and I don't think he'd even be ok with Vashtorr...even in the quotes you used, it was made plainly obvious that he wasn't about that situation at all. The way he is described straight makes it seem like he just kept taking off chunks of his body (remember IW's cut off mutations) that were either dying, dead, or otherwise and just replaced them with circuits...except for his head and that's probably because you can't really replace the brain.

It really sounds more like he went full bio organic instead, so until it's actually said in canon that he's a prince...with a literal explanation, that is what I am going to think.

Peter Timowreef
Peter Timowreef - 23.08.2023 08:00

Brother, people trust you. Children trust you. And then you gonna use that trust to try and make them believe 60 bucks for 3 t-shirts is a good deal....
Doesn't that make you feel icky late at night when you're trying to sleep?

Michael Rippetoe
Michael Rippetoe - 22.08.2023 23:21

I really like how each chaos god has a specific traitor legion. The problem I have (as someone doesn't know much) is it feels like the other legions don't have much of an identify in terms of chaos. I think the Iron legion is done really well here. I liked them before when I thought they were basically chaos admech, building demon engines and working with the Vashtorr, trying to become the 5th? chaos god. This is so much more interesting thought I still hope to learn about the relationship between the Iron Legion and Vashtorr. As someone who doesn't know much, that seems like an obvious thing to establish.

I hope to see something about the other chaos legions in figure so that I can take the knight lords seriously as an equal faction as they don't seem to have a chaos god in their corner.

Sgt.Roadkill - 22.08.2023 15:57

The index Astartes article does talk about the IW disdain for the immaterium and mutation. I always saw that article (originally in White dwarf) as a founding piece for what they'd become

WolfClant - 20.08.2023 02:13

could purterabo actually be vashtorr?

AVREL24 - 19.08.2023 20:41

I would love if Perturabo comes back as he left - a "human," influenced by the ruinous powers, not corrupted. That would be a huge contrast to the rest of the primarchs, Conrad being an exception of course. Perturabo is the only traitor primarch I really like, to some degree even love. The fall of the Iron Warriors makes the most sense out of every legion.

45580677 - 19.08.2023 19:26

Considering the timing of the Hive Fleets and damage I wonder if he knows something and force to become a demon in the end as might be our best chance?

KC Custodes
KC Custodes - 19.08.2023 05:26

One of your best videos.

Void - 18.08.2023 20:40

Sooo is he bound to any chaos god in particular or is he an "unaligned" demon ? We do see him with a few Khorn symbols but then again the whole plots within plots thing would definitely piss of Khorn as it would remind him of Tzeentch to much.

Sophia-Helene Mees de Tricht
Sophia-Helene Mees de Tricht - 18.08.2023 06:48

The iron warriors were the ones who one feels the most sympathy for.

And then one of them starts talking.

Gary g
Gary g - 18.08.2023 01:07

I've always looked at it as more 30k vs 40k in terms of Iron Warriors working with demons. 30k hate it, 40k see it more as a marriage of convenience as warp twisted siege engines are all they are left with. I was also fascinated on what the interactions between Vashtorr and the Iron Warriors might be. I know they are meant to be analogs of the Imp Fists but in my head at least they have always felt like the chaos version of the Iron Hands or maybe a mix of the 2. So playing them as the defenders of the Dark Mechanicum seems like a logical step for me to make. In my own collection it's Vashtorr, a Lord Discordant and a Warpsmith leading my 'vanilla' CSM contingent, who someday will be painted as Iron Warriors, so hopefully they play nice in the lore too. >XD

Caa129 - 17.08.2023 22:43

Are there books for this stuff? I'm so confused how people know all this stuff lol

Alex Mason
Alex Mason - 17.08.2023 15:57

The Iron Warriors are such an amazing cool Traitor Legion! God how much I would love specific Iron Legions models and a Deamon Primarch Perturabo model!

Khalek - 17.08.2023 08:31

at the start of the video i had the thought that purtie would HAVE to be a daemon prince very of himself...unlike angron or fulgrim, with how it had warped their bodies. he had to at least had kept his base form...'human'. just with extra guns and armour. its awesome to hear as the video went on that it basically confirmed that. i used to play IW myself, but had to adult so dont have my 3rd ed army any longer. the way i looked at it, i used what daemons i did as my warriors were exploiting the weapons they had, that if they were to 'cut off/purge the mutations' that theyd do it in a way that would be to their benefit and the enemies detriment...which from an iw perspective still fit. (i had picked up some daemons before i had settled on playing iw.

Anthony Campos
Anthony Campos - 17.08.2023 07:01

I honestly do think there is a way to bring back Mortarion not as a loyalist but as a renegade faction.
After being betrayed by his own 2nd in command, after falling to chaos out of desperation rather than free will only to discover its half the truth he was promised, after failing to convince 2 fellow primarchs to join him and now only to face the scorn and punishment of a god he hates I feel its ripe territory to explore his character as someone who never got to make his own decisions, just someone forced to make what's best of the choices he has at hand and just doing something brash

Just a bit of theorycrafting on my part but I do also see it being possible for Vashtorr and Perti to link up in a few years

Mike musky the Hoove licker
Mike musky the Hoove licker - 17.08.2023 04:21

He become a demon by being a massive cry baby.

Phillip - 16.08.2023 22:35

Grey knights lore video please 😢also how do you make iron warriors for the tabletop game

teksaga - 15.08.2023 21:14

But which demon god elevates him to chaos prince is the question?

Lord_Sgt_Savy - 14.08.2023 14:15

Do you think Vashtor is just an Automoton daemon made by purturabo in order to create a new chaos god that is truly just a puppet of Perty?
