How to fix hunchback posture in 3 minutes

How to fix hunchback posture in 3 minutes

Upright Health

6 лет назад

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Esther Faith Tan
Esther Faith Tan - 01.10.2023 11:26

I assume we could do this exercise sitting on a chair as well? 😆 But just curious, shouldn't there be a little gap between the lower back and the wall cuz of the c-curve (lumbar)??

Wokattack - 19.09.2023 07:40

Thank you for the video - it was clear and enlightening!

Car Phone
Car Phone - 14.09.2023 12:10

I note your use of the word 'hunch back' a disingenuous 'deliberate' use of the word - It appears to be no more than a 'device' to 'sensationalise' this very common posture problem so as to give an advantage over your rivals. You overly emphasise the word and have it in all your main headings. The word has a bad history of use in popular literature. Most other postings on u tube use the acceptable 'social term' of 'Tech back' or 'forward head posture'. I consider the use and the deliberate over-use of the word offensive and bordering on the similar offensive use of using the name of a perceived country to describe someones ethnicity. Donald Trump does this offence thing .

Pleasure - 31.08.2023 23:01

Hello, thank you very much, teacher ❤❤❤
Unfortunately, I have a humpback problem and I suffer a lot from this problem, we are always ridiculed by friends and acquaintances...
A friend introduced you to me, now I want to go with your program from today In about a month, if I regain my health, I will thank you very much❤❤❤😢

thieverytree - 30.08.2023 08:53

gonna do this 3 times a day

thieverytree - 30.08.2023 08:45

finally something simple that one can train and KNOW when it's done right. especially the part where one trains it, that's perfect.

Michael Dufresne
Michael Dufresne - 24.08.2023 02:33

Will this benefit my mom who has hunch back due osteoporosis

Babsy Moiloa
Babsy Moiloa - 21.08.2023 19:43

Im trying but there's still a bridge 😢

Ttamlin - 14.08.2023 07:05

Well, I have to say, I was a bit skeptical. And that was not easy. But after just one session, you're 100% right, I can feel my posture wanting to fix itself! I will be adding this to my daily routine, a few times a day, as I sit in front of a PC all day for work.

Thanks, Matt!

Purvi Bhateriya
Purvi Bhateriya - 13.08.2023 11:31

This is Amazing 🤩🤩 I am doing this I had hunchback had already gone to physiotherapy but to maintain after it was difficult because of my Phone usage and Studies ...Thank you so much this was Revolutionary ❤

lucasterable - 12.08.2023 23:36

In 3 minutes
..., 10 times per day
..., for 600 days.

Hamsterburger1965 - 10.08.2023 23:01

If you have a fixed stiffness, which means you can't straighten up within 3 seconds, you'll never make it. This is called contracture.
If you can make yourself straight within 3 seconds, then you don't need this nonsensical video.
If you don't believe me, I'll buy you a beer. Otherwise google "contracture". Probably the lecturer does not know that, oh well, he has to earn money with stupid videos.

Instinct_YT - 10.08.2023 13:05

This excersise is amazing. I have been hunching over for ages, and I've tried so many stretches and changes to my posture and nothing worked. I've tried this for thw first time and already feel im standing up straighter. God bless you man!

Kingsley Zissou
Kingsley Zissou - 10.08.2023 10:26

Gotta love how the titles says 3 minutes but the video says 1-3 weeks =) maybe change it to 3 minutes A DAY

ValerieLadeda - 07.08.2023 10:52

Thank you so much for this. I remember my childhood dentist seemed to be permanently stooped over. Dentistry... the pre-laptop era.

John Hoover
John Hoover - 05.08.2023 05:50

I can't touch the wall with the back of my head! Will it touch with repetitions over time?

Eddy Hewitt
Eddy Hewitt - 03.08.2023 19:59

This is really helpful. I’ve been doing it a couple days now and was noticing the tops of my hands start to tingle uncomfortably. Is that typical?

tolgar -
tolgar - - 31.07.2023 17:33

try purposely "slouching" after the exercise, might help you realize which muscles are working!

Captain Tom's Sea Stories
Captain Tom's Sea Stories - 28.07.2023 20:44

one thing i do in cool weather is go shoot some basketball hoops seems to help a lot.

Josefu Sensei
Josefu Sensei - 28.07.2023 12:16


John Palladino
John Palladino - 28.07.2023 04:45

Are you wearing Xero shoes?

Maccatron - 25.07.2023 11:31

I can’t even get my head to touch the wall at any angle when my lower back is flat against it

sarah louise
sarah louise - 21.07.2023 04:10

thank you! just did it for the first time and already feel better. and it's so easy!

Danilane Ople
Danilane Ople - 20.07.2023 23:58

i tried it immediately and i feel the pressure stress at my back 😢

Green Roof Stories
Green Roof Stories - 20.07.2023 22:44

Well done! Keep up doing these videos!

Basicbean - 20.07.2023 01:21

Just wanted to say thanks - I’ve been trying to fix my posture for months now and this video really really helped! The effects were almost immediate for me after a three minute session :)

kiara cooper
kiara cooper - 16.07.2023 20:07

people with no wall= 😭😭😭😭

Sam Sheppard
Sam Sheppard - 16.07.2023 16:01

How to fix skeleton

Iman - 14.07.2023 17:55

I recorded myself doing this as a progress vid and I’m flabbergasted. I didn’t realize how bad it was. I’ve only heard people tell me all my life. If I auditioned for hunchback of notre dame i would definitely get the role 🫠

BobbieGWhiz - 14.07.2023 15:10

Thanks much. Why not just lie supine on a carpeted floor? Won’t this put your back, shoulders, and head in a straight position? Isn’t this what you’re aiming at?

Hate it here ffs
Hate it here ffs - 11.07.2023 19:09

Is it normal to feel pain in your middleback area while doing it?

Stephanie Moran
Stephanie Moran - 08.07.2023 00:02

A new life would put it right! Worn down after years of caring for my autistic son with no real help. Have truly realised that there is little to no help, love, care, or concern in this world. If it wasn't for my faith, I could not have got this far. The UK is a wicked, callous Country driving its most weak and vulnerable into the ground with exhaustion. No wonder people are developing hunchbacks! They're literally walking with the weight of the world upon their shoulders!

StringsPlucker - 07.07.2023 16:15

Hello! Thanks a lot 😊
What's the difference between this exercise and with the arms lifted version?

gimmeagig - 05.07.2023 10:02

Wow, I can't get my head back against the wall. I will do this exercise every day hopefully I'll make progress. I'm 67 and have been a bass player all my life. I have that bass guitar strapped on a lot and then I'm hunching over to look at the fingerboard to make sure I don't mess up. LOL I think this exercise will help me

Bride Gabriel Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem
Bride Gabriel Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem - 03.07.2023 10:30

The question is where did the poor posture come from?
It all came from sitting at the computer all day without exercise. The Lord God commanded only the men to work on the farm, and the women stay at home and take care of their children, such as teaching them to obey the commandments of God and take care of their elder parents.

The result of disobedience toward God's Law is greater than having a bad posture. Look at the pollution and the result of it on nature from the man and women coming back and forth to work: Sicknesses, hard life, debts, natural disasters, and death. What they worked for go to medicines, doctors, and all sorts of professionals to take of their problems. They gain weight to double their size from eating food that came from the mass production of chickens and farm-raised fish. On top of that, they are being taxed to pay for the government's expenses and bureaucracies.

Is there any remedy for this? People need to come back to the way of life in the past to restore peaceful life on earth without sicknesses, disasters, and death. If they do this, they will come back looking young again as in the old days. Abstaining from the use of fossil fuels will make the air clean. They will not gain weight double their size when they are the ones farming and cooking their food. Sicknesses such as diabetes and heart disease came from a VERY STRESSFUL LIFE. The result of it is hormonal imbalance. You cannot work more than what your body can only do.

The difference between sitting on the computer all day and standing in the field all day is that sitting all day on the computer is disobedience while farming the land is obedience. The Lord God strengthens the people who obey Him. Disobedience is under the curse. Most people are not able to obey the Lord God. The Lord Jesus is sending catastrophes into the world to force this world to obey His Law. The only choice is to obey the righteousness of God which is obedience to the teaching of the Law of Moses and Christ and live or disobey and die.

Isaiah 26:9
For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

Jeremiah 6:16-19
Thus says the Lord: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen.’ Therefore hear you nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people— The fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My law, but rejected it.

The Lord Jesus Christ sends me, daughter of Zion, to guide His people to the whole truth before He destroys the world of disobedience as in the days of Noah. Only this time He will use fire.

Isaiah 24:5-6
The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, And few men are left.

Isaiah 63:9
In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and in His pity He redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them all the days of old.

The Spirit and the bride
Daughter of Zion
Gabriel, an angel of the Lord
Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem

Lucky_F1shy - 02.07.2023 09:13

I'm on my lil brothers acc but if u lay down and have ur back flat against the floor and ur legs on the wall at a 90 degree angle, does it also work?

Brian Betz
Brian Betz - 22.06.2023 23:21

Sorry buddy, but 3 minutes? I make the hunchback of Notre Dame look good. I will report back in 3 weeks . . .months . . . er, soon.

SolidOwl_Gaming - 18.06.2023 23:15

I can not stand on my own bc im in wheelchair how do i do this?
Is there a way that i also can do this?

93hothead - 18.06.2023 18:22

Guys just keep masturbating and your posture will improve

James - 16.06.2023 02:32

I have parkinsons huch back is bad now will try this

Christine GERARD
Christine GERARD - 15.06.2023 09:59

Thank you very much .Would you have a solution for a painful plantar fasciitis ,please ?

Mary Coursen
Mary Coursen - 04.06.2023 00:58

My lower back won't touch the wall anything I can do?

mazdarati2 - 02.06.2023 20:22

The first time both my arms went numb. No idea why, hopefully it will improve in the coming sessions

D B - 30.05.2023 05:30

What if you also have lumbar stenosis?

G Castro
G Castro - 26.05.2023 00:52

How about laying on bed face up, knees bent and tuck chin?

Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan - 22.05.2023 19:46

Is it normal if I cant make my shoulders touch the wall and my whole back hurts?

Tracey Westfield
Tracey Westfield - 22.05.2023 19:25

