Javascript Throttle function to avoid multiple trigger click event, mouse, window scroll

Javascript Throttle function to avoid multiple trigger click event, mouse, window scroll

viRan Code

1 год назад

258 Просмотров

Javascript throttle function to avoid multiple trigger click event etc.

Let’s assume we have a function that’s responsible for adding new elements to the DOM and we call this function every time the user clicks. As we’ve seen in the demo, the click event listener can be called for every click event handler the user clicks on the button.
Another Example of Scroll event for browser or element of block.
Adding elements to the DOM cause reflows, which is the browser’s way of calculating the placement for new elements. Reflows are done in a cascading manner so changing the reflow of one element will cause a change in all subsequent elements and part or all of the document to be re-rendered. These calculations can affect user speed and slow down your page. You can read more on how reflows and repaints affect performance


#Javascript #throttle #function #outter_funtion #duration
Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются
