How Old Is Chinese Civilization? - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY

How Old Is Chinese Civilization? - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

2 года назад

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@xuedi - 04.12.2023 18:46

Sending a 1960's countryside farmer back 3400 years into the past, he would just do fine, except having a bit difficulties to communicate, but houses, cooking stove and most things did not change at all, maybe the materials ....

@kenho-wr5ul2rh7m - 02.12.2023 05:02

Yu is civil engineer

@mindyalexander3357 - 19.11.2023 23:43

Just to let you know it's a matter of time before the afro start telling you that they taught you everything you know when they were actually the first Chinese people they do it to everybody it's okay

@XareltoPradaxa - 19.11.2023 05:01

The Xia are not ‘mythical’, just harder to find. The capital has already been found, more to come no doubt. It’s important to remember that archaeology was historically never allowed in China because it is disgraceful to dig up ancestors tombs. As a result, archaeology has a short history in China. So annoying when people reduce an entire empire to ‘myth’ when it simply is under-excavated.

@jesse89625 - 16.11.2023 09:45

Chinese civilization is the real king of this planet, all other nations are like passers-by come and go, birth and then death. Only China always being strong since ancient time until the end of the earth

@jeliazkodimitrov3235 - 16.11.2023 05:02

Kingdom of Qin/China. Established: 338 BC.
First King: Huiwen (338–311 BC)
Kingdom of Thrace. Established: 460 BC.
First King: Ter I (460-445 BC)

@David-ko5nm - 11.11.2023 02:35


@vazzeg - 07.11.2023 13:55

As far as I know, Yu, the great, did not stop the flooding with his immense strength or whatever, but it is said that he used dykes, ditches, channels etc. working alongside the people. The point being that he did not use magic or whatever, but technology he handed down to the descendants of his people.

@conniead5206 - 06.11.2023 09:10

The current Chinese civilization is not much older than I am.

@Somenath_Sen - 05.11.2023 11:13

Please do one about the Indus Valley Civilization!

@tyq5775 - 04.11.2023 10:57

Dayu's control of floods is not considered a myth in Chinese history.
In fact, the history of Dayu's flood control may be more credible than the Christian Bible.
However, Westerners think that the Bible is history, but Dayu’s flood control is not. It’s really ridiculous!

@tyq5775 - 04.11.2023 10:50

There is nothing new in the argument of this video. It still repeats the same arguments that disparage Chinese civilization.
In addition to the Chinese civilization in East Asia, the Eurasian continent, the Middle East, or the so-called North Africa seriously lacks credible historical civilization records or verifiable historical cultural relics. As for Europe itself, there are basically no relics of great civilizations to speak of.
However, the West can confidently define the so-called four major civilizations and define the history of the Chinese civilization in East Asia as only 4,000 years old, considering it to be the shortest civilization among the four major civilizations.

The main reason for this situation is that
1. In modern times, because of the Industrial Revolution, the West has rapidly risen from a scattered, obscure and backward region, and has gained a global status that Europe has never had in history.
Therefore, in order to beautify the history of its own civilization and make itself appear less barbaric, the West has fabricated and exaggerated a large amount of the so-called great history of Europe through its dominance of public opinion in modern times. For example, the so-called Roman Empire, the history of Alexander, etc.
At the same time, in order to make their own fabrications more reasonable, the West has also fabricated a large amount of so-called civilization history about the Near East and North Africa near Europe as a foil. The purpose is to create an illusion for the world that Europe and North Africa are concentrated areas of world civilization. , so Europe’s so-called glorious history is also credible.
The most ridiculous thing is that regions such as Europe and North Africa don’t even have credible written history, and there are very few cultural relics. Many of them are fake cultural relics made of cement and steel bars in modern times. The history of all these areas is actually a so-called history fabricated based on the fantasies of modern Westerners.

2. Westerners have used their dominant position in public opinion to promote the claim that humans first came out of Africa in the west, hoping to establish a subconscious subconscious that Western humans are more advanced.
In order to cooperate with the promotion of this man-made theory, the West needs to prove that the so-called human civilization was first born and developed in the West. Therefore, it vigorously promotes the so-called ancient Egyptian and ancient Babylonian civilizations, even though the texts, cultural relics and archeology of these civilizations are all There was massive fraud, and absolutely no written records of ancient history have survived to this day. These areas only have so-called unrecognizable written symbols recognized by the West, but the authenticity of these symbols is seriously doubtful, and there is no coherent and systematic written historical record from ancient times to the present similar to China's.

All of this is done by the West to establish a consciousness in the world that the West is the origin of mankind and civilization in the world!
Therefore, in the eyes of Westerners, the Chinese civilization far away from the West is naturally the shortest, least advanced, and later developed civilization.
This is actually a lie that artificially fabricates history and creates false historical concepts. It is a tragedy for the development of human civilization!

@walking_luggage8105 - 30.10.2023 07:27

There are a lot of incorrect information in this video. For example, the video claimed Yu fixed the flood with "supernatural powers. But no Chinese history says Yu had supernatural powers, instead Chinese history recorded Yu was an engineer and fixed the flood with a large river engineering project which lasted decades. Yu is significant becuase it marks the cultural difference between Chinese and western culture. Both western and Chinese culture and flood narratives. But the western flood narratives, based on the Bible (which is based on the flood narratives in ancient near East) is about the supernatural dieties punishing humans while also pick and saved a few humans. Meanwhile the Chinese flood narrative distinctly lacks supernatural elements, instead it was about one man who mustered his fellows and fixed the flood by engineering and they did not rely on supernatural dieties.

@chrischow9085 - 29.10.2023 07:41

For any civilization traced to that long, their current state would be far off from their origins too right?

@klarkewang - 28.10.2023 18:05

NOT IN WRITTEN LANGUAGES... modern Chinese with proper focused education can read scripts from 2500 years ago easily.

@majid_6224 - 28.10.2023 06:14


@wendyshoowaiching4161 - 27.10.2023 21:05

Very2 Old

@YouMoya - 27.10.2023 03:16

A lot of fabrication after cultural revolution. Why would any country manipulate "their" ruins, artifacts and manuscripts? BECAUSE IT'S NOT THEIRS! You think you can distort 5000 years of history? Goguryeo and Balhae is Korean history not China! Even if you fabricate your history, we have 100% authentic manuscripts and ruins! I mean I understand why you are claiming this history because if you don't, that means most of your culture and history came from Goguryeo=Goryeo (Korea). It's time for China to tell the world the truth. It will be the biggest scandal in world history.

@good2freelance1 - 25.10.2023 12:48

Well, people still don't know how acupuncture works and who invented it, It's pretty old to me.

@alphaglucopyranose6928 - 24.10.2023 20:21

She is related to Donald Trump. Look at her lips.

@dailm8056 - 24.10.2023 14:02

The first dynasty in China was the Xia Dynasty 4100 years ago. A large number of city walls and eight palace ruins were excavated at the Erlitou site in Yanshi City, Henan Province, as well as a large number of bronzes, jades, many pottery, and even industrial workshops, prisons, sacrificial platforms, etc. Some pottery and jades are engraved with characters, but these characters are monotonous and do not form sentences together. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as a formal text.
The dynasty with clear formal writings unearthed is the Shang Dynasty, 3,600 years ago.
In the Chinese dynasty 3,000 years ago, their characters were not carved on bones or turtle shells. Those oracle bone inscriptions were just sacrificial and divination texts. The formal official texts were written on bamboo slips with brushes. These were found in the tombs of the Shang Dynasty. Remains of bamboo slips, but they have decayed.

@taotao98103 - 24.10.2023 11:38

Yu who stopped the flood was at around the same time of the Noah's Ark.

@taotao98103 - 24.10.2023 11:36

Chinese Civilization is the longest undead civilization in the world, but Chinese civilization that verified by archaeological finds only went as far back as 3600 years. So called 5000 years of history, anything earlier than 3600 years ago are all folklore and mythical stories.

@theviolator818 - 24.10.2023 09:52


@elleem3951 - 11.10.2023 09:02

Man the comments section of this video is soooo interesting. I love Chinese history! And love watching those archaeological excavation documentaries they record!

@maximaxlowe3594 - 09.10.2023 17:14

After a few seconds of this commentary I had stopped viewing the video. What a simpleton. Is the old English comprehensible today? Is the old roman language the same as Italian? English has evolved. Same with the Chinese culture. Should we all continue to live in caves? This is a new low when one attacks another culture just because that person doesn't like China.

@SkyGlitchGalaxy - 08.10.2023 17:26

Not as old as any of your mom's. 😁

@trailrunning11vlog - 08.10.2023 15:01

China is the oldest civilization because they invented the nail use in christ crucifixion.

@toomuch6523 - 06.10.2023 04:54

This is a very well organized story for those who need a concrete and accurate understanding of the origin of China and its culture. Nice work! Without involving much details and debates, the main ancient history stream of China is convincely concluded. I feel confortable with the conclusions demonstrated here though many others might not feel the same. Some, may be many Chinese people, may hold up against the idea that China could possible has a history as 'short' as 3500 years and try to retrive further deep into 'dark ages', i.e,. Xia and early Shang era. Even if they could success, they would have to reexplain all current archeological evidences, which is hugh in scale and amount.

@TheWhiskyDelta - 05.10.2023 09:47

Since everyone's putting anecdotes; based on what evidence exits of pre-shang china as well as for the Shang and even Zhou; it is highly likely that the early Chinese state was a confederation rather than a kingdom. That is a set of independent cities and states, which elected a hegemon or overlord to address common problems. While the Xia were able to turn it hereditory and it slowly evolved more and more into a kingdom, even by the early Zhou when they were powerful; most states of the country largely ruled themsleves, having their own laws and customs with little evidence that the Wangs were actually direct rulers.

@i_mimpi89029 - 03.10.2023 18:10

What I know Japheth son of Noah is chinese ancestor, after big flood the ark of Noah landing at mountain Ararat and Noah told Japheth going to the east and develop it.

@GrandPrixDecals - 03.10.2023 11:42

Advertising Established Titles has made me unsubscribe. I’m Scottish but you do not need to be Scottish to realise this is COMPLETE BS!

@yamiroro5969 - 03.10.2023 02:45

Incoming Indians claims their Historical is way more oldest than China 😅

@WaytoGo723 - 01.10.2023 05:11

Long history, almost rotten all the way.

@zajnat9747 - 27.09.2023 01:21

According to scripture the world is approximately 6000 years only.

@innerspiritgenki - 26.09.2023 13:46


@Rorschachqp - 26.09.2023 07:31

Another problem with having Westerners like yourself talking about the Han people’s past and culture: the Zhou is just one of many kingdoms in the land. Kind of like saying Roman history is European history versus France is part of Roman history. France is apart of European history. The confusion comes into play that neither Rome nor Europe is still a single country while the empire of the Middle Kingdom empire has reunited (since the time for the foreign invader Qing dynasty through Japanese invasion, Kuomingtang, and now CCP rule) in present day.

@Rorschachqp - 26.09.2023 07:25

Yu the Great didn’t just use his own hands and that’s all it took. What the legend means is he didn’t just dictate his plan, he was knee deep in the mud and chopping trees just like everyone else, which is high praise since Zhong Guo has had many dictators who are the “do as I say, not as I do” kind.

@sengphethkeopraseuth5646 - 26.09.2023 05:18

Chinese lier they not even that long appeared the Chinese people and yue fighting each other about 4000 years ago name the Chinese not even appeared yet

@JonesJones-np2kq - 26.09.2023 02:20

it’s illegal, you cannot claim a title in Scotland. And the company is operating out of the shell company in Hong Kong. And I’m sure they’re not planting a tree on your behalf!

@jefvan536 - 25.09.2023 15:26

westren people became more dump and stupid each day,,,they even intend to change someone history,,,they manage to survive for 5k year .i dont think mere 200 year empire was stupid enough to make this claim,

@crazyqqq3 - 25.09.2023 14:14

silly to assume that a civilization and its culture would not evolve over time.... example, trying going back 1000 years and see if english can be understood in England.

@zhen159 - 24.09.2023 23:02

They have a history of 5,000 years

@user-ms5nw8hr7f - 23.09.2023 21:22

Chinese is the greatest civilization in the world! Period

@RUHappyATM - 23.09.2023 17:25

"China has the longest continuous history of any country in the world—3,500 years of written history".
So says the American Historical Association.

@kanweiwu7339 - 23.09.2023 13:12

You are quite prejudicial toward Chinese culture and history.

@jimmylam1486 - 23.09.2023 12:54

Thank you so much, Kings and Generals, for this informative, unbiased, well-documented piece of ancient Chinese history. As a Chinese, I appreciation what you have done>
