Never store secrets in the resources of your app! (feat. Anastasiia Voitova)

Never store secrets in the resources of your app! (feat. Anastasiia Voitova)

Vincent Pradeilles

2 года назад

4,566 Просмотров

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Hackenbacker - 01.09.2023 02:58

Would you like to tell us the way how should we solve the problem ? 🧐

Rahul Jamba
Rahul Jamba - 26.07.2023 21:31

Excellent Topic, Thanks for sharing your knowledge

Cédric loneux
Cédric loneux - 26.06.2023 04:02

the video explains a problems we all know about but I was expected to get a solution presented.
You tell to use obfuscation okay but show it in practise. All I can think about is encoding but like you said: that's easily decodable.
Then you talk about encryption saying it's way more secure. I agree but if when you compile the app, you code need a way to access the key.
What would you encrypt it with ?

ArturoFM - 17.09.2021 22:11

So... end of the story, what is the correct way to store API keys?

Viktor Siruk
Viktor Siruk - 15.09.2021 16:23

Як завжди, Настя = топ контент 👍

Keith Weiss
Keith Weiss - 09.09.2021 07:06

Awesome video! Very informative. Your guest clarified some important concepts.

Ricky Witherspoon
Ricky Witherspoon - 08.09.2021 22:37

Awesome new format! I really enjoy that you bring in a subject matter expert to explore the topic some more. Would love to see more of these.

Anthony Junior
Anthony Junior - 08.09.2021 14:29

Is this the same for Firebase/Firestore keys?

rohit dhawan
rohit dhawan - 08.09.2021 09:39


Rafael Costa
Rafael Costa - 08.09.2021 00:07

The way I do it is to bundle the secret encrypted within the app, and on the first run, I get a key from the backend to decrypt it. I perform some basic validations (does the request appear to come from a device running my app?) and then return the key. Client decrypts it and stores the decrypted key in the keychain for later usage. Not safe by any means, but tricky enough to discourage unsavvy snoopers.

Ответить - 07.09.2021 23:09

Great video! We need to raise our awareness about secure data and PII.

Matheus Gois
Matheus Gois - 07.09.2021 21:01

Congratulations 🍾

Multitudes - 07.09.2021 18:51

This was a fun one :)

Vincent Pradeilles
Vincent Pradeilles - 04.08.2021 18:26

It was my first time recording a 10-minute video with a guest! This video was awesome to create and I hope you've also enjoyed watching it 🚀
