Cooling the Asteroid! - Ep. 17 - ONI Tubular Upgrade Update! - Oxygen Not Included Gameplay

Cooling the Asteroid! - Ep. 17 - ONI Tubular Upgrade Update! - Oxygen Not Included Gameplay

Blitz After Dark

6 лет назад

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@apersonwithnoname.7819 - 03.01.2018 03:31

I like eating alto😺

@apersonwithnoname.7819 - 03.01.2018 03:32


@apersonwithnoname.7819 - 03.01.2018 03:32

A lot

@SerafinaS8 - 03.01.2018 03:42

So, firstly, I would like to kinda apologise for being salty under the last episode. I myself never am busy around new year's eve so I hadn't thought you were still recording videos in advance. Anyway, your gas filtration system is messed up because you dragged piping over the filters and in many places gas often skips them or even backs up.

@iri10 - 03.01.2018 03:56

Instead of doing all your filtering of the base air "remotely" I think you should do some of it locally. Next to those gas pumps in the food growing rooms, you should put a filter right there. Bad gas goes down the pipe to your bad gas storage tanks. Good air gets exhausted right inside the growing rooms it came from. So basically you are recirculating most of the air back into the same room, only removing the bad gas.

@mysterygamer4896 - 03.01.2018 04:02

Blitz you silly derp one of the plastic factories was overheating!

@thewanderer1003 - 03.01.2018 04:07

Hey Blitz, sorry to hear commenters hating on you. I think you're a pretty swell guy and you should just keep doing you. Those haters are probably trolls anyhow.

@andrewkerr1963 - 03.01.2018 04:08

You connected the input, output, and filtered output togeter so when it goes in and it comes out the out put side it may choose to go to the nearest vent which is the filtered output

@Maramara13Fly - 03.01.2018 04:22

Use exosuits for slime biomes

@dmitrylavrinenko1155 - 03.01.2018 04:36

Blitz Don’t be bothered by those jerks who called you mean things I for one love your vids I always watch them when I’m sad and they always cheer me up and I love your vids keep up the good work man !!!❤️

@equinox1667 - 03.01.2018 05:12

well done blitz, sorted out a tonne of problems this episode. great stuff.

@kaidendoge1028 - 03.01.2018 05:16

the oxygen goes out the green side but has nowhere to go so it goes into the yellow side

@raveluth9467 - 03.01.2018 05:16

Thanks for all your videos Blitz. Sorry for any negative comments you have gotten just know there are plenty of us who love your videos and think you do a wonderful job.

@apersonwithnoname.7819 - 03.01.2018 05:19

I am still eating! I love eating.

@apersonwithnoname.7819 - 03.01.2018 05:23

Omission the cucumber.

@bobofcheesecake3282 - 03.01.2018 05:28

Blitz buddy, you are awesome, keep up the great work and keep the good videos coming. You are a awesome person, you do some very annoying things in your videos, I come very close to screaming at you, but I can't say anything because I don't play this game. God bless, merry Christmas, and happy new year.

@bobofcheesecake3282 - 03.01.2018 05:34

Lol, I am still screaming at the screen. Thank goodness you fixed the plumbing.

@ideaxgaming5647 - 03.01.2018 06:09

Make a air filter of a water filter so that poopy air and poopy water can be good air or good water

@zackbot_ - 03.01.2018 06:39

Why is there no sound?

@petermarr1066 - 03.01.2018 07:15

hey ive been watching u for so long and im just gonna say ignore the flaming haters we still enjoy ur content never stop being the best you, we love ya blitz buddy

@zurathewoz4205 - 03.01.2018 08:04

Where's the sound

@camerongehr7715 - 03.01.2018 08:06

Blitz some people are just hattin because your some much better than them so don't listen to those hatters

@LedoCool1 - 03.01.2018 09:26

Am I the only one who feels game lacks sounds?

@hotlavatube - 03.01.2018 10:51

Build with gold to avoid much of the overheating equipment. Transformers, pumps, filters, etc. It'll survive up to 125 instead of 75c.

@xpminicar10k21 - 03.01.2018 10:59

Is it me or did he forget to record the sound from the game.

@youzhou3001 - 03.01.2018 11:09

@Blitz if your slicksters are on one block (from what I know) they’ll just eat the CO2 and poop oil

@AriManPad8gi - 03.01.2018 11:41

I'm glad you finally - LOL - noticed the three puts (input/output/filter output) were connected on those gas filters. It was driving me nuts (I was alternating between laughing and mild annoyance) LOL :). I saw the mistake when you drew the gas pipe all the way across early on in the video, and I said "oh no, he connected all 3 together, they're not going to filter". Good job saving the base, BTW, you're on your way. Also, Happy New Year to you and yours :).

@ElderWuggie - 03.01.2018 13:44

I love this Please keep it up!?

@Mike22313 - 03.01.2018 13:50

This base, too derp to actually fix it.

@anniemalacas9083 - 03.01.2018 15:30

We need to get this channel to 100k let's go Blitztopian Army I know we can do it!! ♥️♥️

@tryhardtrey6043 - 03.01.2018 18:01

Should I just give up for asking for rimworld does anyone know why he quit

@morvenspandern5521 - 03.01.2018 18:15

Mop the base !

@coconutbrittle6877 - 03.01.2018 19:42

GOOO! BLITZ!! love you man!!

@frostnotm5282 - 03.01.2018 21:17

You have a pipe there, on the filter

@adamspalek2697 - 03.01.2018 22:03

Nice, I love this series, it really helps with my base! Thanks Blitz! xD

@TheSquirt5000 - 04.01.2018 04:12

how to solve the food crisis: step 1 make a room with only co2 in it step 2 put lots of food containers in it step 3 delete all other food containers and then you will have food that will never go off step 4 make many many farms

@aerlium95 - 04.01.2018 04:53

awesome vid love the series

@charlienorton3960 - 04.01.2018 18:26

Is it just me or was there no sound from the game.

@Griff_94 - 04.01.2018 19:09

hey Biltz, I'm relatively new to the channel and rarely comment but just wanted you to know I appreciate the hard work you to with the channel and that regardless of how the series (other series also) ends up going it's entertaining and that's what I enjoy. So thank you, and I hope you and your family had terrific holiday. Keep up the great work.

@RpMxLemoncrs - 05.01.2018 00:19

In playing this game on my own I noticed an exploit. If you run your polluted water through a liquid filter and filter out polluted water you can get a decent amount of clean water out of it free of germs. I ran this in a system inside a water tank and had a full tank of 20 blocks and ended up removing a quarter of clean water from it. Just a thought you could use during a water shortage. You can also run water sieves if you’d like to clean the polluted water more efficiently

@Ivellios23 - 05.01.2018 03:50

You have the gas line connect to both the input and the filtered output. Yay, you started using switches.

@MSoave - 05.01.2018 21:58

Need a door by the steam gyser

@nuttybud6561 - 06.01.2018 15:05


@kuznetsov9471 - 07.01.2018 01:31

*names* and *words*

@captnocapin1881 - 08.01.2018 08:58

The metal tiles just let them run faster

@0623kaboom - 10.01.2018 12:49

why wouldnt you just place a pair of the ice plants in the good water chamber and cool the water there and then when it pumps around the base it cools the base ? ... or ... instead of dumping the hot water into the ice field and getting it polluted send it over there and pump it through the liquid cooler and then back into your base .... the ice will keep the cooler cool and the water will chill while in the ice area and teh cooler will cool the water further making your water nice and cold.
I do think you should run a self feeding bathroom with good water and water sieve and chiller ... chiller heats the bad water and kills germs the sieve makes it good water and then send it to the feed for the shower and lav and basin and then it comes back to a small 4wide 2 high pool to get heat treated by the chiller and pumped around the central core of teh base to chill the base and then it gets filtered to be reused ... use a bottle opener to fill the sess pool with good water to begin with and after that you never need to touch it again ... if you make layered bathrooms set a bigger pool at the top with teh chiller and filter and bottle opener then feed all your bathrooms as you pump the chilled water down to them all and it will also cool with the polluted water as it comes back to get recycled ... doing this would save your good water for usefull things like plastic and O2 generation and what not ... also your sess pool you use for your natural gas plant could also be chilled and pumped around your plant ... again killing germs, reducing polluted ore, and then returned to the bad water pool ... or you could combine both (leave one bathroom set as standalone ... like the first one you place for shtf times) and cycle the bathroom water to the sess pool to be heated by a chiller that pumps the bad water to the gas plant and then sends it to the filtration plant which also runs a chiller (less germs likely) around your home and then back into your showers to go back around once again ... this way conserving all your water freeing up all the other water found on the map to be used to make stuff with ... you can also place the heaters and chiller into the swamp areas and have their heat kill the germs off making algae (Al Jee ... like the person and then like the car Jeep) accesible and clay and slime for the algae digester which uses slime to make more algae and bad water adding to your stock pile of bad water etc
also for your research stuff 2 hamster wheels and 2 large batteries will run them and an O2 maker allowing you to research and make some O2 even when everything else is going poof

nice to see I am not the only one who ends up getting screwed by impatience lol ;)

@Elby788 - 17.01.2018 19:53

Been loving this series. I’ve enjoyed watching the ups and downs. I find it way more enjoyable to see the problem solving rather than you getting it right on your first go. I’m new to your channel and think you’re doing a great job. Love your narration as well. Great job. Keep it up!

@buder5116 - 22.01.2018 07:15

1 of the wrong thing is oxygen + hydrogen make water if they can touch each other LOl
