Are you a cross dresser or are you transgender?

Are you a cross dresser or are you transgender?

The Transition Channel

9 лет назад

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Are you a cross dresser or are you transgender? Some people are confused about whether they are a cross dresser or transgender and the aim of this video is to provide some clarification and direction into understanding this.


#Cross-dressing #CD #cross_dresser #transgender #transition #transsexual #male_to_female #MTF #transwoman #transfeminine #HRT #Am_I_a_cross_dresser_or_am_I_transgender #what_is_the_difference_between_a_cross_dresser_and_someone_who_is_transgender
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Edward Layla Roberts
Edward Layla Roberts - 03.10.2023 18:19

after watching the three videos I need help now to transition. Sometimes I think Im going crazy

Edward Layla Roberts
Edward Layla Roberts - 03.10.2023 18:17

nope not a crossdresser. I am 70% female and 30% male. its about me not about the clothes though I like them

Philip E
Philip E - 28.09.2023 18:51

I’m a crossdresser who would like to be transgender

Andy Ockwell
Andy Ockwell - 27.09.2023 23:22

I have no doubt that I am transgender now thanks for the video's

Marion Bloom
Marion Bloom - 03.09.2023 03:10

There's a joke about this:
Q: What's the difference between a cross dresser and a trans woman?
A: About five years!
This has more than a grain of truth in it - the point being, life is not a place, it's a journey. You might start out down the road of cross dressing and you just have to see where it takes you, follow your heart as your experiences develop. You only get one shot at life, and "you're a long time dead", or as the Irish say, "We're here for a good time, not for a long time". Do what makes you feel fulfilled, and learn to say "b@ll@cks" to whatever other people may think or say. It's your life not theirs, go and find other people, who respect you. Dealing with family is hardest, but if they love you they will respect your choices. If they don't respect your choices then they don't really love you and it's time to break away and fine some other people who will.

Joe Foster
Joe Foster - 23.07.2023 15:29

This has been very informative. Thank you

Collin Cluff
Collin Cluff - 25.06.2023 20:42

I'm a transgender woman who also gets sexually arrous

ZikisRepository - 03.06.2023 04:39

hey I remember this video! anyways 4 years latter and im a transwoman whos getting her first like gender conforming surgery soon. its nostalgic seeing this video, really helped reasure me during a time of panic and confusion. <3

Anlze - 02.06.2023 12:08

You don't know that. You just think you do. Such arrogance to categorize and attempt to define most of those whom you know NOTHING about, lil Miss, acting as if, she's got a handle on it. YOU DONT. People are not predictable THINGS. Your not talking SCIENCE. Just the latest outrageous psycho babble OPINION

M - 21.05.2023 21:35

That's right I'm transgender 😮 feeling strong dislike for my genitals and body hair

art james
art james - 16.05.2023 03:54

I,no longer worry about it.I love to wear woman clothing.More choices,more comfort.More feeling good about one's self.

معمورہ ادب
معمورہ ادب - 13.05.2023 08:06

Nice information . . I have written a short story ( fiction : afsana) in my native tongue pashto on a crossdresser and published the book

Robin Elizabeth Blake
Robin Elizabeth Blake - 10.05.2023 04:44

I definitely thought I was a cross-dresser at first. But it's been two years since I started exploring my femininity, and since then I've noticed how much happier I am in my femme identity than I am in my masculine one. I feel so relaxed and free. Unfortunately I do live in the Bible Belt and my living situation has necessitated being careful of when and where I go all out. But when I do? Hoo boy. Best feeling in the world. I thought for a time that I was just a cross-dresser. I thought wrong. ❤

Foogi - 17.04.2023 14:04

I don't hate being a male but i'm certainly not attached to it. It's weird, i guess just don't have any attachments to such things. I do want to transition i'm certain of that but i think that my mentality is that i'm me and even when i do transition that part will never change. I've done my research enough to know how difficult it will be but i'm ready for it.

Nelsea - 17.04.2023 04:14

im transgender, on hormones for just over a month and from the start the clothing time became full time. even going in public with a different appearance has become regular for me, just another day like this that i dont care how others see me.

Marcie Lynn
Marcie Lynn - 15.04.2023 07:38

I am a post op transwoman. I am not an autogynopheliac.

Dropcash15 - 06.04.2023 05:19

This help me understand I'm a wierdo goonie moster lol. I have trouble using the actual words.

Bit Rage
Bit Rage - 24.03.2023 03:58

You are soooo fuqin confused, leading the blind into oncoming traffic... Evl

Zek Cool
Zek Cool - 17.03.2023 18:58

This has helped me ❤❤

Terri Wax
Terri Wax - 13.03.2023 01:42

I'm both a cd and transgender

Stuart Cooper
Stuart Cooper - 09.03.2023 04:06

I've been a cross dresser for 2years I want to dress 24/7 does that mean I'm trans

Brendan Myerscough
Brendan Myerscough - 21.02.2023 11:14

Informative, however transgender feel trapped despite the clothing they wear, external stimuli are constantly reminding you that your not female. This makes the internal pain greater. If you notice, generic women don't get around in dresses. This makes it a little more difficult being compared to a transvestite. Its not always black and white

M - 20.02.2023 20:34

def trans, I don't care about the clothes

Brooksie Doodle
Brooksie Doodle - 15.02.2023 23:51

There's no such thing as "transgender."

They're ALL crossdressers.

Ryan Kelley
Ryan Kelley - 05.02.2023 02:05

After reading through these comments. It's concerning how many people get so emotional from this video. Don't get me wrong I'm glad it helps. But if you are having that much of an emotional reaction to a video. You need help. Not self help. Professional help. Go get some therapy. Bet there is a lot of tortured childhood memories that need unpacking. Find out what is causing this pain, self loathing, and sadness. And cut it out of your life like the cancer it is.

Charletta Cornado
Charletta Cornado - 04.02.2023 16:42

Thankyou im definitely transgendered as want to live fully as a woman. But my two family members won't even talk about it after I mentioned it to them

RaikaSTi - 02.02.2023 23:15

Cisgender men that crossdresses usually identifies as male tho

Vinayak Singh
Vinayak Singh - 29.01.2023 20:12

I feel like to wear only girls dress 🥻👗 and I don't like to be man I want to be woman and permanently I like to wear girls dress, parents doesn't support me

Charletta Cornado
Charletta Cornado - 27.01.2023 06:28

My ex wife thought I was a crossdresser but my feeling has always been since childhood. I'm now 49 and can't handle living two lives. I would love to talk with you please.

Sean Mckenzie
Sean Mckenzie - 09.01.2023 05:41

My thing is this I don’t believe clothes have genders regardless of what you identify as can wear whatever you want

Sean Mckenzie
Sean Mckenzie - 09.01.2023 05:41

My thing is this I don’t believe clothes have genders regardless of what you identify as can wear whatever you want

Richard Fish
Richard Fish - 23.12.2022 02:36

well done.

Lauren Cd
Lauren Cd - 12.12.2022 15:41

Thank you

Steve Beacher
Steve Beacher - 09.12.2022 06:18

Thank you for the video. I clearly identify as transvestite. Had a hard time with that. Best, Alexis.

3 Putt
3 Putt - 27.11.2022 12:05

I’m a sissy!

Narrowgaugefilms - 22.11.2022 02:18

I told my wife recently that I would transition, but only if it was cheap, easy and temporary. (-which it isn't, isn't and isn't!). I'm happy as a guy and would miss myself if it became permanent! A couple of weeks on vacation in some resort or in another country would be nice, though.

I think someone who could offer weekend or week long complete gender transitions as round trips would became very wealthy, very quickly. I think it could be very therapeutic for young people learning to deal with the opposite sex to walk a mile in their shoes...and clothes...and hair...and lives!

onmyway - 21.11.2022 07:29

I wish I could speak too you u seem so wonderful to speak with I need help so bad today!!!

Nate • 18 years ago
Nate • 18 years ago - 24.09.2022 04:46

why making it seem so hard to be a crossdresser . its just clothing. dont align us with transgender because we are straight man. just like wearing girl clothing for personal reasons. simple as that. its like women wearing jeans and shirt.

Jason B
Jason B - 06.09.2022 14:20

I wear thongs under my clothes and red nail polish and now l want breast implants but l know its a sin

peta-g - 04.09.2022 20:18

Nice explanation, but you leave out a complete categorie! (maybe even the biggest group!)
non-binary people do not dress for arousel neither do they want to (completely) change their body. they just want to express their other side.

LYSIYASBLOG - 30.08.2022 01:41

Please dirty talkig uncensored instruktion i am sissy fuck

Alejandro Moreno S.
Alejandro Moreno S. - 23.07.2022 06:19

I would partially argue with, or at least clarify the description/definition of crossdressers – crossdressers do not only dress because they get turned on and find it erotic, they often crossdress because some days they feel more feminine than other days, and/or some days men's clothes just seem boring, drab, unfulfilling and don't feel like they reflect what they are feeling on the inside. This is not to say that crossdressers also feel dysphoria, because as a general rule they don't. And yes, sometimes it is because it's a turn-on, but as time goes on, the turn-on is less and less a reason why, and an increased comfort level in women's clothes merely as an expression of an internal state, becomes more and more the main reason why. In short, I think it's a mistake to imply that ALL crossdressers ONLY dress because it's some kind of fetish – that is an erroneous position, and doesn't help people understand and empathize with them.

ross sterling9982
ross sterling9982 - 21.07.2022 09:53

This is old garbage that does not acknowledge gender fluidity and boxes crossdressers and trans into very rigid sexual categories. Take this trash down.

Eddie Knox
Eddie Knox - 18.07.2022 00:57

how would you know?

Ino Zeeen
Ino Zeeen - 15.07.2022 19:19

BAM BAM what I

Moe Ihle
Moe Ihle - 10.07.2022 08:05

I have been cross-dressing for years but now I find myself dressing more as a woman and feeling better about it I felt that way all my life thanks for the advice

Lexie 💜
Lexie 💜 - 04.07.2022 22:06

Ok so im a crossdresser for me , it is more of a feminine energery thanks 😊 but i wish i had smooth skin and mabye some small breast

Lior C.
Lior C. - 13.06.2022 11:08

That's the same question I'm asking myself -
"What are you really?" - Who knows this feeling? 💕

I grew up in a very conservative house, which did not have the stories of "I asked my mother for a dress, and the next day we went shopping" ...
And from a young age, age 10 or so, I would secretly take my mom and sister's clothes and wear them in secret.
The fear of being caught was so great that I remember almost nothing.

25-30 years later, minus 60 pounds, in a stunning body I designed for myself in the shape of a female hourglass, hairless But still looks like a man of course.
A really handsome man, (sometimes compred to Ronaldo 😊 ) who undoubtedly draws the line between a man and a woman and plays with him,
As long as my loving wife and mother my children and the love of my life accept it with a smile:
Little by little I'm doing it:
I arrange my eyebrows, occasionally applying makeup to work gently, and putting on lipstick and mascara.
My entire wardrobe is actually divided into 2 classes:
Women's clothes that are very feminine that I wear every night at home when I have free time
But outside?
Women's clothing that is "in the middle" such as jeans and a t-shirt, tights, boots and more.

I go for a feminine walk, which in my eyes is the right one and the most impressive, (but I would like it with heels, a skirt and beautiful legs (and I have beautiful legs))

I think feminine thoughts and work at a job that in my eyes is feminine - graphic designer :)
Gentle black on the nails, but I would like it to be bright red sometimes.

The Dressing Vs Gender Question:

If it was simpler, I would like to live like a woman,
But that's not the case, at least for now.

So for the peace of my life and heart, and as much as my wife accepts my transitionS with a hug and a smile, I taking it slow.
Maybe to slow?
Who knows?

what do you think?

NotMyRealName222 - 06.05.2022 06:28

I am very uncomfortable about physically being a man. However I still get a rush and have tons of fun dressing up....
