You Should Play Enderal Forgotten Stories  | Open World RPG

You Should Play Enderal Forgotten Stories | Open World RPG


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Fevir - 20.02.2019 22:20

bring me a nice crispy piece of meat

sqwang - 09.06.2023 20:25

I want my friends to play this so bad I will never stop trying to convince them

UnknownMoses - 11.03.2023 12:00

That’s good news i could not play Skyrim because of the scaling. Maybe I’ll try it again

Mats Moland Træen - Guitarist
Mats Moland Træen - Guitarist - 10.03.2023 13:39

Definitely checking this out!

Nicolas - 05.03.2023 09:29

As usual... Dutch qualitat !

Matt Hias
Matt Hias - 07.01.2023 17:22

Best RPG since the Gothic series

Rufiowascool - 10.12.2022 08:13

THank you./ This was an amazing summary. Downloading as I type!

Yaboi -h
Yaboi -h - 31.10.2022 01:14

I think you skipped out on one of the most important parts of this game, and that is its music, the soundtrack of this game can produce an atmosphere not too dissimilar to that of a horror game

Nicolas Bouchard
Nicolas Bouchard - 05.09.2022 07:03

The story telling is so good you find urself ready to steal and kill for a interesting book, you don't wanna know what I've done to get my hands on all butchers of ark tomes and what the knowledge did to my soul 😭 this game is dark it's litterally an horror rpg. It kept me focused and on the edge on my chair like no other game
thedeserve so much credit for how they managed to change the combat themes look and how you play the game to make it a fresh new way ur invested into it and ur really trying to understand what you can't and it's gonna make u fucking punch ur screen in fear or confusion

Johnson Riviera
Johnson Riviera - 14.08.2022 05:51

Definitely a better story than skyrim

sebas Stein
sebas Stein - 26.07.2022 11:24

Skyrim if it actually had a good story. I like Skyrim but the story of Skyrim is absolut trash and therefore Skyrim is definitely not one of the best rpgs ever like many claim. Not even the world changes after you beat the game to stop dragons attacking, guess what they still attack like nothing ever happend. May it be sidequests or the main, Skyrim had no depth, no love. Great world even greater mods and the only reason I like Bethesda games so much is because of the community, not because of Bethesda.

Elef Ant
Elef Ant - 07.07.2022 13:05

"He who fights with monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche,
Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Enderal is a masterpiece! Remember Ryneus? In the end you realize that you are responsible for the poor boy's death because you desperately needed his black stone. For what? To wipe out mankind. You realize that you're a monster - and the High Ones are right. A bloody bitter pill to swallow!

Subhankar Baral
Subhankar Baral - 19.06.2022 08:00

For those who don't know, SureAI has pretty much confirmed that they will continue the universe now as a standalone game, meaning the sequel of Enderal will be made purely ground up in a new Engine, most likely Unreal. SureAI is planning to make the series a new franchise.

Disgaealikerasap - 08.04.2022 15:17

Considering trying this because people have said this is the closest to good story writing to Xenogears that they have found.

Yer_pall_memes - 28.02.2022 10:49

Love a game that makes me question reality while still getting my ass handed to me on Very Easy mode

Miku - 18.02.2022 03:04

Since I've finished enderal 6 years ago , nothing has reached that level of immersion , of emotion I've experienced in a game , absolutely amazing

T B - 25.01.2022 02:09

Only missing a main city in open world then it would be perfect and better then most RPGs

henk jan
henk jan - 21.01.2022 23:03

thanx bitch, you do need to special edition. now I bought the non special edition for shit.

Demi Dyke
Demi Dyke - 04.01.2022 06:52

there is a special edition release of enderal on steam btw!

Schizoetry (Music, Art, & Gaming)
Schizoetry (Music, Art, & Gaming) - 30.12.2021 09:26

It's free too???!! I'm downloading it RIGHT NOW

global - 19.12.2021 11:32

enderal is a nostlgia feeling that u never felt in your whole life and it puts a blanket around your heart , and when u think of enderal your will see a warm light yellow and fleshless song and that one donkey sound idk but for me its nostalgic as hell i played every elder scroll game and the dark souls trilogy this is by far the greatest games to ever live nothing can beat the elder ecroll trilogy and the dark souls trilogy 🙃

Hex Addams
Hex Addams - 06.12.2021 20:06

It’s December 2021. I just met a guy at work the other day and he immediately introduces me to this game. Told him I’d check it out… HOW TF HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS??????

Noah Tyler Pritchett
Noah Tyler Pritchett - 17.11.2021 00:58

I like to think of this world as a previous or new kelpa from the elder scrolls. Same universe area. Different reality.
A kelpa in elder scrolls lore
Burrowed from Indian myths is universes last 6 million years dies get destroyed than remade a new.

Arnar Eriksson
Arnar Eriksson - 10.11.2021 11:33

For those of you frowning.. There is now a special edition version of this mod on steam :)

Huggable Cube
Huggable Cube - 27.10.2021 23:19

While I haven't played Nehrim or the Morrowind mods I can safely say that the last good Bethesda games weren't even made by Bethesda. There were made by Obsidian and SureAI.

Optimistic Nihilist
Optimistic Nihilist - 25.10.2021 04:28

Okay but can you use Skyrim mods with this? Because I can't go back to Skyrim's vanilla combat.

Maya - 14.10.2021 07:05

holly shit someone made a whole new game as a mod? Skyrim modding community is off the charts and blows my mind over and over!!

alex 🌙
alex 🌙 - 08.10.2021 20:30

This video is what convinced me to get Enderal, and I already love it. Thank you for the high quality video.

robert - 20.08.2021 11:54

this game deserve to be its own AAA stand alone game

Meringue - 02.05.2021 08:26

I absolutely love the idea but I hate the fanfic-tier story

MAD GOD - 12.04.2021 17:11

I'm playing this and it feels like an empty potato

Weedman skirr
Weedman skirr - 07.04.2021 18:44

There actually are voiceactors that also work at triple a titles on german atleast ^^

L.J. Sucharski
L.J. Sucharski - 03.04.2021 21:05

SE in the base game plus exrtra content, yes?

Mikaela - 03.04.2021 19:08

It's now available on SE too!

Malti Moto
Malti Moto - 30.03.2021 15:21

I can't believe that this game is free. It is in every regard WAY better than the main game. Maybe it is pure creativity and the longing for good games that makes developers achieve masterpieces like this!

Mallory SF
Mallory SF - 27.03.2021 13:16

People can create beautiful things... when left alone and let do what they enjoy.

Lira - 26.03.2021 02:18

Skyrim compared to Enderal is like a game made for kids, it is almost goofy. Enderal story is amazing, dark, intriguing, it makes you think about life, it will make you feel confused, sad.... It is like a good book, once you finish you feel empty, like you are not sure what to do next now that you have finished it. I was affected by Enderal's ending for weeks after I finished it lol it was always haunting my thoughts. This game is true art.

dudesson - 23.03.2021 18:57

im getting this as soon as it gets released on special edition. so hyped

Sabine Salzsiedler
Sabine Salzsiedler - 21.03.2021 12:49

guyyss..... i cant believe this game is given us for free... AAAA+ i started playing skyrim and after 3 hours i quit the game and never understood how the community is loving this so game so much, i hate the lvl system and the story.. oh sry which story? But Enderal omg! I just played it cause the lvling made so much more fun, exp for kills, quests and scouting and the feel to become stronger and stronger, like in my beloved classic childhood games like gothic (yes i am from germany, so i had the privilige of authentic and immersive voice actors in enderal and gothic) and the talents and skills are rly fun, pls try freezin the time while using the 2 handed shout skill ;) and the story... in the last 1-2 hours i was like nooooo fuuuckinnnn waaay..... WTF OMG OMG :D rly i played enderal 2-3 years ago and i`m still thinking about the story xD the "evilness" is the most horrible thing i could imagine and thinking about it still frightens me.. haha while writing this, i decided to give it a second run, cyperpunk and pillars of eternity can wait :D

JustDaZack - 19.03.2021 22:18

I finally started to check out if Enderal fits my taste to find out that it gets a Special Edition release any day now.
Thank you very much for your video. I'm very excited to play this game :D

krika1119 - 13.03.2021 07:39

Cut to now, and there's a conversion project that's nearly complete where we can play Enderal on the SE engine, allowing better looks and performance for this masterpiece of a modpack that changes everything we know about Skyrim.

Timothy Mitchell
Timothy Mitchell - 28.02.2021 13:43

whats the damage numbers mod thats is being showen

E. B
E. B - 17.02.2021 10:35

I can't because i have Skyrim SE :(

Bruno William
Bruno William - 15.02.2021 11:57

I agree, enderal is one of the best RPG's i have ever played, maybe even THE best

Marketing Mark
Marketing Mark - 01.02.2021 05:32

I finally played this. Better than Skyrim IMO. The world is just amazing. The Ark under city alone blew me away.

Moonshain - 31.01.2021 13:48

All these lousy reviews, all with "I wOnt sPoil it For yOu"

Anathema - 13.01.2021 01:43

loved this game and have so much respect for the devellopers, but gotta admit that i enjoyed the first 2/3 more. the ending just felt a little rushed and a little too forced in a way.

Lana Kyle
Lana Kyle - 03.01.2021 08:06

I just wish this game had third person view, I can't stand walking around an open world with my whole body missing. Not to mention the option to have customized gear esthetics.

j - 13.12.2020 17:12

Is Forgotten stories a sequel or just cut content? I already beat Enderal
