Feeling Behind In Life?

Feeling Behind In Life?

Leon Hendrix

9 месяцев назад

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@ashley4372 - 31.12.2023 03:50

Count me in 👌

@11Wardog - 27.12.2023 10:13

Hey Leon, Im 14. I sometimes worry about how I might not live up to my expectations. I have watched a lot of your videos recently and feel like we both worry about expectations. I want to know what I need to put in, where I need to be at now and what I need to keep doing. I don't know much about drvn but should I join. Am I thinking about all this stuff too early on in life?

@b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s - 24.12.2023 23:50

second time i laugh

@nikibronson133 - 01.12.2023 21:04

I wish I had the amount of subscribers you have! There are always people that want what you have

@nahheli - 22.11.2023 20:24


@aquarian4260 - 21.11.2023 01:31

how do i know what imput is required? how can i make a plan to find tresures when i have no idea that a boat exists. these videos or fcking kanker

@Lylyna000 - 15.11.2023 12:14

Okkay I'm really up for this challenge

@alinerguio - 06.11.2023 23:01

a great wake up call, created a sheets to track 3 areas of my life (22 variables) I've been slowly working on this past year more intensely and can see the clear improvement in the data from the first 15 days to the second 15 days

entering the third 15 days very excited with results and energetic to keep going

really appreciate the video, and keeping up to see if you're posting as you said you would

@RoryBland - 03.11.2023 04:09

Bro I’m all in on this 90 day concept. Going to figure out what I’m gonna do it around / and get moving.

@MrCoffis - 20.10.2023 12:46

I think everyone is different. Being too driven can be a toxic trait too. No matter what you achieve is not enough and you feel like a rat in the rat race. As if you are always chasing happiness through meeting your goals. If you flip things around though that’s when things become a little different. If you are happy to begin with then you don’t beat yourself up for not achieving. You get into a more healthy relationship with yourself. Your goals you set become your journey and the fear of failing which imo is 1 of the main reason we fail (self fulfilling prophecy) is reduced. I think it’s how children set their goals about something they love doing. They don’t care if they fail. They set a goal and that’s all they care about. If you look back and remember in an example in your childhood where you had a goal, I think you’ll see you didn’t care about when you would have achieved it, but the sooner the better obviously. What am saying is you didn’t force it and you probably didn’t fear not achieving the goal. Probably because as kids we have a more playful mindset. I think as adults we need to have a bit more of that even when a lot is at stake. Otherwise if you beat yourself up every time you’ll have PTSD every time you set goals for yourself.
TLDR have a healthy relationship with yourself.

@reddrift3022 - 18.10.2023 01:03

I am 100% where I want to be going into the last quarter of the year and I achieved this is because my old reality was completely broken.

In the first 9 months of the year, I got out of the lowest point in my life, got a new full time job in the industry I want to work in, went from 1k in debt to 6k in savings, got my first girlfriend, broke my plateau in building muscle and rock climbing, got a new record for my fastest 10k run ever, applied for part time university, found a rhythm to get up early and work on my passion projects before work every day, built a strong reputation with those in my company, where those above me come to me for advise and have started reading educational books again.

It took a MASSIVE reality shift for me to get here but with enough clear and deliberate action you can easily start snowballing your life. I am also very cautious about getting complacent, I have burnt out in the past from falling out of positive habits, but all in all, I am in the best spot I have ever been in, and took me my lowest moment ever to begin this growth phase.

You will only make change when your current reality is broken, you don't have to reach your lowest moment to do that, but its so hard to make dramatic shifts in who you are and what you do when your life is still running 'smoothly' on your current path.

@janbock3958 - 17.10.2023 23:40

What a punch to the gut. Set me right back on track. Thanks dude

@siddhantbagga2144 - 17.10.2023 18:37

What's That Outro Song, That's Motivating ?

@dimasyt4447 - 16.10.2023 09:45

Hi Leon,

Du sprichst mir einfach aus der Seele.

So viele Ziele die ich versucht habe aber nie probiert habe.

Wie sehr ich mir wünsche Zeit zurück zu holen um es anders zu machen.

Danke für deine Videos ...

@chetrajbhatt4993 - 12.10.2023 04:29

i am late but i am gonna start this challegen with you

@romanpjescak3113 - 11.10.2023 19:17

I just don't understand why you're pushing yourself and putting pressure on your shoulders with the goal of creating 10 videos by the end of the year. Where is the meaning behind all of this? Do you enjoy having stress in your life? Are you running from yourself with workaholism?

@MohamedBelgaiedHassine - 10.10.2023 00:54

Leon, you probably read Atomic Habits... Why would you set a 90 day period to do it all and be that better version of yourself in one single try. Do it step-by-step stacking each couple of weeks a new positive habit that makes more like the person you want to be. What do you think ?

@R.V-- - 07.10.2023 20:43

Hey Leon can any age range enter or is still under 18 restricted 🙃

@szym1 - 07.10.2023 13:17

Running in circles

@dertodeshorst6294 - 07.10.2023 12:57

BALLERN. Lets go

@lutheroktovan9640 - 06.10.2023 17:22

Let's do this!!!!

@juliangarza8120 - 05.10.2023 06:56

Leon thank you. Every time I watch yours videos I improve something in myself.

@lucienbushey3267 - 03.10.2023 23:02

Don’t feel so behind Leon. All of your followers are proud of where you are in your life and you are someone who helped me get my life on track and I have never felt more grateful. I appreciate all of your videos and I always look forward to more of them.

@abukarmahad4324 - 03.10.2023 21:59

I been stuck in a shit loop/rut just playing and being addicted to video games + social media i have tried to do a time plan but is very hard.

@Blizzpoint - 03.10.2023 16:24

I appreciate your content, but you said the exact same thing months ago. You even paid people if you didn't reach your goals. So what different now, from last time?

@4xlczus - 02.10.2023 08:03

I'm going to release a rap album.

@ellleigh1216 - 02.10.2023 00:38

Have you ever thought about getting tested for ADHD? a lot of what you're saying seems to align with it

@ellleigh1216 - 02.10.2023 00:36

Seeing that spider being right there, was unsettling for me haha

@certifiedspastics4929 - 01.10.2023 23:25

You are not separated from your goals by a number of years. You are separated from your goals by a number of actions

So we need to all build a bridge and get over it.

@youknowno8552 - 01.10.2023 10:16

This is exactly what I need. I have spent the last three years waisting my life. I have no friends and have made no achievements. I have goals that I want to accomplish but haven’t put in any of the work. I am going to try to make the best of these next three months and prove to myself that I can work hard! Thank you!

@TeSaRoLlEr000 - 30.09.2023 18:42


@88tongued - 30.09.2023 00:56

The hollowness, the unsatisfactory nature of success.

@oliverpaul1967 - 29.09.2023 20:48

It seems that you’re still a perfectionist through and through.
Although I admire your passion I think you should be more focused on the long term goals. The 10 year goal or something like that, perhaps even longer.
Because it’s like each time you don’t reach the short term goal you have a feeling of disappointment in yourself that I can see on you.
You ought to think about what really matters FOR YOU. Will making 10 videos make you happy?

For me I would have long term goals as follows: Stability (certain routines, salary, house), Relaxation (Do activities that help me get rid of stress), I want to have a family, I want to be healthy ( eat well, meditate, keep a journal, go to the gym and stretch in the mornings).

In short I think your short term goals are too big, that’s why you end up with those negative emotions for example depression.
Is feeling bliss every so often worth the depression?

@iamsassyb - 29.09.2023 09:52

Can't wait! Lets goooooo!

@no-hustle - 29.09.2023 08:44

For many (although not for all), I sense the feeling of "being behind" forever follows. It's part of growth and ambition, and how what you want today likely won't align with what a future of you will want and crave. So we reach goals and still desire more; or at least, different. And if we fall short, we strive to do "better" in the hope that doing so will help make us feel better. It's a constant cycle, and not a bad one so long as YOU remain at the wheel. Once you lose grip of it and are taken for a ride... well, that's when it can quickly turn toxic. But then there's also this sense that life is but a series of chapters, where some of the time you feel ahead and in alignment, and then other times you feel behind and like you have failed (although we often struggle to define what that failure actually means). Again, this wave-like-living is just a part of living. We go up. We go down. When we're up, we feel ACE. When we're down, we compare ourselves to others and become our biggest critic. They key—and your video does a great job of centering around this—is to be the person at the wheel; to give yourself the time to question what you want, why you want it, and then tap into what you NEED to do to make progress in the coming weeks. It won't fox you nor will it "complete" you. But it will satisfy you during your current chapter, and if you do this over and over, it leads you a lovely life indeed.

@rish8357 - 28.09.2023 11:27

Bro been trying to look for a job in corporate America. Pls drop some advice

@punkconfusion1634 - 27.09.2023 19:20

Was really fed-up with you after your Jan upload, but now I’m back on board! I’m in for the next 90!

@rain4675 - 27.09.2023 13:03

Tbh I think you need 2 communities, one is for the channel and the other is small driven.

@sinanitz6649 - 27.09.2023 12:54

Hey Leon, while watching this video, I am wondering if you ever checked your HumanDesign chart? What you are describing sounds like your energy type and defined energy centers could be very interesting to explore. For me, it was a huge "aha" moment, seeing the reason behind a lot of the moments you also described here. You just need your date, precise time and place of birth in order to calculate where the planets were located in the sky in the moment of your birth. If you are interested and don't know anyone who can 'translate' the chart for you, let me know and I can't send you a written version to understand your chart.

@sethhannah7191 - 27.09.2023 06:58

I just wanted to let you know that for some reason this video did not show up in my subscription feed at all. I had to make sure that I was still subscribed! Only reason I saw this was because of your newsletter!

@philiplouden327 - 26.09.2023 22:01

It's time bro, lets go!
i'm in!

@acashgirii - 26.09.2023 21:06

Commenting here to say that ill not half-ass my life and my goals anymore. Came here from your dopamine detox video that you posted 2 years ago. Beginning this 3 month change with the detox. God bless you, my brother!

@gavankarshankar - 26.09.2023 17:39

Everyday, it's You VS You 😶

@user-br7ke7ck2i - 26.09.2023 15:04

man, thank you!! thanks for those words, this video is a blessing in disguise to me......... no one will ever understand me at this stage in lifw where i am, but i want to acheive smthn nd will give my best from now

@Add- - 26.09.2023 02:03

sometimes things just show up when you need them

@marcopruefer - 26.09.2023 00:53

Yes pls. I am feeling behind, this hit me. And I do have those expectations as well. See you in the community!
