The Right Way to Fight with a Katana

The Right Way to Fight with a Katana

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smarttarded - 18.09.2023 11:32

This video helped me bring honor to my family

Applebanger - 13.09.2023 11:54

No offence Shogo, but there are little girls who like fighting with swords as well :) And it's great the path of Iaido is now equally open to them, too. Your tips as to the balance of strength between left and right hand were very useful!

Rides with Hoover
Rides with Hoover - 06.09.2023 13:41


Levitate🏳‍🌈⃠ - 04.09.2023 12:36


VanitasTV - 25.08.2023 08:16

The right way to fight with katana:

Don’t. Use brings about wear, tear, and rust

Tiny J
Tiny J - 24.08.2023 01:53

So...none of this is actually about cutting into your opponent better than he can to you....

Januar Khylle Salem
Januar Khylle Salem - 03.08.2023 02:53

Shogo do you know how many traditional strikes are in the katana or iaido

The Lion‘s Den Peekaboo Style Boxing
The Lion‘s Den Peekaboo Style Boxing - 21.07.2023 21:07

You inspired me to go and buy a Katana. I just released my first video demonstrating my sheathing technique. I understand that it’s impractical but it’s kind of performed in an anime style. Thank you for your videos and thank you for your humility. Humility proceeds honor.

The Lion‘s Den Peekaboo Style Boxing
The Lion‘s Den Peekaboo Style Boxing - 11.07.2023 21:58

Your tiny disclaimers are perfect examples of how different our cultures really are. The majority of Americans speak their mind, even if it offends others. This is very polite and your humility is impressive. Subbed

Arif Muzaki
Arif Muzaki - 18.06.2023 23:05

The art of drawing a katana depends a lot on wrist movements, it seems.

Gary Bridger
Gary Bridger - 15.06.2023 23:02

Love these videos. i so wish i could own a katana like yours

Aubrey C [still RBLXaubrey]
Aubrey C [still RBLXaubrey] - 11.06.2023 08:12

Am a Girl and i used a KATANA😂

pete - 05.06.2023 13:16

All not iai do men on this world want to be a samurai or a ninja … Jung dreams … we all walk and talk very important words …like this warriors … and we swing the kitchen knive … but when we should train 20 years to swing a katana perfectly… then we have no idear how to do this … and often we cut ourselves in 12 peaces … because we think this swinging is easy and we can do everything alone without a dojo … 🔥🔥🔥✌️😂✌️🔥🔥🔥 … but reality takes us from our EGO Ninja trip down to earth back … now we all realize that a katana is a every day learning job … to become better and better every day … slowly … 🔥🔥🔥✌️😜👍🍀🍀🍀…

Robert Eckenberg
Robert Eckenberg - 01.06.2023 12:33

Thank you that you were our Sensei with this video 💙 and you explained it all perfectly. I even did not know this after I practised Kendo for years, trying to handle the Bokuto wooden sword like a katana while practising the Kendo kata forms!

Ahkziel アクジエル
Ahkziel アクジエル - 28.05.2023 09:42

It's all about dual wielding wakizashis sooooon

Namjoohyuk so fine
Namjoohyuk so fine - 20.05.2023 15:56

Every GIRL’S dream

Blaze_Bozo - 30.04.2023 17:38

Me with a wooden katana but pretending it's a real one.

Metawraith - 04.04.2023 00:38

That last point about the hand balance... That may be why my strikes are always wavering. Thank you for that. I'm going to try that out. Unfortunately, I have quite a problem with proper grip on my sword, bokken or otherwise, so any points on fixing my grip are appreciated.

Solarpunk_Hive - 29.03.2023 14:34

Video fantastico e molto esplicativo

Psyche Pete's Channel
Psyche Pete's Channel - 20.02.2023 09:46

The right way to FIGHT with your Katana:
1. Have your Katana in your sheath.
2. Draw
3. Shoot
5. (Optional) After your gun is safely holstered, draw and sheath your Katana - for the feels.

boki dimi
boki dimi - 23.01.2023 19:48


Hendra Hendra
Hendra Hendra - 22.01.2023 07:36

You better have mustache in your face to look like a real samurai

Bob Kunihiro
Bob Kunihiro - 14.01.2023 17:41

Okay, so I'm left handed. Why can't I draw it as a lefty? I feel uncoordinated as a right handed person

Christian Ferrer
Christian Ferrer - 12.01.2023 19:57

I've done mma + bjj for 3 years and due to a traffic accident had to take a step back from rolling on the ground for a few months...

I've been drilling with my cheapo blunted katana at home and found this incredibly therapeutic and rehabilitative.

Going to a school soon.

Thank you for encouraging this new passion!

地震情報・Earthquake Info
地震情報・Earthquake Info - 12.01.2023 16:59

I am left handed, everytime I try to use the sword with my right hand, it is nearly impossible to hold it steady and I'm afraid that I am going to hurt myself that way, so I always wear it on my right hip and draw with my left hand.

lenuelmerana el
lenuelmerana el - 06.12.2022 07:43

since the time of samurai is done. i'll just put the saya on my right waist cause im left-handed when using a sword. sry if I have to put the saya on right waist.

RIKO in Utah
RIKO in Utah - 30.11.2022 01:52

Thank you so much for this excellent video. I'm excited to be recieving my Sword set from Japan soon, and anxious to practice the exercises you outline.

Clayton Gross
Clayton Gross - 25.11.2022 18:47

You were solid until you put up the cosplay

Sushi Phantom
Sushi Phantom - 12.11.2022 23:19

Simple: I just gotta unsheathe and sheathe my sword really fast, and things around my will be automatically cut

barbatoes - 31.10.2022 00:11

im a girl and i still swing everything that is near me like a katana

Sagan Enzenieer
Sagan Enzenieer - 24.10.2022 16:07

related n01 except if you keep a falx as a katana ;)

Don O
Don O - 20.10.2022 06:42

Shogo-San, do you pronounce Katana differently when speaking nihon-go verses speaking English? Is there an inflection or emphasis on the Ta syllable ka-TA-na verses all three Ka-ta-na having equal emphasis?

cris dlcruz
cris dlcruz - 09.10.2022 08:17

Cool now i can get cutdown properly

Godz__ - 19.09.2022 17:56

Random guy: I'm gonna be like the best Samurai. Me: You mean Miyamoto Musashi

Tiexiao Wang
Tiexiao Wang - 19.09.2022 06:51

Instead of wearing it with the blade up so you have to unsheath it with an awkward hand position, why not wear it blade down so that you can draw it with a more comfortable position and you can make an upward cut at the same time?

PTM45 smi
PTM45 smi - 14.09.2022 13:37

Hey, include the girls too! I'm a kali/arnis practitioner.

Mustafa Hayes
Mustafa Hayes - 10.09.2022 17:57

when it gets to the part about wearing a katana around your waist. a guy with jeans comes up because he is not wearing a hakama and a belt. I cant find a link and don't know who he is could you help. I don't have a hakama and a belt

crodd92 - 09.09.2022 04:57

Does the same 7 3 for the left hand being dominant apply for horizontal and diagonal cuts as well?

Robert Schlesinger
Robert Schlesinger - 29.08.2022 09:34

Excellent video. Very interesting, informative and worthwhile video.

Charles Quinlan
Charles Quinlan - 27.08.2022 23:18

Thank you for your simple, straight forward, clear explanation. A true master does not need flair!

JingShenKuoshu - 25.08.2022 07:46

I want to meet you. How do we connect. Even if online. I have questions on angling that I want to challenge, rather discuss. You are very wise. Lets talk modern combat
You are amazing

Stephen Patton
Stephen Patton - 23.08.2022 04:25

Super positive. High skill. Love it!!!

ThothHeartMaat - 23.08.2022 03:20

it seems like as soon as i went katana shopping i was put on a list and your video's immediately became recommended..

Philharmonic Wittgenstein
Philharmonic Wittgenstein - 19.08.2022 19:51

Menuki are the decorative additions to the Tsuka which give physical feeling of your Katana while you look at your enemy, you know where your hands are. Many swords have outstanding examples of art and craft. They also add to total quality of the sword, but not the quality of the blade. The blade is and always will be the value of the katana. Shogo is very wise for a young man. Peace and prosperity. サムライフィル

Philharmonic Wittgenstein
Philharmonic Wittgenstein - 19.08.2022 19:01

Shōgo-sama, Kihon-tekina kenjutsu no meikakuna hōhō o arigatō. That will do for my cheap Japanese. Have you read the book The Way and the Power by Frederick J, Lovret? It is very recommended. Please continue with your videos - they are Namihazureta. Peace and blessings to you and your family. サムライフィル

efe206 - 15.08.2022 11:16

Also what can i use for the thing that holds your katana bc my Gifu outfit comes in 2 weeks

efe206 - 15.08.2022 11:08

The sheath is actually called the saya

Thuấn Nguyễn
Thuấn Nguyễn - 11.08.2022 11:51

Yasuo 🤡🤡

Victoria Killam
Victoria Killam - 11.08.2022 07:47

Do you give lessons on to learn Japanese
