The Top Ten Intermediate Modelling Tools You Need to Level up your Scale Models

The Top Ten Intermediate Modelling Tools You Need to Level up your Scale Models

Mann's Model Moments

1 год назад

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@julianmhall - 24.01.2024 15:55

Hi Alex.. re paint colours. If your main interest is a single genre, like RAF WWII, would you suggest one of the paint sets collecting the most common colours for that genre together?

@fhbooker - 11.01.2024 16:45

Top video. Can I ask where you get your Pledge? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks

@asdf9890 - 30.11.2023 20:12

I have the exact same magnifier headset. Was cheap but it’s awesome for my almost 50 yr old eyes.

Where is the clamp from? I heard you say burner or something? I couldn’t find anything like it googling.

@dalemettee1147 - 28.09.2023 16:11

The name of the transfers are called De-cals. Pronounced Dee cowls, not decles.

@radarreally2110 - 11.09.2023 23:50

Hey, love lists like this. Glad you've made it. I noticed that the sound was only coming through the left channel in my headphones. Not a huge deal. Still enjoyed the video.

@Paulina170393 - 13.07.2023 08:58

¡Excelente video! Tuve el mismo viaje y mi exoeriencia fue muy semejante a la tuya. Por cierto la gente de Kaliningrado me pareció muy amable y siempre dispuesta a ayudarte.

@predator11111111 - 05.06.2023 13:19

The extra thin glue is exactly the same product as the pink top airbrush cleaner but is a lot cheaper to buy.

@accountnamewithheld - 24.05.2023 05:41

ow my left ear

@andyb1368 - 19.05.2023 07:08

Thank you for the recommendation on vision aids. Twenty years ago, I could see extremely well without glasses and used one of those magnifier lights only when doing some really fine detail, usually involving photo-etch. Now in my sixties, I can’t see anything at arm’s reach or closer without glasses, and even then my detail vision is dubious. Building an entire model using my magnifier light is just problematic. I just received my Vision Aid magnifier, same as yours and which I got on your recommendation. On first blush, my trust in you seems to be well placed. Just playing around with it, the device is light weight and comfortable, so I think wearing for extended periods will not be any kind of a problem. With all the different lens along with the adjustability of the lens and light positions, it think this thing will be a game changer. Thanks again.

@markstott6689 - 29.04.2023 05:03

My biggest gripe in 2023 and coming back to modelling after 34 years is about Tamiya paints.
When I made my last models i bought my Tamiya paints in the large 23ml jars. It now appears that if you want Tamiya in the UK only 10ml jars are available. Yet if you go to Super-Hobby based in Poland they have the large 23ml jars.
Is it a case of profiteering on the part of the UK agent?
Either way it looks like my paint is being ordered from Poland. I just hope HMRC don't slap duty on it.

@BobMuir100 - 16.12.2022 05:04

Enjoyed that, thanks

@jamesgathings6364 - 05.11.2022 19:21

Great videos ! There is one tool that Is quite valuable to me , its a diamond stick used to sharpen wood chisels
its about 1 inch wide by 2 inches long , different grit on each side , was pricey , I use it to sharpen xacto blades , drill bits
scrbes ect , where it really pays off is with photo etch , I can dress down the nibs with zero pull or drag on the photo etch
even down to 350 scale ships railing , they are very sharp
, a soak in acetone to clean , and you would be amazed at all the metal that falls out of them ,

@mraveragemodelmaker8979 - 20.10.2022 18:38

Great video,informative and concise

@PlasticImaginationWorkshop - 28.09.2022 19:01

Just found your channel and subbed (and selected notifications) I'm looking forward to checking out more of your content. Have a great day. -David

@johndillon8051 - 08.09.2022 16:59

Just my opinion, but for an intermediate modeler an airbrush is essential. A very competent one can be had for the price of one or two kits, but get one from a known company with a history and a range of airbrushes. Cheap, one-off airbrushes are not the way to go and will make the modeler question why so many people use them.

@christopher5723 - 30.08.2022 03:40

Personally, I've found I prefer using bottle caps (the kind from glass bottles) for mixing small amounts of paint vs using a pallet, especially if I'm working on something small like a 1/72 pilot.

@johnorlitta - 21.08.2022 16:47

PVA or Elmer's glue works well on paper, wood, and styrofoam, so I was always curious on how strong of a bond it would provide on non porous surfaces such as styrene plastic.

@TJRohyans - 19.08.2022 14:45

Subscribed. A bit of advice though. The last two videos I've watched there are several minutes at the end with just a black screen. The video has ended long before it stops playing. Edit out the last several minutes of 'dead air'.

@AFV85 - 19.08.2022 12:35

I've stopped using that Pledge and Klear UV nowadays my model's from like 10 years ago are all flaking and yellowing they just look like they have been badly brush painted whare it's airbrushed and looks so shiny plastic it's not hoding up good atoll! I'm just packing some them old ones with it away and putting my nee builds in there place so take it as you will I'd not recommend klear floor/Pledge now! The UV protection one is actually worse believe it or not!

@2shoestoo - 14.08.2022 22:40

I would like to see your skills as a modeler as I have been modeling for 60 yrs and like to see different approaches to paint, weathering, washes, layering etc. if your content is for beginners or more intermediate I will pass on subscribing.

@liamgray9805 - 14.08.2022 08:40

Dear sir - an interesting and helpful video, thanks for sharing
