ZorinOS 16 Pro Review

ZorinOS 16 Pro Review

Mental Outlaw

2 года назад

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@Arzon527 - 24.01.2024 22:37

From a windows convert, Zorin is amazing.

@Sasha-informaticaenespan-mt8yy - 13.12.2023 00:20

I love it as desktop daily driving

@maaifoediedelarey4335 - 24.11.2023 13:22

Corporate. Telemetry. Ubuntu based. If you're a beginner, or anyone else (aside from the Arch techies), rather get this distro : Linux Mint LMDE 6.
Based directly on Debian, not dependent on Canonical Ubuntu.

@ardithconley2628 - 15.09.2023 09:48

I am not likening the direction windows is going. I have repurposed a PC I have with a b450 mb 32g and a Ryzen 1600 CPU. I plan on setting up a hard drive in it to run Zorin OS 16.3 Paid version due to the time saved time on installing apps it has pre installed. I am going to install a cut down version of windows 10 or 11 in a virtual box. What I really want to see is how many Windows apps I have to see if I can get them to run natively on Linux. I think this is the version to do that. I heard a person complain about buying windows keys and not buying the OS from Microsoft. I thought about that and the OEM Keys I bought was legit. My point here is I feel Microsoft is milking the people out of money to the point they should pay us for using the OS! Due to selling all the data they are collecting from us and selling it. It is one thing to sell us an OS but it is another thing to rig it in a Worm way Telemetry collection and pop ups of things you do not want to see or buy. And the real insult they want to switch that as windows for a service. To which you would have to pay them a fee just to use your computer you paid for....NO NO NO. not me.

@untemi0 - 20.07.2023 00:38

You will need to restart LibreOffice for the theme to apply fully. For icons, you can change them in the LibreOffice settings.

@brq034 - 18.07.2023 07:39

Zorin has a really polished version of xfce. I have nothing against paying for a distro since developers deserve to get paid and the open source business model is focused on selling tech support, not licenses. Imo it's only problematic to charge for Linux when it's deceptive: like when Linspire sold a yearly subscription to their synaptic front-end Click-N-Run.

@_Ai_Angel - 13.07.2023 03:21

Haven't you noticed something really weird about Zoran The weird thing is if you look at the versions the pro version is very similar to the light version it's got there XFCE coming soon This was a year ago It now has arrived It seems like they are phrasing out the way the core one is

@UriahTronics - 09.07.2023 10:43

The themes you were wondering about were plain gnome and chromebook.

@BBistaken - 03.07.2023 20:59

Yeah... This is my new favorite Linux Distro. (Mint is my 3rd and Garuda is 2nd)

@liamconverse8950 - 05.05.2023 08:10

You're pretty young if Windows 10 came out when you're a senior in high school

@tomie08 - 20.04.2023 06:48

Zorin OS is so beautiful, I use DWM but is making me miss Xfce, my setup looked a lot like Zorin, modern light theme

@astemet - 01.04.2023 19:34

I am using Zorin right now. I think its a mind saver right now for me...

@thekinoreview1515 - 03.02.2023 04:44

Been using Zorin daily since around the time you made this video. I think it is easily the best option for a first-time Linux user transitioning from Windows. Best combo of quality of life features users would expect from a modern OS and a UX which is almost identical to Windows. It feels near 1:1, especially given how much time most people spend in browsers now anyway.

@robertshuruncle9619 - 28.01.2023 20:28

I've used the core version for years from a persistent USB drive installation as a way to handle systems that won't boot and retrieve data etc. Also handy for traveling with only my phone and using hotel computers. I just bought a Lenovo laptop with detachable touch screen and purchased the Pro version of Zorin because I thought they were saying it would make the OS look like the Mac which I really like. Seems like it doesn't do more than make an attempt at making the desktop look Mac-ish. But having created a live/installer that works on my MacBook Air I find it doesn't want to install on the Lenovo IdeaPad D330, so having paid for Pro I will hopefully get help with the install. ON the default it goes to a blank screen and with the NVIDIA drivers option it hangs at a point where it says "Starting power management". So far I have sent them photos of the screens and details of the problem but they have not gotten back to me (it's the weekend). I like Zorin so assuming it will work on the Lenovo I'm happy and can't wait to get rid of the Windows 10 that came on the Lenovo.

@SK0D3N420 - 19.12.2022 00:46

i bought my Zorin pro and i love it soo much i have it for all my computers

@miscellaneous5425 - 05.12.2022 18:26

Never paid for Windows, I ain't paying for a Linux distro. I mean, they should just replace the payment option w/ a donate button.

@charlesbenca5357 - 30.11.2022 08:47

Fuck the ads

@user-er2fu4dy5v - 08.11.2022 21:04

My dude, classic desktop is windows2000/XP not windows10.

@generikadeyo - 24.10.2022 02:08

I don't know who would be foolish enough to buy zorin pro just for them to pre package some already open source software

@dwormon4591 - 23.10.2022 05:43

Updates ??

@RiftWalker111 - 17.10.2022 11:13

Thanks for doing these, I'm thinking to switching to Linux soon

@sympatheticnetwork4913 - 12.10.2022 17:20

"I was a senior in high school when Windows 10 came out". I was 30. My first PC was a 386 with MSDOS and Win 3.11.

@kpcraftster6580 - 29.09.2022 18:24

So Kenny, one year down the line and with the end of Win 8.1 extended support looming, which distro should I be shilling to digitally impaired boomers: ZorinOS, PopOS, Mint or * shudder * Ubuntu?

@ProvenScroll - 26.09.2022 00:13

I used this as my first Linux distro when I was 12! That's how simple it is to beginners

@robonator2945 - 10.09.2022 21:10

I think the zorin installation support thing is saying you get support post-installation. So you can email, call, etc. Zorin and they'll give you customer support. To that end I think it's honestly a pretty good deal, especially for new users. (it'd serve as a nice counter to the "linux is free, if you don't value your time" argument, because to those people, buy Zorin, its 40 bucks and you get lifetime support)

@Andriej69 - 29.08.2022 00:51

Meh, I liked Garuda way more, especially considering the concept of paying for Linux, lmao

@simba703 - 27.08.2022 20:06

zorin was really what made me fall in love with linux. i'd switched back and forth between mint and windows a lot of times but every time i used mint i kinda wanted to rip my hair out (mostly trying to get gaming working on it before proton was fine tuned and considered really good), but zorin was the first distro i tried that really made me never want to switch back to windows.

@fazleluhani - 23.08.2022 13:14

You pirated a paid OS and didn't give a link??? What the helllll❓

@raysherrod9322 - 22.08.2022 23:34

This is by far the best out at the time and I hsve tried almost all them. Please keep up the work.

@seanjarnigan8978 - 11.08.2022 00:15

You kid but I had to use the internet explorer icon for Firefox to trick my dad into switching.

@fren648 - 21.06.2022 06:43

I've been using ZorinOS now as my daily driver for a bit now. I love it. It has completely replaced windows for me.

@AirTMZ - 04.06.2022 05:04

Absolutely love this OS. It helped me to get my 60 year old mum who had been a Mac user for 10 years, and my 60 year old dad who had been a Windows user for who knows how long to switch to this. Zorin connect is a game changer for me, and it impresses everyone I show it too. Zorin OS education and Grid are also really cool. Especially grid. Really looking forward to seeing that release.

@TheLastYoloFighters - 30.04.2022 23:17

Some AMD Cpus way back in the day had 3 core editions as a budget option.

@reverendalexanderskinbound278 - 24.04.2022 09:45

Hey hardcore linux users, instead of ragging on how bloated this distro is, you should be embracing it's ease of use. Windows sucks and win 11 is worse, many are desperately trying to find a linux distro that is similar to what they already know and has an ease of use. You think everyone should use linux, this is how. Mom isn't going to go from Win 10 to Arch and be using sudo commands overnight. This is beginners linux done right and all linux users should be pushing this hard at Windows users... they will thank you.

@supermasterfighter - 20.04.2022 16:16

I will say one thing, although I have always preferred AMD, Nvidia cards have gotten better when it comes to installing on Linux, the newer cards are easier to get proprietary drivers running well. Of course though, if you can, I would support AMD and the open sources drivers, sometimes it’s not about having the max power for your dollar.

@NoMastersNoMistress - 08.04.2022 00:03

I've been testing out 16 Lite as a go-to for Winblows refugees with older hardware, and so far I'm impressed.

@zepar6076 - 31.03.2022 23:15

Yet another person missed the point of Pro version, usually pro version in different linux distros is to help or fund the developers, I hope more people clarify that.

@sandeepnaik6437 - 22.03.2022 12:20

I tried zorin... Linux mint is 1000 times better than zorin... White or black them both looks ugly in zorin 16...Mint for life

@YanCCid - 13.03.2022 23:07

I definitely think "bloated" Linux distros have their place.
Even the most bloated Linux distros will never hold a candle to the amount of bloat in Windows.
It's a worthwhile trade-off to make if you're getting ease of use and noob-friendliness from it. If you want less bloat, there are distros for that as well. Everybody wins.

@warwickfrederikson7088 - 10.03.2022 23:50

I think that getting everything for free is what has stopped Linux blowing Microsoft out of the water. The prices should be small but very time you get something from Flatpak etc. you should pay 10 or 20 bucks. When I saw that Zorin charged a small amount I switched to it. Could not be happier. A noticeable jump up from Mint.

@humangoo - 04.03.2022 01:33

I’m okay with torrenting the works of big multimillion corporations. Not so much ripping off a small team of developers, especially ones that do such great work and provide us with a real alternative to mainstream OSes

@akale2620 - 18.02.2022 08:37

I'm sad you pirated the paid version. I wanted to see if the windows look is available on the free ones

@prettysheddy - 10.02.2022 14:58

Whoa did he just say Gnome is lighter than KDE Plasma? That really not true... KDE Plasma is is lighter just as light as XFCE. Has been that way for about 4 years now or a little more now.

@Fake-pq3fb - 29.01.2022 05:02

It looks like base Ubuntu with a little extra eye candy

@ArtifexUmbra - 20.01.2022 14:00

Windows 10 makes you feel old? laughs in windows 3.1
