How to use Futures and Promises in Combine with SwiftUI | Advanced Learning #20

How to use Futures and Promises in Combine with SwiftUI | Advanced Learning #20

Swiftful Thinking

2 года назад

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José Manuel Ortiz Sánchez
José Manuel Ortiz Sánchez - 11.09.2023 20:29

Thanks, Nick!

em dutt
em dutt - 15.04.2023 22:20

again simply the best video nick ...

arkader - 18.01.2023 02:41

Nice one, thanks!

ahmed elesawy
ahmed elesawy - 24.11.2022 20:59

Thanks for the awesome video

simon mcneil
simon mcneil - 13.11.2022 22:05

the only video the explains how a Future works! Though you need to watch the previous combine video to understand it, but it has finally clicked.

EK - 21.09.2022 09:41

Another question, should not the self?.title = value be inside a DispatchQueue.main.async { } ? I am building an app from scratch for the first time, and I am having to write this DispatchQueue.main.async almost everywhere in the view there a nicer way to do that?

EK - 21.09.2022 09:38

that was awesome! thank you. I am confused about what to use, Escaping closures or Combine or Async/Await. Can you please shed some light on the choice between combine and async/await?

Alexander Lichius
Alexander Lichius - 07.09.2022 16:52

Thanks for this!

Kamil wrobel
Kamil wrobel - 14.06.2022 04:21

I finally understood @escaping Thanks Nick

TheSpiralnotizblock - 24.05.2022 15:43

Does it mean if the @escaping closure returns values over time the future gets called once, even if the @escaping has still some data?

Wm - 14.05.2022 19:35

Good explanation, can you tell us more the differences between future and anypublisher?
And in which scenario should we use anypublisher

candyLover24 - 12.04.2022 07:10

LOL trust me we literally do not care how the sound is Nick, your videos are way too valuable, please don't worry about that! Videos are always quality. Also, I love the music in your videos ❤ Thanks for making a hard topic easy as you usually do!! Combine doesn't seem as scary anymore

min soe zan
min soe zan - 19.03.2022 08:07

how can i use Future with Void? i tried Future<Void, Never> . Is it a correct way to use promise(.success(())) ?

Mehar un Nisa
Mehar un Nisa - 28.01.2022 09:01

I have a confusion, what is the purpose of using combine here if future brings one value only. The subscriber will never get notified again. Correct me if I am wrong.

Guillaume Ramey
Guillaume Ramey - 13.01.2022 15:07

Thank you Nick for all your videos, this is gold and I'm sure you will get a lot more views as SwiftUI becomes popular, you deserve it. Regarding futures, I don't understand the point in using them since you need combine anyway, why would you still use escaping closures ?

Barath V
Barath V - 10.01.2022 07:34

Quality content. Thanks

Richard Hasson
Richard Hasson - 17.11.2021 06:05

Thanks. ... this is so useful. You really made Combine user-friendly with these past couple of videos.

fares Cherni
fares Cherni - 14.11.2021 06:17

hi I just completed the intermediate playlist and I feel a huge progress
.thank you so much. I have a question in my mind this days . first of all I'm self taught developer I come from c/c++ and linux system administration background in this kind of fields you have a ton of Resources . but when I come to iOS Development I saw a big lack of resources. so I wonder how Developers like you have a big knowledge of iOS Development . did you take a course or a Bootcamp
to learn it or by job experience because my whole career depends
on this. if you have time please make a video on how you become an iOS developer.

Bogdan Shoyat
Bogdan Shoyat - 11.11.2021 12:14

Great stuff! Any chance you could cover core Bluetooth. I’m struggling making it work efficiently with mvvm

R K - 11.11.2021 02:08

Thanks for the great video!!
