Is this the BEST Reverse Proxy for Docker? // Traefik Tutorial

Is this the BEST Reverse Proxy for Docker? // Traefik Tutorial

Christian Lempa

2 года назад

486,035 Просмотров

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Horia Americanu'
Horia Americanu' - 03.10.2023 07:44

Can someone explain to me how u can do this without portainer?

snah - 22.09.2023 14:44

Thank you for this tutorial! Did you also managed to get multiple simple docker hosts controlled by traefik without using something like e.g. docker swarm?

Bobby Shaftoe
Bobby Shaftoe - 21.09.2023 02:54

It appears ngnix is MUCH more performant than traefik.

When hammering the server with thousands of connections... nginx is vastly faster.

Ruslan Shashan
Ruslan Shashan - 13.09.2023 09:53

Is it true, that I should add a treafik network to every stack I got in portainer to got access to use it with other containers in portainer?

Dorian Doussain
Dorian Doussain - 07.09.2023 20:08

Love you my, friend, like and comment done!!

Evgeniy Yatsenko
Evgeniy Yatsenko - 27.08.2023 18:55

Great stuff!

CelitoXD - 24.08.2023 11:43

Bru, man hört dein Deutsch(;

William Bagnard
William Bagnard - 17.08.2023 20:04

You do these videos to show everyone how smart you are and couldn’t care less if anyone knows what you’re talking about.

Rafael H
Rafael H - 16.08.2023 10:10

Hello Christian,
I had a question about the routes. When I have a standalone OpenVPN server on the network and I want to route it through Traffik, it doesn't work. Do you know how to approach this problem? First of all OVPN can be accessed via TCP or UDP. I would be glad about a feedback.

LinuXplorer - 14.08.2023 12:51

Hi, if is possible it will be great an updated tutorial about docker and trafik but with cloudflare dnsChallenge. Thanks again!

James Oxford
James Oxford - 03.08.2023 04:15

404 not found

Peaceful Chaos
Peaceful Chaos - 22.07.2023 01:18

Danke Christian! Question, maybe basic, so sorry if so. So, say I deploy a Linode Linux server, then put Docker on it and install Portainer to manage the docker. Then I run through this tutorial to put a get Traefix setup as a container. How can I put Portainer behind Traefik? Or do I need to? Thanks again

tockar - 20.07.2023 23:21

Traefik is ridiciously hard to use, feels like a 2nd job and expect problems at every step, at every container.

Blivius 92
Blivius 92 - 16.07.2023 14:04

Christian, I really love these tutorials, I only mis a few topics here for traefik.

These are:
Access list
External application (via dynamic yml file)

Hope you can address these maybe in a next video. Keep up the good work!

Btw I’m running traefik now thanks to your latest nginx “little projects” video. Cost me 6 days because the traefik config file cannot handle tabs but only spaces…. Yeah😂

Kai - 15.07.2023 09:59

Did you also install Portainer with Traefik? I wonder because you use it in the video but you didn't show how you installed it.

SuTalk - 09.07.2023 14:46

after watching this video removing traefic container and moving back to nginxproxymanger.

Monkey Sausage Club
Monkey Sausage Club - 04.07.2023 23:56

Compered to NPM this is a pretty complicated install but worth doing for some considering NPM has some issues.
Nice work sir, one day I will take the time to learn how to do this, for now I will stick with NPM.

D - 23.06.2023 08:51

You’re great at explaining things but horrible at showing step by step. I’ve been going through your videos for 2 days trying to make a reverse proxy in either docker or proxmox and none of your videos help. Somehow you’re using VSCode, not explaining where that file needs to be. Am I supposed to make directories? Again I can follow what you’re saying but you’re step by step execution on screen doesn’t translate.

Koot - 19.06.2023 22:48

nah, npm.

Abdelaziz - 28.05.2023 02:20

hi Christian thanks for the great content i follow the tutorial but unfortunately i got error 404 page not found and i did the || label but got same error

OthmanEmpire - 19.05.2023 18:20

Thanks for the video =)

Managed to setup Traefik with a bunch of other containers (e.g. portainer, pihole) by watching this video.

sc wan
sc wan - 17.05.2023 14:33


Shawn - 14.05.2023 15:36

I have issues trying to get ssl to work
how would you do the lettsencrypt crts

Ercan Yilmaz
Ercan Yilmaz - 12.05.2023 16:16

Thanks for this excellent video. I watch it at speed rate of 0,75 to follow it. 😁
But it is interesting actually and I want also apply this for my TrueNas server.

hdfoto pl
hdfoto pl - 05.05.2023 19:20

Hi. You helped me a lot in getting to know traefik. However, I need help with nextcloud, specifically nextcloudpi on docker. After setting everything up. I'm getting an Internal Server Error on the page.

Yoan Rodriguez
Yoan Rodriguez - 02.05.2023 18:00

Im following the steps described in the video and Im getting "command traefik error: yaml: line 41: did not find expected key" not matter what I change. I even modified the volumes based off @christian github and still getting same results. :(

Michael Mok
Michael Mok - 21.04.2023 02:42

Hi Christian, it possible to use Trafik to reverse proxy to other servers in the LAN outside the docker container?

menote nhanga
menote nhanga - 08.04.2023 12:47

Hi @christian Thanks for the amazing tutorial. For some odd reason my traefik is not coming up. I did a tcpdump to check on it. I see the traffic coming in and out of the machine, however nothing displays. Although I have to say in my tcpdump am having a length of 0

NDEs debunk cancerous religion and materialism
NDEs debunk cancerous religion and materialism - 06.04.2023 18:14


nonoyesno - 05.04.2023 05:17

Is there a GUI tool to manipulate traefik?Just like the way nginx proxy manager fucntion

Sean - 24.03.2023 02:59

Best explanation I’ve found. Instant subscribe!

Рустам Астафеев
Рустам Астафеев - 14.03.2023 12:24

thank you

wawariors - 07.03.2023 21:51

I started reading the traefik documentation and now I'm crying help

Harold ハロルド ཧེ་རོལཌ། A
Harold ハロルド ཧེ་རོལཌ། A - 28.02.2023 01:43

Would you also make a video about WSO2?

Edwin Heij
Edwin Heij - 13.02.2023 02:45

What a relief... you just made my week (already on a sunday evening). Struggled a lot last week with Traefik and CertBot and it's all working now. I only have to wait for a week before I can get my production certificate ;) (rate limit from last week, where CertBot is requesting a certificate every time Traefik is starting). Thanks a lot for your great work!

miltonb101 - 10.02.2023 16:27

Thank you for your videos. This just a suggestion. It would be easier to follow and more enjoyable if you could speak slower. You speak so fast that your breathing sounds heavy when you catch your breath. If you're concerned about the video being too long, simply break it into parts and label each part with its corresponding order: 1, 2 3 etc. Thank you.

Nothing To See Here
Nothing To See Here - 10.02.2023 11:23

Really one of the best guides on this subject. Thanks! Would love to see a way to secure the traefik dash natively (without teleport)

James Nulty
James Nulty - 05.02.2023 14:51

Cheers Christain, I have recently forced myself to build up my Home lab and your videos are absolutely amazing. I dont normally leave a comment but Traefik has been a bit of a mind melting beast so i thought I need to share my appreciation here :p

Cody Smiley
Cody Smiley - 04.02.2023 15:13

I thought it was replacing the portainer. To me it's useless and unnecessarily complicated. I stay with Portainer + Nginx Proxy Manager, I can assign a subdomain to a container in 15 seconds and a few clicks.

Hayze Productions
Hayze Productions - 01.02.2023 23:39

I noticed the github repository shows a git clone option but has not much information about how to run that.
Is there a way to install this without using docker, or kubernetes? I followed your video for nginx reverse proxy in the past. Now that manager has caused a lot of problems and cant for the life of me get it fixed and want to just throw it away honestly.

rGunti Gaming
rGunti Gaming - 31.01.2023 22:13

If Traefik lets me define all my domains and targets in a config file that I could commit to Git and reproduce with one click, then I'm sold. Need to read up on this. Thanks for the introduction.

Saragas Michalis
Saragas Michalis - 29.01.2023 13:38

Super useful.
Thanks man !!

Robin - 29.01.2023 12:24

I have a question related to using traefik with kubernetes. So at home I have a k3s cluster with 2 raspis where i would like to run some application ans theres also a Synology NAS which exposes some services aswell.
I'm quite new to the whole networking stuff so I'm trying to figure out how to setup traefik the best way. If its setup inside kubernetes for example would it still be possible to route incomming traffic to other machines in the network such as the NAS?

Jan Bebendorf
Jan Bebendorf - 25.01.2023 11:41

No it sucks, use HA-Proxy!

Major Gear
Major Gear - 21.01.2023 23:48

Question, does Traefik need to be on the same server as the
docker containers running the apps?

In my setup, I have docker running on several computers , and having a single instance of Traefik proxying connections for the services on multiple computers instead of Traefik installed on each one would require less management overhead.

M - 20.01.2023 17:42

This is a perfect tutorial and speed, thanks dude. You hit the important points quickly. Too many tutorials and overviews are 30-60+ minutes. Not sure who has that kind of time to watch. Usually we’re trying to quickly solve a problem. We may not need to become an Uber infrastructure expert, but need to learn enough quickly to solve problems and know where to keep ourselves out of trouble. Thanks again!

Jack Buechler
Jack Buechler - 17.01.2023 21:38

Very good video and tutorial. I have a pfsense router in front of my Truescale server. so now I am confused wherethe reverse proxy should be configured and how to do that and still pass traffic through the pfsense router. Can you help / or do another video as this is a very common setup and confusing where the certificates all go. I would like to use a wild card certificate on both the Pfsense and Truescale servers

Exterminator131 - 17.01.2023 00:46

So, I didn't get the overall architecture of the solution from the video... What containers are involved? Where traefik should be present: should it exist only in a container or outside web server has to be used as well? What is the role of traefik: is it a standalone solution, or just a UI wrapper for raw configuration files? How nginx and traefik have to communicate with each other, too many questions to understand something...
P.S. And also, I don't think, that using the same tool as a reverse proxy and load balancer is the best idea due to different tasks they are intended to solve. As usual, the tool, developed entirely for solving only one specific task allows for better flexibility and tuning. In particular, I'm not sure, that it's easy (is possible at all) to tune up load balancing strategies in this case...
