Ep. 90 Facebook Ads Campaign Objective Store Location

Ep. 90 Facebook Ads Campaign Objective Store Location

Taylor Timothy

4 года назад

16 Просмотров

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Introduction to The Marketing Lyfe Podcast Ep. 90

Episode 90 of the marketing lyfe podcast. This is Taylor Timothy your host. And today guys are we talking about the store traffic objective inside of Facebook? So it's always any more time and dive right in.

So guys, this has actually been in the platform for a little bit now and I just personally haven't really gone in and messed around with it. So there are some cool things happening inside of this store traffic thing in my opinion. So what are they? So as far as store traffic goes, you actually have to go in and set up a store location underneath your Facebook page before you can like set up these ads. So you set up a store location and then from there what you can actually do inside of the ad set. If you don't want to, you can say, I want to use my own demographics and you can now go out and target like the United States. But what's cool inside of these ads, what I'm seeing here is that you have some different call to actions available to you then other than other objectives.

So we've got call now. So you can actually like get phone calls from this store location and you can actually get directions. So directions and call now for these businesses. What? So in my opinion guys, this could be huge, you know, call only ads for Facebook. What? So the other thing that's interesting is like the PA, the format default is they want you to do a carousel ad, but you can do a single image or video ad and you can go from there. But I think this could be huge as far as ads go, being able to do run call only based ads. Now how well are they going to convert? I don't know. I'm going to test this and I will let you guys know, but I'm thinking this is pretty cool. Call knee features and get direction features. Naturally you think, Oh, this is only for like a fixed location. But the thing is, as far as the call only stuff, it's like if you're running or generating leads for a, um, a call center or things like that, potentially these ads could generate some leads. So if you guys have run these ads and gotten the results from them and seen the results from them, reach out to me. I'm really curious to hear what you have say. So thanks guys for listening to episode 90 the store location objective and side of Facebook.

Thanks guys for listening. Like I said, if you guys want more stuff like this from Facebook and things like that, feel free to DM me. I can create more content around Facebook. Other than that, guys go, feel free to check out my online marketing mastery. I teach you guys all this stuff from start to finish. You guys can learn my entire process. All three of the smart guys.


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