And now we are only 100 subs away from 23,000. The more the merrier! Hope everyone has also liked the video. Links to the main channel and all the extra ways to help financially are below the video.
Ответитьthe dingoes are adorable
ОтветитьWhy do the biggest dogs always want to sit in our laps? Priceless all of it!!!
Ответитьholy cow! that’s my dogs idea of heaven
ОтветитьHow I would love to bring my sweet boy there. He would be in Heaven ❤️❤️🎉
Ответить22,400 subs!! Big smile from me.
ОтветитьJust discovered your channel today. My 2 year old German Shepherd loves it! Dog heaven on tv for dogs . . . subbed! ☝️🥴👍
ОтветитьMy puppy hid behind me after about 30 seconds of this video, he’s not ready to play with the big dogs I guess 😂
ОтветитьWhoopee, 22,000 subs and the main channel is up to 127,000 now. Check out the latest video on that channel for Hope's birthday!
ОтветитьSeems like we'll soon reach 22,000 subs! Hope everyone's remembered to like the video - this helps the algorithm show it to new viewers,
Ответить21,800 subs now.🥰
ОтветитьThis puts a smile on my face.
ОтветитьAll the happy wagging tails! Who could fail to smile? And 21,600 subs!
ОтветитьCrispy napping in her princess bed🥰
ОтветитьI love it with Miss red and Miss Violet. It reminds me of the days when they used to tear each other’s coats off so funny. Xxx
ОтветитьAveraging 100 new subs a day. Now at 21,300.
ОтветитьWell educated and happy dogs...congratulations!
ОтветитьLove these videos
ОтветитьI know this is dog tv and my puppers enjoys the videos, but I’ve been watching too. Now we need to take a vacation in Australia, find this farm, and beg this man to let our pup play for a day! 😂 what a dream day!
ОтветитьSuperWooF ;}}
Boxer kisses !!!1
I just noticed the new The Farm - Dog TV banner. I love it so much!
ОтветитьYay, 21,000 subs!!
ОтветитьMy favorite is the staffy sisters 'capture the bandanna'. They are veterans at this sport!
ОтветитьHappy Birthday Tank and Chop
ОтветитьLinks to the main channel below the video. The main channel has so much interesting historic information in its many uploads - old or new, the footage is all incredible. For me, it's Luke's training expertise that most impresses - his work with Abra, and the four aggressive dogs who were on the kill list before he took them in to try to rehabilitate them. Rosco was one of these, nobody would ever believe it, if they hadn't seen the earlier footage, he's such a soppy lovebug now!
ОтветитьSubs now at 20,800. And the main channel is now at 126,000.
ОтветитьI see that a couple of Dog TV videos have gotten a million views. CONGRATULATIONS 😊
ОтветитьLooks like you’ve had a good bit of rain over there- the Dam is nice & full. Wish we had some here in Western Australia- quite a few high 30°s & 40°s 🥵🥵this past month, desperately in need of rain 🌧️.
ОтветитьBecome a channel member, if you can. There are so many interesting Members Only videos, and it only costs the price of a coffee or two a month. You can also buy the dogs a treat - all links below the video.
ОтветитьRemember to like the video, people! I'd give them all 1000 likes if I could! Sadly we're only allowed one...
ОтветитьYour Livingroom is so cosy!!! I love it ❤❤❤
ОтветитьBy far the most engaged my dog has ever been, he loves watching his puppy friends!
ОтветитьOkay. Bawling in La Canada. I switched on this video to catch up. Couch - dogs - fun - laughter and then I'm bawling first with the Dingo book and it's incredible history. That was stunningly deep. And then the painting of Til! Captured her perfectly. Absolutely 100% brilliant! Well done. And thanks for the tears! We need more of them in California. Everybody is still walking around in shock. Me too. TKU! And yes, Raven needed the "small room" time with you to bond. Good move. Can't wait to watch! The Gogans, Lucy, Ethel & Poli'ahu
Ответитьmy dog loves watching your videos she very engaged watching you all.
ОтветитьSo many things to love about this video, thank you so much Sam and Luke for your never ending love and caring for all the animals there at the farm.
ОтветитьSo many things to love about this video, thank you so much Sam and Luke for your never ending love and caring for all the animals there at the farm.
ОтветитьBrilliant as always. Loved the tribute to Tilly. No one can replace her. Very well done.
ОтветитьKyla is so big now!!
ОтветитьThis one has more views in just a few days than some have had in 8 months. I guess the older the videos are, the less likely they are to get a view now. Pity, because there are some gems that deserve some more views and love!
ОтветитьThere are so many lovely videos on this channel, and the main Farm channel. New subscribers, please check them out!
ОтветитьRockin' the Crocs, Luke!! 😁
ОтветитьWhat a Happy Place for the dog thanks for sharing this video
ОтветитьThank you for this very special parcel opening.
The painting of Tilly... it melted my heart.
The drawing is SO good, it really deserves a frame 🙂
Thank you Sam and Luke, I loved the video, again 😘🦘
A big hipp, hipp hurray for Tank and Chopper! The bestest boys there is! If you are new to The Farm's videos? Please like, comment and subscribe! It's free! And you will get acsess to the most wonderful Evans family rescue. They have taken on 20 rescue dogs, 4 cats, 3 dingos and give them their best life. They work hard to give us all a look into their dayly lives. With warts and all. That means the good, the bad and the ugly. The happiness and sad days. They are my heroes for sure when it comes to stepping up and making a difference. Their financial outcome from us watching their videos make us help them get their bills paid. Plese share to people who might like to join this very supporting community of animal lovers.