ОтветитьHow do the pacts work? Do you have to do something to get the abilities?
ОтветитьI like how Bewitchment removes the annoyingly long crafting trees found in Witchery. For example, in Witchery, making Flying Ointment was an obnoxiously long process. In this, its actually manageable.
ОтветитьThe demon still tries to kill me!
ОтветитьThe witches cauldron teleportion doesnt work, as soon as i throw in the powder the water fails. do i need the obsidian pattern?
ОтветитьWhere do I find the leafy witch mob thingy ( can't remember name ) that looks like a dryard ??? I've been looking for weeks but no one talk about it!!!!
ОтветитьTeleporting in this one became more complicated it seems. In Witchery I could draw a small 3x3 purple "circle" and use the waystone to get somewhere. No power required. I often used it as a "hearthstone". My brother and I would set out and when we completed our objective, I would find a suitable place, draw the circle, and get us back to my den near the base. Also it wasn't mentioned here, but I'd like to know if taglocks can be used on monsters. Back in the day, I remember we had a mod that made mobs drop items passively, like chickens dropped feathers and such. So I had the idea to bring a Ghast to our base as a source of tears. What we did was: taglock the Ghast, then my brother would stay watching the mob so it didn't despawn, and back at the base I would perform a ritual of summoning for the Ghast in it's new home. It's little tricks like these that made me love Witchery.
ОтветитьI was trying to get a taglock from a bed and it didn’t seem to work. What do I have to do to get it to work specifically?
ОтветитьHow do you remove a curse? I've been looking all over and can't find anything on the matter
ОтветитьI heard vampires and werewolves won’t come to 1.12 is that true?
ОтветитьThis is basically a Harry Potter mod
ОтветитьTANKS !!!!
ОтветитьIs there a way I can summon Lilith?
Ответитьhow do i get a familiar, the wiki isnt that descriptive on how to make one
ОтветитьSo you just summoned Bahomet from dnd
ОтветитьWhere do you get the demonic horns and how did you make the Hellish Bauble? The recipe says I need Demonic horns but haven't found any anywhere.
ОтветитьDid you realize that the dead bushes weren't dropping anything because you were in creative mode?