why you will never improve at streams

why you will never improve at streams


2 года назад

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@sagirem - 08.01.2024 15:04

Well I never panicked, I just suck at them

@Lateset - 01.12.2022 16:02

i never actually trained streams, it just comed up to me naturally, now i can easily deathstream 180bpm after 4 months of playing osu, i was just playing generic maps, at start i wasnt even able to stream 160bpm and i was making a lot of 50 100 and missed because of understreaming, now i can easily stream 200bpm, even up to 32 notes, so new players dont hyperfocus on stream practices, just play more. I am now hyperfocusing on improving jumps and i have side effect of actually being worse at jumps than i was in past XD I was so hyperfocused on jumps that i didnt even notice that i improved at other factors of the game.

@Blackmongoose - 28.03.2022 23:52

This is exactly me. I tried so hard to learn streaming and long bursts but it always felt really awkward and I realised that this was because I always panicked when I saw these things. I think its best to just focus on reading them. let your tapping be on autopilot and not only will you tap better but you'll be able to tap a lot faster aswell.

@realsekai3778 - 24.03.2022 13:48

I'm in this video and I don't like it

@rin0108_ - 29.01.2022 15:51

This actually hits home SO HARD... I've been trying to fix that for years now and it's a struggle every session but it's getting better if you try really hard, even if very slowly. What helps me the most is conciously trying to stay relaxed and not tensing no matter what

@SloweDogMusic - 18.01.2022 05:59

My friend spammed me this video

@mollysandera991 - 17.01.2022 19:55

Please remove "will" from the title

@Jay-bq4jc - 13.01.2022 07:03

staying relaxed and actually having a sense of rhythm can help immensely.

@jonold975 - 11.01.2022 07:53

You just need to obtain the streaming "gist" of it then after that you only train for higher bpm and stamina-that what is streaming imo

@dosikisodd - 11.01.2022 07:04

So true. Its true not about streams, also example could be fat sliders in tech maps. Even if u r able to pass whatever in focus, u will panic and die

@drayzer_osu - 10.01.2022 23:34

well then there is me, who is perfectly fine with streams, but when it comes to jumps, i will miss a ton of them...

@krinkle3689 - 10.01.2022 22:08

It wasn't much of a road block for me. I'm still considered a jump player, but I've passed many difficult 7 & 8 star stream maps. Of the popular ones yomi yori 8* & honesty 7*. I can say that for me it's not the tensing up that's the issue, it's the ability to tap slower with consistency & without tiring out. I can tap 230 bpm very very comfortably up until 250 actually, then it becomes harder but I can manage till 275 bpm depending on the map.

@ezesjack5219 - 10.01.2022 20:51

cap, i was shit and didnt wanna do it, now i practiced and can do 220 for 5+ mins

@disappointment7208 - 10.01.2022 07:48

you just gotta get into a dance of fire and ice for 1-2 month and then you can stream

@yolk4351 - 10.01.2022 04:44

false. im very much better now

@thxrmite5591 - 10.01.2022 04:11

i do good on short bursts on streams, but on the long streams i tend to lock up and hold s (i use a and s) and just end up single tapping a stream LMAO

@CamelliaFlingert - 09.01.2022 23:36

i can't control my nerves anyhow, i'm trying to be calm as possible, but i instantly lose control over it and start suffocating and shaking and fingerlocking

@_ssnowzness - 09.01.2022 22:13

Try to improve and play stream maps..

My stream skills drop but my jumps are better

@philiphubbe9725 - 09.01.2022 20:03

I used to tense up for streams and now I tense up for jumps instead.

@Xyllerr - 09.01.2022 12:11

when a stream just suddenly pops up my first instinct is to tap as fast as possible resulting into me either overstreaming of overaiming

@ryangbw - 09.01.2022 04:07

Does this apply to other skills in Osu? I would say I am decent at streams(lacking speed) but I am not comfortable with alternating/slider maps

@Extermiraptor - 08.01.2022 21:18

I recently overcame this problem by playing a lot of jump maps with lots of triples in them. Doing the short motion repeatedly like that got the muscle memory in without my hand tensing up because of the "stream anxiety", and slowly it just went away.

@mynameheheheha - 08.01.2022 19:16

you are wrong, when I was new when there was a stream I didnt tense up I just retryed a lot on no fail and I can stream 200 bpm I was doing like 160 or 170 when I started but I am doing better

@jondavidperson5573 - 08.01.2022 08:22

I've taken your advice here which helped a lot and have noticed how much tension I actually had. I can't seem to balance relax with control though.. Any hints there?

@luna_lemonade9871 - 08.01.2022 07:43

I guess its also just some maps like streams that are super fast and so i formed habit of moving fast and when they do the complete opposite of making spaced out/slow I end up falling apart since i have the habit of always going fast

@trapgodcasual - 08.01.2022 05:28

I've been a jump one trick for 2 years now, and I peaked at around 8.4k rank in 2021. I've never been able to stream more than 9 notes at any bpm above 150 at a time. I practiced on stream maps every day for weeks on end last year with little to no improvement. Then I saw this video and took the advice within it and I feel like I've just completely resolved my "mindblock" on streams. This problem that I've had since I started playing has been resolved practically overnight. Thank you DigitalHypno!

@kitecap1506 - 08.01.2022 04:56

Где русские Сабы, мать твою...

@quest_playz - 07.01.2022 19:38

well i think i have that problem, the question is how can i get rid of it?

@t-tunknown3670 - 07.01.2022 18:18

i tense up but i can still stream well in my opinion

@tychuen4800 - 07.01.2022 18:18

broke that mental barrier 4 months ago

@azelnoob4825 - 07.01.2022 17:33

No fuckin way! This video made me realise my biggest problem on streams. I had this huge problem where I would always tense up during longer and slower streams, so I was only able to stream higher bpm and mainly bursts. Only one day after realising and pretty much fixing my problem I CAN FINALLY STREAM 180BPM comfortably.

@rockingsushi8013 - 07.01.2022 16:01

my streams confident depends on my mood tbh

good mood: 200-215bpm
bad mood: doesnt even play osu!

@vvvvv6574 - 07.01.2022 15:48

i can kinda confirm this because i've realized that i subconciously fear streams not as in i shiver me timbers but more as in fuck i'm 1k combo into this map here comes the stream but i suck ass at streams so there's a 70% chance i drop the fc here.. you know? but then it's already too late because you tense up like you said.. but i've been improving so much i've recently been hitting pretty long streams and even spaced streams by learning to just not give a shit and by practicing loads of low bpm stream burst fingercontrol maps into my play session, i would give that advice to anyone struggling make sure you bottom out your keys get used to a comfortable and effective tapping technique and relax your wrist and be patient and consistent with practice and i promise you'll get better.

@kamen7773 - 07.01.2022 14:16

for me my main goal when i started playing osu is to have the ability to play long stream maps like freedom dive, most icdd, undead corporations etc. i just found it fascinating and more enjoyable to play stream maps

@Kaminomenom - 07.01.2022 14:08

probably just me but i rarely tense up my muscles when im playing because im very relaxed

@lifelineosu - 07.01.2022 14:06

Maybe this is why im horrible

@kimizuki9628 - 07.01.2022 13:04

I have this but with jumps

@santigarcia4030 - 07.01.2022 11:32

I fucked up my thumb for a while when I was still a mouse player bc I would tense up my entire arm and use my thumb to exert the control I needed, playing tablet eased it off of that but I still try to be careful bc I'd hate to have to stop playing because I went too far with everything 😥 I've just been repeatedly playing the words I never said in order to improve my stream accuracy and it's really helped

@rikopaj1747 - 07.01.2022 11:01

I literally couldnt stream if there's a tiny bit space between them. They had to be stacked and etc. Until i REALLY tried to aim them. Now i passed Uta, RmS and many other difficult maps that i never thought it was possible for me. I came to the half of harder than steel the hard and spaced one yea, i fc'ed euphoria's first stream etc etc etc. My stamina got whole lot better, my UR and acc got good, my aim got better too. And this was not with practice, it just happened one day when i decided to pass some hard maps. You are totally right. Everyone has this skill (still, you need to practice it tho), but you just have to unlock it. I was always thinking "OH THERES A STREAM COME ON I CAN DO THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" but when i started to feel "aayy stream, nice" everything got better.

@ninjas1801 - 07.01.2022 10:55

pro tip: you cant panic when a stream pops up if the whole map is a stream

@legionxiix - 07.01.2022 10:50

I feel called out and targeted

@squishfx7586 - 07.01.2022 09:07

this is def 100% true but know you guys can beat the mental block,,, it took me like a year but i went from not being able to hit 8 notes at any bpm to actually being able to steam. idk if this will help anyone else but but learning how to single tap (i played for my first year full alright everything) made me overall more comfortable tapping and got me through my mental block with bursts and streams :)

@Yukkikomorii - 07.01.2022 08:49


@droutikz - 07.01.2022 08:49

took me a while to learn that i gotta be relaxed while playing streams. only found out recently so im still shit but im progressing

@relikradbhan6759 - 07.01.2022 08:16

The title crushed my dreams ;-;

@bismillahirahmanirahim - 07.01.2022 08:02


@Temessong - 07.01.2022 07:38

Funnily enough, this is exactly what happened to me. It took a long time to get over it (Watching you helped, and developing my own theories on what to do and how helped also) and I decided to learn a comfy tapping technique for streams, then gradually learned to not tense up. :) It seriously helped me, and I went from being unable to stream 16 notes at 160bpm to being able to do way better, whether its deathstreaming 180 or just streaming 220 or smth, but learning to not tense up magically solved alot of issues for me :P

@rotisrert8524 - 07.01.2022 07:36

The thing that helped me is playing taiko mode for a couple of months and no standart. It helped me look at streams in a differend an more possitive(i think) way. Since i had the problem described here, tensing up before streams, I had tried a lot of ideas- forcing myself to relax(even if it meant more misses at the start), tensing even more(not healthy), trying to force to play over my comfort levels and going back to my limit( 150 at the time). I had developed galoping that drew me crazy. Learning taiko was like i threw away what I learned with standart and gained a new skill.

@thememelords9491 - 07.01.2022 07:26

whatever the problem is in this video I dont have it bc im SLOWLY improving at streams every couple days(only a little bit)
im gonna watch the video now

@spudd07 - 07.01.2022 07:22

I feel like I have just been diagnosed
