Show/Hide fields based on drop down selection in Power Apps

Show/Hide fields based on drop down selection in Power Apps

Dhruvin Shah

3 года назад

42,438 Просмотров

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Obi Ekwegh
Obi Ekwegh - 13.10.2023 16:54

Still helpful today. Thanks Dhruvin.

Mahfoudh Bin Sabbah
Mahfoudh Bin Sabbah - 17.09.2023 11:17


Venu kolar
Venu kolar - 23.08.2023 20:51

Hi Dhruvin, very clear explanation, thank you very much, I have a doubt actually, how can we add types of leaves to the "Leave Type" Drop down. Please clarify.

Brian Hudgins
Brian Hudgins - 15.05.2023 23:17

Thank you! Awesome!

Brandon Paul
Brandon Paul - 24.03.2023 23:24

What if you want the field to show for more than 1 leave type? is there an OR statement and if so what would that look like? I was thinking If(DataCardValue8.Selected.Value = "Medical Leave" OR "Casual Leave", true,false)

William Stone
William Stone - 25.02.2023 01:22

I typed the formula exactly like him but it says it's full of errors

Sawan Soni
Sawan Soni - 24.01.2023 08:44

I want more than 1 to be visible..
For example.. attachment show in medical as well as casual only
how is it possible??

Ashish goel
Ashish goel - 21.12.2022 16:58

If I have to hide 10 controls do I have to hide one by one or is there any section control to keep all controls within and hide the entire section by 1 condition instead of 10 separate conditions?

Munasiba Rahman-Bhuiyan
Munasiba Rahman-Bhuiyan - 15.12.2022 19:50

Hi Dhruvin, what if I want to hide a field that is on a form by default based on a selection from a drop-down. I have a form which has 5 fields by default. I want to hide of if the 5 fields based on a selection from a drop-down.

Spider - 07.12.2022 01:02

Thanks bro... searching for this... learned a lesson from you...

Nisreen A
Nisreen A - 24.09.2022 22:30

Unfortunately it doesn't work with me I don't why it considered selected.value as wrong logic formula any one know why?

Jason Moreton
Jason Moreton - 19.08.2022 17:29

Hi Dhruvin
Excellent video series and proving very helpful for my development needs as I always come back to your videos each time for explanations. Spinning off from this video above if I have a form with say 4 or 5 fields that I wish to be disabled on the answer of no, do I need to apply the OnVisible code to each field or is there a more efficient way of achieving this?

Howard Callahan
Howard Callahan - 10.08.2022 21:11

Thank you for the video - however, this does not work for me. I have an empty gallery that I have added a drop down (ddCamSys) and set the items to ["Select one...","Option 1","Option 2","Option 3"]. I've added a text input (txtCamGroup). I added the following to the Visible Property of the text input (If(ddCamSys.SelectedText.Value = "Option 3", false, true). According to your video this should work. However it is not working. Dhruvin - can you help?

Andrew Maybir
Andrew Maybir - 14.07.2022 14:14

Can I hide and show data cards when a date value is selected?

Nicolas Tremblay
Nicolas Tremblay - 27.06.2022 20:24

Thank you so much for the video. It really helped me with my project.

Martin Viljoen
Martin Viljoen - 26.05.2022 20:56

What if the field you want to hide and the dropdown is linked to a sharepoint list? It does not seem to work when its linked to a sharepoint list. I also tried using ['thisitem.fieldid'].value it just doesnt work powerapps can be very cluncky

Parth Bansal
Parth Bansal - 10.05.2022 22:49

Thanks a lot for the help

Zaldy Conde
Zaldy Conde - 21.04.2022 02:52

Hi, Dhruvin.

Thank you for sharing this one.
How to use multi select, and show/hide field base on multi select choices? Example if i select mire than 1 and each choices has the field to show/ hide. Thank you in advance.

Chris Medina
Chris Medina - 15.04.2022 00:50

Hi Dhruvin, I converted a drop down multi select to 5 checkboxes (using the gallery method) and I want each checkbox to show or hide another data card (text box) based on whether it is checked or unchecked and can't seem to get it to work. Advice?

Renzo Navarro
Renzo Navarro - 04.04.2022 22:22

Thanks a lot master!

JALEEL AHMED - 23.03.2022 09:38

Hello Dhruvin, I have a question. When you are selecting Medical leave, the attachment is visible. Now, say for e.g for Medical leave, Paternity leave and Quarantine leave the attachment should be visible; only for casual leave it should be hidden. How to do that?. Pls clarify

Mathéo Février
Mathéo Février - 09.03.2022 11:28

Hello everybody, I had a simple question, what is the utility of the "//" at the end when Dhruvin puts "//yes"
I tried to search on google but I had no answer
Thank you.

Sachin Sonawane
Sachin Sonawane - 03.03.2022 21:29

Based on the leave type dropdown selection...How we get leave description automatically when selecting from dropdown

code affection
code affection - 05.02.2022 17:13

thanks a lot. can you please show, how to create a simple form similar to the apply leave request form, in power apps. It would be of great help!

Subrat Bagh
Subrat Bagh - 19.09.2021 10:36

How to make a field invisible in new form mode and make it visible in edit form mode

Sandeep Gupta
Sandeep Gupta - 18.07.2021 19:16

how to insert lookup value in powerapps and value is inserted to the sharepoint list

Joshua Jones
Joshua Jones - 15.07.2021 00:38

Thanks for the video!. Do you know how to do, that when I select one option of my dropdownButton1, the dropdownButton2 just display certain options?. I mean, the 1st "dropdownButton1" let me choose the country, and I need that the 2nd "dropdownButton2" just displays the users that belongs to that country. Could someone help me?, please

subhra ghosh
subhra ghosh - 28.05.2021 12:22

Hi Dhruvin, Nice video...calm and composed ..I have one doubt...if we want to hide 3-4 fields which is placed in btw of the form, how to manage space related issue....if i make it hidden..there will be a space

satish kumar
satish kumar - 18.05.2021 20:35

Same example I want hide leave description datacard and at the same time remaining datacards has to be auto adjusted how to do that auto adjust of data cards

Mahesh Kumar
Mahesh Kumar - 18.05.2021 14:56

Hi Dhruvin, I tried the exact same thing instead of attachment I used another dropdown and it doesn't function like it should. Are there any other formulae for my case?

Kelley Scott
Kelley Scott - 16.04.2021 09:11

Hi Dhruvin, what if in your example I wanted the attachment field to appear for Medical Leave AND Casual Leave. What is the formula then?

Joshua Marie Cua
Joshua Marie Cua - 15.04.2021 16:28

Hi! What if I have multiple value fields? Let’s say if selected dropdown is Sick Leave or Maternity Leave or Paternity Leave or Emergency Leave, then the attachment field should show and hide if not.

I tried using this formula below but the third and fourth leave is not working. Only the first and second one are showing and hiding upon selecting the value.

If(LeaveType.Selected.Value = “Sick Leave” Or “Maternity Leave” Or “Paternity Leave” Or “Emergency Leave”,true,false)//true

Thank you.

geometricsprocket - 01.04.2021 10:59

Thanks so much! Great instruction. I have a scenario where the next three screen backgrounds change based on a drop down selection. This may work :)

Vishal Sarode
Vishal Sarode - 23.03.2021 16:19

Hi..I have question I want to create dependant drop down in sharepoint list

Yeshimebet Alemayehu
Yeshimebet Alemayehu - 23.02.2021 08:43

Thank you, Can you create one demo to show/ hide, or when you Reserved the care not available for the next person in the dropdown in Powerapps will appreciate it

Quintan Gee
Quintan Gee - 07.01.2021 22:32

I have a survey that I need each question to be answered before the next button is displayed. I entered the formula like you did in your video but I am still getting an error. There are multiple choices to choose from on each question, so I I need to be able to allow the user to pick any choice and then be able to click the next button.

My formula is: If(DataCardValue2.Selected.Value = "12-17", true, false)
Is this how the formula should look with multiple choices: If(DataCardValue2.Selected.Value = "0-11" Or "12-17" Or "18-24", true, false)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Jani Vishwa
Jani Vishwa - 06.01.2021 16:35

Question: How to enable required/mandatory field in a SharePoint list only when a certain option( E.g : ADD) is selected from a drop down? For (CHANGE/DELETE) Required/Mandatory field is not necessary... Please reply

NoUglyPhotos - 27.10.2020 19:37

Question: What if I have multiple selected values: Leave type "Casual Leave" and "Half Pay Leave". Now I need to show related fields for "Casual Leave" and related fields for "Half Pay Leave"

Yogesh - 11.09.2020 12:59

Maine Canvas app mai data CDS se liya hai...Canvas mai option set liya hai pre sale or post sale ... Pre sale select karne ke baad mujhko MXID show krna hai aur Post sale ko hidden.... apka video dekh ke vaisa kiya lekin hua nhi....aap bata sakte ho kya problem hai

shubham chavan
shubham chavan - 10.09.2020 12:46

i have some problem about canvas app can you resolve it?
