Bubble Plugins - Part 1: Building a dropdown element

Bubble Plugins - Part 1: Building a dropdown element

Eli Beachy

1 год назад

2,375 Просмотров

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Fady Credi
Fady Credi - 23.03.2023 04:09

Awesome! was looking to build this for a long time :) Thanks Eli!

Cranford Tech
Cranford Tech - 03.12.2022 17:10

Great tutorial - thanks Eli!

Julián Valentín
Julián Valentín - 23.11.2022 15:20

This video (and I'm sure part 2 too) is such a valuable resource, 826 views do not correspond to its importance.

Thank you very much Eli

Bodrum Drone & Action
Bodrum Drone & Action - 05.10.2022 18:26

I found simple information about the plugin. I'm going to watch the second episode now. thanks

Claudia Francisco
Claudia Francisco - 25.07.2022 01:21

Thanks for sharing 😊🙏

Wayne Grimes Hirakawa
Wayne Grimes Hirakawa - 12.07.2022 10:46

Awesome brother! You've taken me farther with this one video than I have since I started using bubble in regards to the plugin creator! Nice Job! Can't wait for Part 2!

Neto Camarano | No-Code
Neto Camarano | No-Code - 11.07.2022 16:27

Awesome Eli! I'm getting more into the interface to build plugins so it's was really helpfull, Cheers!

I was also trying to undestand how to import a JS library into bubble, so looking foward for the second part.


Eric Decker
Eric Decker - 11.07.2022 14:26

Thanks this is excellent

Yash Jain
Yash Jain - 11.07.2022 06:57

Really love what you are doing. Such a great work. It’s a honour to learn from the expert! What about a membership for Pro content? There’s not much useful content for Professionals out there. Love to see something like that from you. Will give you all my money lol

Neil Pierce
Neil Pierce - 11.07.2022 04:50

Yessir this is great Eli. I love how you’re going through everything. I want to gain more knowledge on plugin creation. Keep it coming.
