Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Ending Explained And How it Sets Up Part 2

Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Ending Explained And How it Sets Up Part 2


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@konnarlamanna7897 - 04.05.2020 09:17

I'm about to blow all of your f**** minds get this did you guys know in the original final fantasy 7 when sephiroth kills Eric it was exactly 7 seconds long and at the end of the game sephiroth says cloud you have 7 seconds what will you do with it You guys get my drift You have no idea what the f*** these guys are going to be doing I mean I don't either but that's what the 7 second means hopefully that can help

@damche11 - 05.05.2020 01:29

Whatever the devs r doing I’m going along for the ride n I think it’s dope! I been waiting for years n years n years to engage with this story again. I been a hardcore ffvii fan my entire life n I like this

@jonah_da_mann - 06.05.2020 17:21

I already knew that the ending was controversial, but having finally beat the game, it was SO much worse than I could have imagined.

I need to clarify though that I am not some purist. In fact, I was fine with almost all of the changes being made to the story for the sake of adaptation, because I felt that they were all changes made for the better. The ending however, is a change made for the absolute worst. And I'll explain why.

Time travel and multiverse theory are literally the two worst things that they could have added to the story of VII. The reason for this is simple: time-travel is one of those things that--by it's very nature--makes less and less sense the more that you think about it. Therefore, using it as the basis for a plot twist is, in my opinion, ALWAYS going to be a terrible idea and the story will ALWAYS be worse because of it. The best time-travel stories ever written (e.g. Back to the Future, Terminator 1 & 2, Chrono Trigger) are not ABOUT time travel; the time-travel stuff is just a framework around which to build the actual story--one involving characters whom we love and care about, and want to succeed. The catch is, this ONLY works if we already KNOW that the plot involves time-travel right from the get-go. The problem with time-travel PLOT TWISTS is that they re-frame the entire context of the story so as to be ABOUT time-travel, consequently shattering your immersion and ruining your investment in whatever struggles the characters are facing, because the fact is: time-travel and multiverse theory is just so complicated and so far beyond ordinary human comprehension that it is pretty much impossible to tell an emotional, character-driven narrative which is simultaneously ABOUT time-travel.

But more importantly, Final Fantasy VII already had such an excellent foundation to work with--it never NEEDED time travel or multiverse theory to frame itself around. The ending of Remake feels like a twist that exists more to satisfy the developers' over-inflated and self-indulgent egos than it does to make for a compelling story. When I am trying to get immersed in an epic FANTASY story, the LAST thing I want is for the entire plot to be twisted and re-contextualized in the most fourth-wall-breaking way possible. The twist is just so meta, that it is now going to be much harder for me to get immersed in the story and love the characters as much as I used to.

When are Motomu Toriyama and Tetsuya Nomura going to realize this?! Why are they so persistently unwilling to recognize that THEY CANNOT TELL GOOD TIME-TRAVEL STORIES?! Every time they've tried, they've failed! (e.g. The 3rd Birthday, FFXIII-2, KH: Dream Drop Distance)

But that is not even the worst part. The worst part of all, is that the twist completely destroys any and all stakes that the story had going for it.

Let me explain by asking a question: "How do you create a riveting story with high stakes?"

The answer is actually very simple: By trapping the characters (whom you love and care about) in situations wherein which they have limited time and limited options. But also leaving us with just a small sliver of hope that they will somehow manage to pull through; that against all odds, the heroes will be able to resolve the situation with what little options they have.

In other words, LIMITATIONS are what make for compelling stories with high tension and emotional stakes.

Multiverse theory is the exact OPPOSITE of limitations. Multiverse theory opens up a literally infinite number of directions in which the writers can go when telling a story. That is NOT a good thing, and it is the reason why time travel twists almost invariably ruin any story which they are shoehorned into (particularly fantasy settings which involve magic and other supernatural phenomena): They completely destroys any and all stakes which the story might have established for itself, because if the writers are free to do WHATEVER the hell they want without ANY restrictions, then why should I even bother becoming invested in anything? If ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in a story can be theoretically altered with absolutely NO in-universe constraints whatsoever, bound ONLY to the whims of the writers themselves, THEN WHY DOES ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY MATTER? WHAT DOES ANYTHING THAT THE CHARACTERS DO MATTER? And more importantly, WHY SHOULD I CARE?????!!!!!


I hope that there’s still something they can do to fix this, but the ending to FFVII Remake may have flat-out broken me. Even two years from now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle it. One of the things that pains me the most is when a person tries to do something wonderful and thoughtful for others, only to then fail miserably at it because they do not understand how said others truly think or feel (anyone here on the autism spectrum and/or who has been in a bad relationship will know exactly what I’m talking about). To be let down by someone or something that you have put so much faith into is one of the worst feelings in the world. And it only hurts more when they put so much effort into it and you are already loving nearly everything about it, only for them to finally come out and surprise you with something that you never even wanted or asked for, and which thoroughly recontextualizes all of the things they had done for you up to that point in the worst way possible. I had thought that we were finally free from all of the bullshit that has ruined Kingdom Hearts and so many other Final Fantasy games as of late, and yet Square Enix had to go right on ahead and forcefully shove all of that bullshit right back into what is easily their most successful game of all time. Because these self-indulgent game developers can never. fucking. help themselves.

Now I don't even know if I'll be picking up the next installment in this Remake series when and if it ever gets released, because I’ve somehow come to doubt that this series can be saved. Square Enix's stated goal was to remake one of the most influential games of all time and present it in a new way that fans and newcomers would love and accept. Right now, I'm hoping to God that Square will listen to feedback and release a different ending as DLC which will fix the story of Remake (e.g. change the Arbiters of Fate so that they are merely pieces/agents of JENOVA; guiding the characters along a specific path so as to fulfill its evil plan of "becoming whole again"). But as it currently stands, the ending to this game is a disaster. By introducing all of this multiverse theory nonsense (as well as averting the deaths of two or three other characters for seemingly no narrative reason), Square Enix has done what I had previously thought impossible; the absolute worst possible thing that a storyteller can do:

They have taken Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barret, Red XIII, and Sephiroth--some of the most beloved characters in all of fiction and each of whom I have loved and adored for years--and made me say:

“I don’t care what happens to them.”

And if that isn’t a sign that my faith in this game has been thoroughly broken, and that this story is completely fucked, then I don’t know what is.

Note: Please feel free to copy-and-paste this comment all over the web, wherever you see fit. If Square Enix releases a survey asking for fan feedback, send them this if you so desire. I claim no ownership over this comment. The word must be spread.

@christinajohnson4238 - 07.05.2020 02:49

I think that Part 2 will go a New Way now the Whispers are gone.

@joshuamelton9148 - 09.05.2020 01:40

What is interesting with Barret was originally was supposed to die in the original but they say that was too easy to see coming so that killed Aerith instead. The fact that Barret was killed in the remake and then brought back to life was an Easter egg to me

@sokhaphadonith8753 - 09.05.2020 05:59

I wish Aerith is alive at the end this time

@NizarNoor - 09.05.2020 15:00

I don't like it. What can't they just remake the same story with additional and more elaborate details...

I really dislike everything related to The Whisper and Cloud's visions/premonitions. Other than that, it's a fantastic remake.

@ihateallthethings2683 - 14.05.2020 19:17

Can’t wait to play part 2 in 27 years from now

@Ventillator - 16.05.2020 11:20

I don't know how I feel about Aerith surviving. Her death is one of the most iconic moments in gaming, and motivates Cloud throughout VII and beyond.

@M.A.D.E.144 - 21.05.2020 01:46

Hmmmmmm I didn't have barret in my battle

@dany-ps2my - 24.05.2020 10:56

I love the new twist in the story

@cloudlockheart93 - 25.05.2020 12:41

If they kill Tifa, aka the best girl, we riot.

@iabdu487 - 26.05.2020 00:07

When we were kids: please let Areith alive somehow..

Now: this is bullshit, Areith should die, f@%% Square Enix they ruined the story.

@Lucidiasans - 27.05.2020 20:09

The glowing lights at the end? Honestly I thought that was great gospel on a massive scale.

@keavy2163 - 01.06.2020 11:54

Defy destiny? Team upppp.... wow

@curelord - 06.06.2020 20:27

The end in ff7r mean simply that the team was successful in alternating the future and that there action caused repercussion changing even the past
In other words square Enix just freed itself from the old ff7 story.

@randomuser2461 - 10.06.2020 00:37

They've turned sephiroth into an annoying environmentalist. They need to make him how he was in the original. It should be an undertone if anything. Not the front of his character.

@sisterserenity3825 - 10.06.2020 16:04

It sounds really exciting. Keep making parts, keep telling stories. We love stories and we love Final Fantasy.
I always love good story books, and always regret when the story ends. In my opinion they can have 20 sequels, and spin offs with other characters.
Final fantasy is like digital shakespeare, fill our lives with wonderful stories.

@momob7941 - 12.06.2020 01:39

No matter what they choose to do I'm excited about it either way.

@daffahilmi6918 - 22.06.2020 20:21

Are you guys thinking that Aerith still alive in this remake? but I was thinking, how about AC story after ff7 Og, in which case, her soul or whatever it is, still helping Cloud when he dying in the church. Idk its too confusing I guess😢

@alexanderringler5747 - 22.06.2020 21:18

Plottwist, Aerith is evil and wants Zack alive, even if this means that Tifa and Cloud dies.

@amazinglyaverage590 - 26.06.2020 21:16

Marketing the game as a remake with our beloved characters/story and bait & switching it at the end is so cheap that I feel robbed. They changed so much that it should have been a completely different game. Timetravel, multiverse, plot ghosts and cliché Disney style happy endings have no place in FF7 universe.

@MCCiabattaGrande - 28.06.2020 23:32

I hate dIfFeReNt tIMeLiNeS

@asuraXTC - 04.07.2020 14:39

They did this for profit lol 😂 so they don’t have think of a whole new final fantasy game

@jayjustjay7871 - 31.07.2020 21:25

Nobody wants tifa to die.

@2btqj - 09.08.2020 17:27

Are we just going to the ignore the fact that he says aerith and barret joins the fight against Sephiroth? Like who else is realizing that that fight varies? I had aerith and Tifa

@RylanStorm - 09.08.2020 21:10

If Tifa dies....

I will be epicly unhappy.

@cameronhetzler5407 - 12.08.2020 00:02

How the fuck these characters got HP above 5,000 with that final midgar fight in the original??? Nah bruh... that grind would have been INSANEEEE

@pepe_nacho_5108 - 23.08.2020 06:29

Is not going to be a Remake after all 😢

@scunny - 28.08.2020 11:11

youre video is a massive spoiler to the real game, you've titled it remake ending yet your speaking about characters dying in the original game. I havnt played the original and youve put no warning. Awful channel, 100% not subscribing

@Gazzoosethe1 - 09.09.2020 02:38

I mean what the fuck, half of the game got reased and the other half will be sold as it's own sequel? Glad i didn't buy this game

@PeekaPeep - 15.09.2020 18:27

Most groundbreaking FF installment of them all and the remake just might make it the best if they actually manage to stay on course unlike some "other" VG companies of late (ugh). Been positively blown away by the updated graphics and battle system, but the fresh new spin on what has been one of the ALL-TIME classic RPG storylines is what really caught my attention (O_O)! Multiple timelines that can be affected by the player depending on what path is taken, am I hearing this right??? If so, BRING IT ON!!!

@ultimatewolf8209 - 30.09.2020 16:47

To me this is theory and a god one for me but I feel that’s in a just remake of a great game

@Orto-jj2di - 19.10.2020 21:11

My theory is that sephiroth traveled back in time after his last line "I will never be a memory" and when the planet Gaia understands what he is about to do, she sends the spirits of her will to stop what he'll do

@joshminnick4512 - 27.12.2020 20:22

If square enix really wants to bedazzle us they should make it playable as Turn-Based as well

@James_Winter27 - 01.01.2021 12:15

A mixture of the original FF VII, CC, AC and now only the prequel of CC, BC and the Vincent's game are left.

@robertscustoms6805 - 05.02.2021 18:25

New Game + should play out as the original game

@mirchole - 18.03.2021 20:03

I just beat it today. What do I with my life now??

@headpatseeker7003 - 19.03.2021 17:59

YUSSS aerith & cloud

@andybaker8775 - 08.06.2021 12:33

I never thought a game could make me lose hope in humanity.

It was the one pure thing that no matter how it came back, it was gonna be epic. There was no way, but it happened and I’m now convinced that the universe is a meme and god doesn’t exist. I think I may have cried a little bit? This is so fucked up. Can square Enix be taken to court? Who wanted this? Literally if I knew killing myself would put me the timeline where ff7 was actually remade I would go jump off the nearest bridge. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENNNNNED PLEASE GOD NO

@PKGangsta18 - 10.08.2021 02:44

What if it's Genesis!? 😱

... Where the hell is he anyway? LOL

@Antasma1 - 30.08.2021 01:11

The potential is insane

@seyahtan24 - 18.02.2022 17:33

I want this remake saga to be DIFFERENT. I don't want a carbon copy of the OG's story. New life, new deaths and new destiny for the characters. Go crazy with it!

@kjh4496 - 10.04.2022 15:46

I really can’t see how fans are okay with this timeline kingdom hearts bullshit. Nomura should stick to character designs.

@deanfoster4121 - 14.10.2022 14:02

Aerith was in love with the part of cloud that was zack not cloud, now that zack is back well anything can happen

@JadaKilla - 19.12.2022 20:03

I know it’s way down the line but 10 was my favorite besides 7 (I was 10 years old) and just REALLY getting a passion for games but I can’t wait until that happens as well 🤞🏽🤞🏽

@dablaccaiyan9152 - 01.03.2023 02:59

The game is awesome, gameplay and graphics are top notch.....the changes are confusing as all hell though

@JL0ndon - 13.06.2023 09:40

I feel like the remake is giving some nier vibes with all this events happening in the “right” way
