5 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Learning Octane | Greyscalegorilla Beginner Series

5 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Learning Octane | Greyscalegorilla Beginner Series


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@peachy442-d5u - 26.08.2020 01:23

Amazing as always thanks for the tips nick love ur vids!

@paulatreides6711 - 26.08.2020 19:02

i wish some of your awesome kit like light kit pro or hdri brwser would be available for blender haha ,there is literally nothing for octane blender in terms of plugins and that sucks .

@lukehallmedia - 26.08.2020 19:46

(almost) Always check "Fake Shadows" when using a Specular material!

@bill-bergen - 26.08.2020 19:47

Can we all stop down and talk about how perfect Nicks hair and beard is? Which Octane setting do I tweak to get that?

@octanejesus - 26.08.2020 21:10

Great tips Nick!!

@bhushankandalkar3104 - 26.08.2020 21:42

Great tutorial !! I was doing wrong untill I watched this 😆

@elysiumeclogue5737 - 26.08.2020 22:31

The most important thing is make sure your render seating "Image color profile" is"SRGB" and Tonemap type is "Tonemaped" . otherwise your output will not be the same as your render window looks. It bothers a lot lot lot lot people.

@LoganPinney - 27.08.2020 02:37

The new training by David Ariew is easiy the best training offered on plus. Come for the RS training, STAY for the Octane 😎🤟 Otoy is bringing the fire!!!

@chrismacmillan2932 - 27.08.2020 06:29

Great idea with the multiple skies. I think the main reason your PT looks better is that the diffuse samples are higher than in your DL kernel. Get those diffuse passes up in direct lighting and you'll start filling in those shadows for less render bucks.

@gddeluxe2936 - 27.08.2020 10:52

Another Issue of the LiveDB.. Sometimes (its random) Octane Plugin is crashing when u want to download Materials from the LiveDB so always save your Work before entering LiveDB! Greetings from Germany

@gddeluxe2936 - 27.08.2020 10:58

A very good Tip if you have a outdoor Scene with the "Octane Sky" and "Octane Daylight". Check the Checkbox in the Daylight Tag to combine your HDRI Map of the Octane Sky and your Sunlight of the Octane Daylight. Match the sun of your HDRI and Daylight and connect their RotX (North Offset in Daylight) in XPresso Node so you can rotate them with just one slider.
Hope that helps somebody out.

@lagrinta9689 - 27.08.2020 14:54

I just do 1 push-up every time nick try to sell something in a commercial disguised as a tutorial(plus,plus,plus,plus,+_+)

@Dolphineight - 27.08.2020 16:01

Big fan from Hong Kong 😄
Thank you~ we were waiting for more Octane tutorial when your Guide to RedShift just came out 🤣🤣🤣
Even tho we are not beginners now, thanks for the tips.
And RedShift is great, but we think Octane much more convenience 😛

@ashishauti07 - 27.08.2020 18:24

the silly thing i most struggled with was the lock button on octane render its used for locking resolution then you can zoom out; there's a number menu on right side, so now you can look at how your render is gonna look I mean res

@sicfxmusic - 27.08.2020 19:22

5x Spoiler alerts if you're about to purchase GSG+!!!!

@GeorgeWilliams-cj9et - 27.08.2020 22:43

Just started on Octane myself. First tip literally saved me a humongous headache. Thank you!

@MrCalmwaters112 - 28.08.2020 08:23

Did I just watch a 12 minute plug?

@Lowenmensch408 - 29.08.2020 15:24

Most important tip: enable that autosave when you start using Octane in C4D :P

@doom9344 - 04.09.2020 12:16

My best tip is that use filter size : 1.5
A natural pixel feel similar to redshift is created, and the artificial feel of octane disappears.

@shoreydesigns3064 - 07.09.2020 07:29

Do have any training with Octane in Houdini ?

@thaianhnguyen8248 - 10.09.2020 00:43

How can you get this model?

@nunomota9838 - 11.09.2020 13:54

why i think octane for c4d is better than 3dmax,blender etc??

@BengieOyola - 17.09.2020 00:09

Hey Nick! You should try Octane X for Mac. It works perfectly fine like Windows :). Now you have an excuse to go back!

@zfendi8922 - 15.10.2020 12:47

now you're full fledged PC user :)

@shayansep755 - 09.11.2020 04:25

david who ?

@Dominic-du4ow - 12.11.2020 20:37

How can I hide HDRI image from the render?

@michaelroberts8397 - 21.11.2020 08:26

Should I start with redshift or octane?

@zimonslot - 25.11.2020 01:30

Octane!? What happened to redshift??

@andreybtr301 - 29.11.2020 19:58

that example head looks creepy🌚

@ChaconStuff - 15.12.2020 23:56

Mac Mini M1 Render Farm... that's what I've been wondering lately (For Arnold of course). Ask Chad for his thoughts, please.

@ainnelrosirrosias3338 - 26.12.2020 09:23

im suprised you was aware of the existence of octane...like really? U didnt know about pathracing? What is this bs...its like saying i didnt knew about my steering location of my car until david tought me..are you even aware you are using octane? :p

@cyanide227 - 08.01.2021 02:05

Becoming Gorilla for shure )

@rudineumerkel7627 - 05.02.2021 21:44

have you tried out Octane X? What do you think?

@TreyTrimble - 05.03.2021 09:56

My tip would be when working with neon lights or such. In Camera Imager using the "Saturate to White" slider is sometimes KEY. :)

@ricardograndio9934 - 18.03.2021 10:33

I was just trying to solve that issue with hdri that it almost drive me nuts

@aspizak - 24.03.2021 02:23

lol, longest ad ever. :/

@stellar_3d_academy747 - 30.05.2021 14:39

Which software is best for rendering jewelry... octane or redshift?

@officialthixo8838 - 16.06.2021 18:53

omg, this the solution for my material problem... i was searching years for a solution and almost freaked out why its all black if i download my materials. thank you so much!

@ADADIZZLE - 05.01.2022 18:10

Is that a Bust of Woody Harrelson?

@fabienl9835 - 14.03.2022 13:36

Octane is really amazing BUT i still have an issue i can t resolve...
Any tips on how exclude object or material from being visible in refraction ? I know it s a unbiaised render engine but if there s a way to solve the problem that would be awesome.
Thanks !

@Monsieurbungle - 22.04.2022 23:38

What a mess of a video.

@lucaspellicer - 26.04.2022 00:42

Why your render looks so clean with “just” 1000 samples? I need like… 6000 or 8000 to look this clean

@mejoratuportfolio5990 - 22.09.2022 16:26

thanks man, awesome

@rw3452 - 23.09.2022 12:11

Link to training even when logged in goes only to your website? Can you help?

@bsways - 18.07.2024 23:32

Tip 6 - if you plan on using octane to render don’t apply C4D materials because octane won’t render many of them if they have multiple shaders etc. You then have to back track and figure out which ones are making the render quit. This was happening to me when I first started using it and I had to do a lot of searching in my scene and online to get to the bottom of it. I actually hate octane materials. The manager is slow and laggy and it’s just not beginner friendly with all the node editing etc. C4D materials are so much easier.

@Greyscalegorilla - 26.08.2020 19:55

What is your best Octane Tip?
