The TRUTH of The Great Resignation | Simon Sinek

The TRUTH of The Great Resignation | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

2 года назад

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@richardgreaney - 24.01.2024 12:14

"I just don't want this"
"I don't even know what I want, but it's definitely not this"

I've used those lines so many times since this video came out, when telling people about it. It's a great way to describe what goes through the mind when you KNOW you're doing something that's not in your highest good, even though you don't know what 'right for me' looks like.

@toyotatacoma6817 - 13.01.2024 21:51

The "Great Resignation" had nothing to do with Covid although that time we had off gave us a lot to think about, we are sick and tired of being a piece of meat treated like dirt... Long hours, PTO refusal, Terrible benefits (you think yours is great, think again!), Forced overtime, Harassed by management figures, 100's of emails or conference calls keeping us from doing our jobs, terrible training, workload given because they can't keep people or downsize the workforce combining 2-3 jobs into one because they want more money in their pockets... Companies need to change now!

@ivanjohnson8455 - 14.12.2023 04:14

Engaging with books has significantly elevated my perspective on investing. True wealth isn't built through mere savings; financial freedom stems from strategic investments. I've learned that accumulating wealth hinges on making prudent investment decisions.

@supersasquatch - 10.11.2023 05:05

I'm doing this tomorrow, resigning from a job without anything else lined up because the job itself just doesn't allow me to be an effective contributor.

@carpenoctem775 - 17.10.2023 14:38

Being overworked is also a factor. Working overtime on weekdays and weekends with no known end in sight. No work-life balance.

@AN-jz3px - 03.10.2023 13:39

As an owner of 3 manufacturing facilities, Ive fired all employees who tried to Unionize, used aggressive recruiting to find foreign laborers, and have prospered beyond belief for the risks iv’e taken. CEOs deserve the highest compensation and am proud to OWN to make others lives better. I plan to sell to a large Capital company.

@stevencwest - 17.08.2023 00:09

Very true. I believe it is the new way the world is going on.

@lorimoon846 - 17.07.2023 07:08


@MrCxiong116 - 12.07.2023 07:11

I’m about to join y’all, I’m not happy with my job atm. Been there for 6 years full time taking on higher responsibilities and stress while being underpaid. Just letting it sink in and soon I’ll be off chasing my dreams instead of making someone else rich.

@tauIrrydah - 27.04.2023 13:26

The great resignation is just a Linked In BS buzzword phenomenon and 2 weeks later it was quiet quitting and there have been a dozen more stupid things that have been made up by the 'entrepreneurial' class who just can't figure out why people don't want to put up with their exploitation anymore.

@cd4683 - 24.04.2023 16:11

This perfectly explains why the hospitality industry "can't find anyone who wants to work", when what they mean is that it's getting harder to find people with low enough self worth to be relentlessly exploited until they burn out or die as a benefit of working. Meanwhile they have the audacity toblame millennials and gen z for the high failure rate the National Restaurant Association lobbied into existence with poverty wages and the modernized slavery that is salary exempt work.

@honestjoe632 - 23.04.2023 08:50

Such great insight although it also depends on the market and wether there are enough jobs in the market…

@igloozoo3771 - 22.04.2023 21:06

The truth about the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting is that the employees think they have some power. These employers and companies wanted the disenfranchised workers to voluntarily quit well knowing that there would be downturn in the markets.

@det1mark777 - 24.03.2023 00:31

Like the automaton's working in supply chain warehouses and whose performance and life is monitored and supposedly managed by a computer programme. Soul destroying dead end grind that supposed leaders think is justified by whatever they see as management and leadership. Sad.

@wayneparr7571 - 19.03.2023 21:07

Worked my tail off at my company in 1998 and always tried to achieve the work life balance. When I was at work I gave over 100% but called it a day at a certain hour. There were times I was asked for extra time and effort and I did it,. Started my career there making about $40,000 a year. When I left in 2022 my income was over $150,000. Good things take time and they can be accomplished without dedicating your soul to the company!

@tramlink8544 - 12.03.2023 01:17

i hated my job, i had 100s of hours of overtime and the company was unwilling to pay it out to me, and with covid work just piled up and up but the wages stayed the same, so i quit, now i actually do a job i enjoy, it was worth it!

@philip8920 - 08.03.2023 23:44

I believe that the great resignation has a lot to do with the fact that our current economic system is failing is. We are heading for rock bottom - all the talk of the cost-of-living crises confirm this to me. The world is in need of change. We have created our current economic system, its entirely man made. Therefore, we can change it as well, and create something more meaningful. We created a money centric reality for ourselves, driven by greed and competition. Look at the natural world - let's not see it as isolated, because we are a part of it. Life and co-operation should be at the centre of our reality, not money. We need to turn our backs on the shareholder model - its insatiable, and strives for infinite growth. I think we are seeing the genesis of a rebellion against the system.

@stuartsoll3254 - 06.03.2023 22:45

Rich people have been screwing over the working people for decades. I see people in big and small business treating people like crap. We are not going to take crap any more. The Elites and Republicans have been killing the American dream ever since Reagan. The rich people have gotten more arrogant and greedy every year. The American worker is fighting back now. We made you rich. Now you need to pay us right and treat us right. I promise you that if you don't straighten up, you will continue to have high turn over. And your business will suffer.

@aaronporterfield3456 - 25.02.2023 13:33

I work at Egg processing plant in Minnesota, were I got hired out of Yuma, Az. Where 90% of the staff is 30 and older. But we are 70 employees short. It’s totally apparent and a massive deficit.

@mollysmith8631 - 20.02.2023 09:17


@eliedufour4398 - 08.02.2023 15:21

Just a thought, Simon Sinek should sit down for a podcast with Gary Vee - two people that are passionate about culture and caring for employees. How cool would that be?!

Like this comment if you agree!

@Obliv69 - 21.12.2022 10:36

Have you noticed the change in job titles companies use that dehumanize people?
Employment officer became human resources because people are just a resource like wood in a timber mill
Customer service became customer contact because one implies a service will be provided but the other suggests you can make contact but no service is provided

@andrewajrrook - 18.12.2022 08:04

Lol all Generations came together and morphed into Gen Z

@jakelopes2789 - 16.12.2022 05:33

Wage slavery…low pay …company’s make millions…you get pennies

@zwakeleduma9909 - 13.12.2022 00:22

Where employees tell you can get a job somewhere else

@zwakeleduma9909 - 13.12.2022 00:22

We still have this in south Africa

@1983jblack - 09.12.2022 01:36

I have been at my job for 3 years now. Am I underpaid? Probably, but I am OK with that. I get more freedom with my work. Work is work, not fun, easy time folks. Sometimes, I work normal daytime hours, sometimes I work 12-16 hours (Work until I feel like I am at a good stopping point). If I work a ton of hours at night or on weekends, they say "Take a day off, no need to submit a vacation day". While I have no official "sick days", my boss gives them to me, whether I ask him if I can lay down for a few hours or just need to shutdown because I can't do my job properly. The responsible people know the difference between using these perks properly and taking advantage of them. I work where I am at because I enjoy it and while I could make more money, I make enough to be able to pay my bills (That's another story for the ones who quit - They may not be managing their money as well as they could be; Not everyone but there are a few who are guilty). I never liked the idea of quitting unless I have something lined up. I guess I have an old way of thinking to make sure I think of the whole and not just myself is all. My time to enjoy life will come in 25 yrs or so

@theitsolutionist - 18.11.2022 19:25

It has always bothered me to hear people referred to as "resources" by managers. I work with people with experience and capabilities, not assets measured by descriptions.

@tfranc347 - 14.11.2022 08:26


@laverdadbuscador - 08.11.2022 00:26

only ppl listening to this guy are upper management types who want a free solution to the problem they created.

@anjealin259 - 03.11.2022 15:32

Totally agree. I think the same could also be said regarding "quiet quitting". For some, choosing not to go above and beyond is just them finally setting the boundaries they have needed all along.

@Andrew-ig5sp - 02.11.2022 19:34

People have screens showing them the world in HD

A cubicle becomes less appealing every video you watch of far away places.

@jyotikumar1898 - 31.10.2022 06:40

People and their nasty low pay wage slave jobs. Why dont you all quit and let this disgusting society come to a stand still or better yet, end.

@remkojerphanion4686 - 26.10.2022 11:38

Long ago, I had a job at a company where the boss would regularly boast that he had received, I dunno, maybe 20 or 30 open applications in any given week. That's the kind of sick attitude that makes you think: "My time will come buddy, my time will come...." and it sure did - I found something better! Don't accept BS from any employer!

@seanpartain1419 - 20.10.2022 10:06

Pay people what they’re worth, offer them quality feedback and camaraderie, and offer your best workers REAL raises and upward opportunities. That’s how companies keep people.

@peterbradley6580 - 18.10.2022 22:38

Leadership and culture? No - give workers a financial stake - a return on their investment. Give workers shares in the business.

@Todd.T - 14.10.2022 15:57

Some people quit because they want to join the movement and say "me too". DON'T quit unless you have a place to go to or have an in demand skill or experience. If you don't like your job, dedicate some time to training or education that will get you the job you want. Yes it will cost time and money, but the amount of money you will lose actually compounds over time. In 2005 a bunch of people went on strike for four months. That four months pay was roughly 14k. You lost that income forever and you lost money going towards your retirement plan forever. You used up all your savings and then used credit. You now had monthly interest to pay (or additional monthly interest for some.) By the time those guys went back to work, they had to re-apply for their own jobs, the benefits had been reduced and it was going to take a year plus to get back where you were with financial stability and finally the compounded cost when you retire will probably be ten times what you lost.

@thisjob2222 - 27.09.2022 17:54

I dont know what I want...but, I know it isn't this. EXACTLY! I think I'm crazy or unstable until I hear Simon break it down...then, I realize that I'm sane and sound. 😁

@amitdahal1698 - 26.09.2022 22:54

When filling a jar with stones, sand and water how you sequence the elements reflects one’s ability to maximize potential. 🙏🏽

@ConanDuke - 24.09.2022 07:47

"Market Correction" = General Strike

@thabastards1st - 13.09.2022 18:18

someone will proudly proclaim you didn't try hard enough and that you want something for free. They will say you should not have stayed at that jobs they always say if you don't like your job then just quit. You know damn good and well most people can't do that because life won't let them, so I find this to be a dick eating statement. Well now people are doing that if a job doesn't show me the same thing it wants from me fuck you, I'm not here for you I'm here for money. I don't wake up for you i wake up for money and bills because life and capitalism wtf do you mean! You can't make me pay other people's student loans and think i give a fuck. When it was ok, you outsourced jobs to other country's because I'm not worth paying but inflation goes up every few years so does rent and that's just fine. Seems like your problem is people saying you're not worth my life points. why miss my kids and wife for a job that I hate for a boss that acts like he hates me. FYI, I worked 12hr a day on weekdays 16hr on weekends and it's because i was taught as a boy that works himself to death for other people to enjoy their lives. I was never told young man there is a better way. LOL no fuck no! I have never heard anyone stall me out for a fucking second. So, if i don't do it no one will. A boss once asked if I liked my job because it could be gone at any time. My job not his.
and it was at that moment I knew i fucked up. the rich work for themselves that's why they love their jobs. No boss up their ass no dicks in the office no Karens snowflakes no mandates no bullshit no attitudes. Just dispirit worker trying to feed their kids and make it to those PTA meetings. Trust me when i say the guy that makes your coffee hates your fucking guts with a smile because he has bills to pay, you're not his fucking friend and he knows it and so do you. He knows how you look at him and his job & his bachelor's in arts. And in his eyes, you're just one of the smug pricks he has got to dill with and it's not even 8am.
It's always about money if Doctor don't do their job for free because they love to save lives, they do that shit for cars houses investments golf clubs. Let your insurance laps and let's see how many doctors want to help you for free none not fucking one. Why? MONEY that fucking why. I don't have one but i hear jobs go look at your online pages to see if they will hire you. Really that sound like bullshit to me glad i don't like telling my life to randoms online. Sounds like there is no reason to be loyal to a job if it's not paying you what you want and going above and beyond. Don't ask for that you're willing to give. There's no such thing as W.W.J.D. in a corporate setting. No one cares about the boss's felling's same as me he is rich; he will be ok i will always do what our government won't do and worry about working people before i care if the head of some Walmart etc. will be fine in the end, they will bail them out if they fuck up. 80,000 I.R.S. agents with guns will knock on your door because you're not spending when they tell you to.

@Timbertrussminifarm - 13.09.2022 01:32

I’m so tired of working so hard. I have back to back to back deadlines all day long. Today we had a few deadlines that were missing files or running late because of the holiday… And no one told us. I submitted all my deadlines and then before I clocked out I went to go check one of them and I realized my deadline had an extra file but I had already turned it in. I’ll let my managers know but they never read my message. Then they put a message out there saying by the way it looks like there was a deadline that was missed… And I told them I turned in what was there and no one let our team know that stuff was going to be missing. And they pretty much told me that is not an excuse 🤨🤨 uhhhhhh…..

@Timbertrussminifarm - 13.09.2022 01:26

We have all been lied to… By being told if we work hard and put in our time and I above and beyond, that it will all be recognized. I have constantly gone above and beyond and taken on the work of two people. When we finally got fully staffed, one of the girls they hired was from one of our other locations out of state and they promoted her to supervisor… With no experience!

@DevelopmentRobco - 12.09.2022 09:21

Worlds going to shit around us, inflation is high and wages are low, the days are repetitive, long, boring and slow.

Saying "I work 50-60 hours a week and still live with my parents" pretty much sums up every young person I know. It's so sad. Our country doesn't put the young people who are the most important demographic first, while baby boomers who were literally handed the peek of human civilization (and outlive every generation before them) are using that easy money saved and earned to buy boats and vacations.

@chuyhernandez8504 - 06.09.2022 19:14

Fuck work

@bicelisGeopolitics - 06.09.2022 00:48

sounds like Europe without the great resignation...

@beabea892 - 29.08.2022 11:17


@derpcommander7367 - 28.08.2022 22:20

Culture and leadership? People are quitting because they’re underpaid that’s the bottom line! Back in the day a factory worker could get a house cat and supper there family with one income. Now we need the wife the son the father all working wtf……

@haroldbrett8726 - 23.08.2022 16:18

I got a raise one year just to find out my employer when I filed my taxes the following year did not take out enough money for taxes so guess who had to pay more

@haroldbrett8726 - 23.08.2022 16:15

Employers could give more of profits to employees than to keeping up with the joneses
