Skyrim Is Still Worth Playing in 2023

Skyrim Is Still Worth Playing in 2023


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@jaredrobinson7071 - 05.12.2023 14:36

VAnillla skyrim is perfect, mods are fan fiction that I don't subscribe to. I wish I still had vanilla skyrim instead of anniversary addition with all the creation club stuff I don't really like or care for.

@user-nj5bd8ly1y - 27.11.2023 06:57

This game got me into the fantasy genre as I was a motorsport sim racer before. Such a beautiful soundtrack...completely sucked me in. (I still play it to this day, lore friendly mods included)

@powdermonkey9300 - 17.11.2023 09:00

I started a playthrough recently were I made my character have a background and a certain way to think/act. As it is also my comfort game, I've finished it dozens of times but I have discovered so many hidden dialogues and endings to quests that I had never seen in my 12 years of playing it, as I had never really role-played before. It's safe to say, too, that I possibly will never be tired of it seeing how entranced by it I am as a grown 23 year old. There is really something about it that I might never feel with even my other favorite games

@rujibuji458 - 10.11.2023 05:48

While Skyrim is a deeply flawed experience, it feels like it has a soul. The same can't be said for Fallout 4 and Starfield

@fxmorin439 - 09.11.2023 01:16

This game is overrated. Big time.

@lilpain1997 - 06.11.2023 17:07

Skyrim is a game that I have just carried on going back to and doing another playthrough modded and un modded since 2011. I remember the hype up to release. 13 year old me being a bit disappointed at first on release day ( I played oblivion and a lot was removed/changed from that ) but I stuck to it and it quickly became something special to me. I put a stupid amount of hours into the game on 360 and hit the cap of what was 81 at the time. Doing multiple other playthroughs and getting all achievements. Years later the modding scene gets bigger and better and my brother gets a PC again ( we had one but it was much older and couldn't run anything like Skyrim well, was used for older games ) I modded Skyrim on it and played there on and off. I stopped playing for a while till the PS4 release in 2016, got it again on sale and re did the entire 100% on that on top of a modded playthrough and more. Doing another playthrough rn on a heavily modded version, running over 2000 mods. I have gone back to this game and played so much of this game yet it never gets boring to me, modded or un modded. Its something truly special and I am worried that TES6 wont capture that again.

@chrismassey7783 - 01.11.2023 06:19

Got Skyrim day 1 back in 2011 on the 360 when I was 18 it's my favourite game of all time always play as the same race on all platforms still play it even now

Countless hours and lost days playing this game

No guns no cars just swords magic and bows and arrows fantastic

Do not bad mouth Skyrim I will not hear it

@jonsinclair3997 - 18.10.2023 23:26

Skyrim is my #1 game.

@MotherWolfe - 14.10.2023 09:39

I was 45 when this game came out, (my first video game was Dungeons of Daggorath), and to this day, I love playing it. The ability to explore and be amazed at the views, go questing, craft to my hearts content, or a dozen other things, makes it feel like home even now. Think I'm going to go dust it off and play again.

@nestaron4064 - 12.10.2023 02:31

It's still my favorite game of all time.

@whyjnot420 - 08.10.2023 12:06

The very word "amateur" literally means they do it because they love it. The word comes to English from French, but both the French and English words descend from Latin. The original Latin words it comes from are amator (lover) and amare (to love).

Thus an amateur is someone who does something because they love it, not for some form of recompense. When people argue against paid mods from this vantage point, I argue that their point is very very sharp. (That is, arguing that mods should remain an amateur affair. Once you start getting paid, it becomes game development rather than modding... Goes this line of thought. One that I am inclined to agree with.)

We already have more "micro"-transactions than you can shake a stick at. I honestly think that for Bethesda this had nothing to do with the modding community and everything to do with making the increasing number of microtransactions more palatable. Even for people who just casually looked at what they were doing and never spent a dime on them. Giving modders a spotlight sounds better in PR speak than "increased the size of our workforce" and CERTIANLY costs Bethesda less money than actual proper employees would (given that employees get actual benefits).

@whyjnot420 - 08.10.2023 11:41

I have to give mods ALL the credit for getting me to like the vanilla game. One mod in particular, SkyUI. I installed the game sometime within a week or two of its launch. That interface which ships with the game is fine for a gamepad, but wow is it beyond the pale for PC. I hated the vanilla UI so much that I had uninstalled Skyrim within a couple of days and maybe 10 hours of playtime, if that. Then a little while later I became aware of SkyUI and realized that it fixed that which I hated. Since then I have probably spent over a year of my life inside of that game (probably closer to 400 days likely more, 400 days is 9,600 hours btw and I estimate I have a couple thousand more)

(In my 40s now and sleep is still just an option.)

@erixxblack7247 - 07.10.2023 17:21

I had these feelings but with morrowind on the original xbox. Id spend days at a time as a young kid combing thru morrowind. I love skyrim and am playing on my switch as i watch this. I just wish they kept the old attribute system. Min maxing my stats just felt like a huge accomplishment

@Matty002 - 07.10.2023 12:57

those people are gonna be really mad when they rerelease skyrim again to celebrate the release of ES6
also it couldnt be the grandfather of open world games, we had games like legend of zelda back in 1986, and even then there were some potentials before that. skyrim is like the great great great great great grandson. gta3 would be closer to being the grandfather

@SaltyGoodness - 05.10.2023 00:51

Hit you with that Donald Trump: "Wrong!"

@ibz0991 - 04.10.2023 18:53

I wish i played this game when it came out. I recently put 3 hours into it and felt that this game is super rough from a gameplay point of view. Everything from movement to combat didn't feel nice. . I plan on pushing through after the completion of some games in my backlog.

@sandman8920 - 29.09.2023 15:11

I’ve finally gotten into Skyrim! I tried since launch on the switch on and off but wasn’t enjoying it and gave up a couple years ago but a month ago I felt the urge to give it another try and did now I can’t put it down! My first play through was just a nord warrior build and it was boring to me but this time I’ve basically made Legolas and I’m having an absolute blast! Wish I did an archer build in the first place.

@TdotTbot - 26.09.2023 06:59

Mods give me anxiety

@matthewhamill6199 - 24.09.2023 23:28

This video could have been cut down by about 20 minutes jheez.

@kenjen9861 - 24.09.2023 03:37

I think your section about mods is very uncharitable. You strawman Skyrim modders as people trying to make the game easier or as even cheaters and that is an unnecessarily cynical way of viewing these players and most mods. Most mods are for immersion, just like you said you'd want out of them, but immersion means different things to different people.

@Bei7 - 20.09.2023 19:11

Well said.
10 years had passed since I first played Skyrim and haven't had a single mod installed yet. There are people like me just simply enjoy Skyrim as itself. The game is just that great imo.

@Dazeja5 - 20.09.2023 14:07

I remember the first time I saw this game as a kid, it was actually my mum playing it and I remember just sitting there amazed at this massive world she could explore, as up to this point I probably just had a nintendo ds with mario or something. I don't fondly remember the first time I managed to get my hands on the game but it was always my favourite game growing up and I even made one of the best friends I ever had through a shared love of Skyrim, I will probably always come back to this game as like you said it just feels so comforting to me.
Agree with pretty much everything you said however I do think the modding community in this game is awesome, great vid.

@greydavis3292 - 19.09.2023 01:04

This game never needed mods to be great. Sure they're a lot of fun, but it would have a long lifespan even with no modding community.

@PaaaulHimself - 12.09.2023 01:19

The modding community doesn't get enough credit

@hengineer - 30.08.2023 14:06

I enjoyed the "stories" in the world, like the bandit camp where a wife became the leader of bandits while her husband was trying to find her, or the lighthouse where the family was slaughtered by the Falmer pets in a very sad story. Or the random encounters in the wild that werent even small quests, but a little snippet where a cart was upturned and a small family was murdered by bandits.

@UlissesSampaio - 30.08.2023 02:06

I totally agree that Bethesda gets all the heat while others get a pass. E.g. latest assassin's creeds were super bloated and repetitive but gained general praise from the usual outlets... Even BG3 which, although still super cool, is touted as this super polished masterpiece while having many bugs Bethesda would never be forgiven for, including in some cases endings not triggering properly.

@reveredrogue9725 - 18.08.2023 17:59

Its amazing for what it has but even i feel that it really lacks in some parts. Compared to Oblivion, Skyrim has much better mechanics and look but to me Oblivion has much better quests be it the main, side, faction or dlc.

Skyrim felt like i was an Isekai character being brought into a new world. Who you are doesn't really matter as you can be a Kahjit or Argonian and still be able to enter Windhelm despite those races not being allowed inside. Considering the whole civil war and prejudice happening, they could have really sone more to make a race more than just gameplay alone.

Overall, Skyrim is an rpg GAME while Oblivion is an RPG game. I still love Skyrim but i can only play it with mods now.

@barkdawg - 13.08.2023 18:47

Just started my first playthrough of skyrim like 3 weeks ago when i get off of work and the weekend it's amazing does it feel old yes BUT the exploration atmosphere world design and world building is top tier its so easy to get lost in this world just roaming around i sdent like 3 hours yesterday just building a house and i was super invested in it lol i wanted it to be perfect

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 07:01

Remember when PatricianTV went and bought every single creation club mod, because he wanted to review them... Just to have Anniversary release right after as a 20 dollar upgrade lol

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 06:55

People don't understand that bugs are statistical anomalies. They think because they experience a mod, and a few hundred, to a thousand people online experience them, that must mean everybody experiences them. The amount of people that play this game without complaining about bugs actually vastly outweighs the number who have.

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 06:53

I like survival and immersion based mods. Been playing vanilla recently so I can get achievements on Steam. I have a lot on 360, but nobody can see that, including myself.

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 06:47

I don't watch much gameplay videos anymore either. I like theory videos and long retrospectives, mostly. I do, however, watch a lot of Neebs Gaming. Yes, technically gameplay, but they aren't just playing a game. They are basically making a sitcom out of gameplay. An improvised comedy.

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 06:19

I used to stealth archer, a lot. Theae days I try to do a knight build, and switch back and forth between 2 handed, and one handed and shield (sword and board for MMO fans). I do still use archery, but rarely put points into it, and it's the plan C weapon, when I need to kill someone far away without navigating whatever maze it takes to get there lol.

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 06:03

I wish I had my 360 hours too. I think I can access my Xbox One hours for SE, maybe. Either way, I play on Steam now and it definitely doesn't reflect the amount of time I've actually played. (Not to mention the time I spent on my illegitimate Legendary edition when I firat switched to PC).

Same for Oblivion.

@Mephilis78 - 01.08.2023 05:57

I remember Skyrim being a bit spooky when I was younger. Sometimes it still happens when I play games like 7 Days to Die. The game feels really eerie to begin with, but some of the abandoned buildings are just nerve racking lol especially since, if you hit the wrong block it might actually collapse!

Oddly enough, despite there not being anything inherently scart in Minecraft, the game is really great at capturing that spooky vibe sometimes.

@leetun444 - 26.07.2023 08:12

I love Skyrim. I usually roleplay out some scenarios and embrace it for what it is. This game made people's childhoods. Some fans or elder scrolls fans would argue that Oblivion is better but the popularity of Skyrim is what made this game unique in my opinion. It's not about what is the best, it's about the experience itself. Other than that, love the ES lore and everything surrounding it. Much love to you all! ❤️ 🤙

@arcturus6466 - 25.07.2023 22:15

I have grace, balance, and honor in dragon tongue tattooed under my collarbone. I started playing this game when I was 10…and now I’m an adult. Crazy how something that has no obstructive value can fully make millions of our childhoods

@krixpop - 20.07.2023 13:40

Andúril !

@jahnj2523 - 16.07.2023 13:20

Am finna git ma popcorn playa skrimbo game on

@marekbiakowski3472 - 15.07.2023 23:33

they dont make games like this anymore.. prove me wrong?

@aestheticdeath2154 - 14.07.2023 17:41

Lol, steam already had a mod market before console did, but it did not work so they removed it. I'd be surprised if they tried it again

@EuropeanVisitor-pe6xd - 13.07.2023 14:39

Good mods ? Skyblivion soon!

@Theater00jock - 03.07.2023 13:38

Have you played the Dragon Age games? Because I feel like they really encourage roleplaying.

@GrubKiller436 - 02.07.2023 18:01

I never could get into Skyrim because all the AI looked and acted retarded. It made me feel empty in the world. The feeling is like feeling it's too obvious you're in a simulation and you don't want to be there. I also feel the graphics are ugly and outdated. I did not grow up with this game and could not get in to it as an adult.

@r0bz0rly - 30.06.2023 12:18


it was great for its time and i still go back to play it once in a while, but it's 12 years old now and there's literally nothing left to write about

@Reznor_Meeks - 28.06.2023 15:23

It’s the simplicity
It manages to go thru a lot yet you don’t have to be a pro
Anyone truly can play this game

@AvoidantTS - 22.06.2023 04:24

Someone recommended me this game, I tried to like it, but the gameplay sucks, I don't know why people like it, honestly.

@SELFF - 20.06.2023 16:29

Are you going to play Starfield.

@lilporkchop321 - 19.06.2023 01:34

It's unreal hearing you were 9 when Skyrim came out... I was 19 and watched the reveal trailer at midnight at university when some mates were pulling an all-nighter for an assignment. I was actually a massive Oblivion fan and put like 200 hours into that game when I was 15 so when I played Skyrim I was initially disappointed by how some systems seemed to have been more simplified or even missing. It's nice hearing a well thought out and introspective voice from your generation that grew up in what I consider the biggest leap in gaming both in gameplay and tech (the PS2 to PS3 era) because modern gamers will never have that big of a difference in generations again.

@FergieFerg622 - 18.06.2023 19:30

Title should be “Why DO people love Skyrim?”
