DougDoug's Guide for new Content Creators

DougDoug's Guide for new Content Creators


1 год назад

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RegretfullyMine - 25.10.2023 17:32

Fuck it. I’ll give it a shot, what do I have to lose?

EmilyKayTV - 24.10.2023 08:13

thank you douglas

GourmandGaming - 11.10.2023 04:25

About the hard truth part, the way I see things can be summarized like this : Everybody can do everything, but everything is not for everybody.

What I mean by this is that we all have certain things that we are more naturally interested in. Stuff that makes us happy, that's fulfilling, that makes sense to us. It's way easier to get better and to be good at something we like than at something we don't. We'd be more enclined to learn new things, to stick through the bad times, to have the drive to continue through the bad times and nurture those skills. On the flipside, doing something you dislike is way worse both for moral, and for performance. Because, why bother sticking with something we hate ? The real way to tell your calling in life for me is to ask yourself the question "I really enjoy this thing, but, knowing all the bad things working in that field entails, would I still want to do it ?". If the answer is yes, then you've found it.

The result is the same : Doing something you're good at. But I feel my reasoning might be a bit less deterministic and less restrictive.

Anthony Hankin
Anthony Hankin - 22.09.2023 23:06

Honestly I'd watch funny carpenter

Bison Brunch
Bison Brunch - 16.09.2023 17:56

But I don't know what to do with it but I don't think I can get it to you in a few days but I don't know what to do

Dojosie - 12.09.2023 09:01

One year plan gang. ↓

lolo lolo
lolo lolo - 09.09.2023 12:11

Dougdoug being like :
I have a 10-15% conversion rate on my videos, it's not a lot.
It's wild like it is a crazy high conversion rate

DUHRIZEO - 31.08.2023 18:22

By far one of the most realistic, logical, and well organized talks I've watched on this subject. Seriously, thank you for this.

Mangu - 30.08.2023 13:24

Thank you for content creation but explained with food

Lois Griffin
Lois Griffin - 21.08.2023 10:50

what if you find your 2 skill sets but they aren't really different or unique?

Zachary Cavender
Zachary Cavender - 14.08.2023 08:02

Thank you, Douglass Douglass

Robo Banana
Robo Banana - 01.08.2023 09:10

I'd like to share my experience with a similar "ONE YEAR PLAN".

Last year I decided I wanted to learn to draw. Not for content creation, hell I didn't even share any of my artwork online; I was doing it for myself. I had almost no artistic background but I decided I'd draw every day and aim for a year. I'll start by saying, I did not accomplish a full year, I drew for roughly 200 days (from January 1st to July 22nd). I'm not disappointed in myself for quitting, and I'm damn proud of myself for the amount I learned and grew.

But during my own personal journey I definitely had days where I had no inspiration or felt like the drawings were downright awful; and some days were downright awful. Forcing myself to sit down and draw something even when I had college exams to study for the next day definitely wasn't easy. But I would continue because it was important to me.

Eventually I had become content with what I had learned and the progress I had made, so I stopped drawing daily and now just draw from time to time for fun. Nothing complicated, I definitely wouldn't consider myself a "real artist", and I do still try to teach myself new things (yesterday even I was trying to teach myself how to draw Chibe-style clothing).

I feel like the lesson here is: It's easy to look at yourself doing the same thing, or to completely fail to have inspiration and want to give up. I think the important is understanding your goal and not being too hard on yourself even if you do stop. Quitting the "ONE YEAR PLAN" doesn't mean you can't keep learning. Life's about the journey, and there's always more opportunities to improve and learn as long as you're passionate and willing.

Coach Roach
Coach Roach - 31.07.2023 19:44

Thanks Doug.
I’ll work my hardest.

Deleted User
Deleted User - 26.07.2023 18:00

22 minutes into the video and I have already learned so much more about how to be successful in life than all 12 years of schooling. Thank you.

JooseOnTheLoose - 25.07.2023 23:19

:O <-shocked face

Rollsy06 - 18.07.2023 21:31

The issue im having is that i cannot for the life of me figure out what i like / am good at for the skill sets, i really have been trying and recapping my life but nothing stands out too much so im stuck on that step and cant think of how to get past it without me just recapping my life over and over again to figure it out

splatticus - 16.07.2023 21:51

Seriously love this video and I’ll be using it for the
seeable future

Oliver Zhang
Oliver Zhang - 12.07.2023 07:31

Thanks for this video doug, it really is all about making amazing content. The algorithm does a phenomenal job of keeping people engaged and showing them what they want to see, so as a content creator you just need to make content that others will want to consume haha. simple yet challenging.

Everything Games
Everything Games - 11.07.2023 06:30

100% true, I subscribe because there was no where else that created your kind of content. Also you have a very entertaining voice 📢

Because Isaac
Because Isaac - 06.07.2023 17:14

Doug Doug for president 2024

Joel Laine
Joel Laine - 30.06.2023 16:22

This made me understand how Doug Doug videos and Doug Doug Doud videos are different. Former have a storyline while after dont

AstroPC 96
AstroPC 96 - 28.06.2023 22:10

Thank you Doug! I'm gonna put this comment here to remind myself of the journey I still have to go through to get to where I wanna be!

Paladin's Archives
Paladin's Archives - 19.06.2023 10:37

Ive never commented or said anything on your streams before- but Ive been around since you started many many years ago. We probably will never meet or talk, and its because of you I was inspired to go into doing D&D full time and started streaming and doing videos, and i just wanna say thank you for being awesome dude. You have always been awesome and im really happy to see you are very successful now

The Shaken Haven
The Shaken Haven - 10.06.2023 17:53

Diglas, Daglas, Doughlas: thank you for the help! Your Chat VS Streamer style and ego were what brought me in, but this is what will keep me :)

Be well, friends! Good luck! :D

James Kelsey
James Kelsey - 02.06.2023 08:36

I kept getting linked videos by the algorithm of yours just like... a month ago. And every damn title, "When I say, 'Cop', the cops try to kill me" had me saying, "What the hell... this is stupid." but then I watched it... and another one... and another... and I can't stop watching your videos.

The humor speaks to me, the chaos is my vibe, the analogies are perfect. I played Mario Party with my kids because I watched a video of you comparing it to a restaurant.

And now I'm super motivated to at least give some videos I've been thinking about a try. They're a bit of a blend of a couple things I enjoy and hopefully I can capture both at least pretty dang well. Thank you for the entertainment and motivation!

Suda - 01.06.2023 13:01

Your story telling skills are immaculate, I planned on watching 5 minutes in to this but now I'm 45 minutes in.

Paper Gabriel
Paper Gabriel - 31.05.2023 04:08

Doug stands above 99% of people making videos like these soley because he didn't charge a mortgage for it

ColdSlime - 26.05.2023 09:15

Wow TAZ i love it and Taco Tako didnt expect that to come up but sadly i dont think ill ever get the 2 skill set things as ive always been called a jack of all trades and someone who open to all genres which means i may never have a nieche

DX Blink
DX Blink - 25.05.2023 04:08

This is absolutely what I needed. After sitting through so many videos that just boil down to marketing, this video finally showed me avenues for actually improving what I do instead of just trying to game the system. (And thank you for finally giving a better explanation of why Twitch streamers should be on other platforms besides "more numbers better")

Yolo Jocolo
Yolo Jocolo - 19.05.2023 21:11

Honestly I already understood I didn’t have the skill set for content creation, but I think this video is still great life advice. Understanding your limits and to try to do what your good at.

Rage 2000
Rage 2000 - 18.05.2023 00:41

As a wise man once said:

"I have a pen, I have a apple… (ugh) apple pen!"

Zorrvan - 13.05.2023 06:45

I’m still early in the video but thought i should add this before i forget

I’m not posting consistently enough to truly garner an audience and i understand this, yet i have individuals commenting that they thought i was much larger than i am, which is cool to hear, but it makes me wonder what in particular i might be missing for the certain traction i need to pick up. Is it as simple as i should post more consistently? Better title and thumbnails? any advice from all would be greatly appreciated

PersonalityWorship - 10.05.2023 23:57

Only 45 minutes into the video and already I want to thank you for your invaluable advice regarding skillsets. I had no idea I was supposed to be searching for them, but once you started talking about how they will be effortless and energizing some examples/experiences immediately appeared in my mind of when that has happened. It sounds dumb but I never realized they were something I should pursue, even though they obviously bring me great joy. Or maybe I didn't understand that it was even a possibility. Anyways, thank you. I have a lot of soul-searching to do but I think this might be the start of me understanding myself and what I truly love better. Like you I've experimented with music and stuff, but it never felt right.

The all knowing cheese
The all knowing cheese - 02.05.2023 07:12

Ok so what if I made a pineapple hamburger

Ben Lubar
Ben Lubar - 26.04.2023 07:25

So for my work on Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop, I can confirm:
I have two skillsets: "figuring out how and why things work (or don't)" and "keeping cool projects other people started alive"
People who have played Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop love it - we've got a consistent 95% review score on Steam.
*Nobody knows we exist*. In fact, people who have played the game frequently come to me and say that they didn't know the game was still going.

ItsSK - 24.04.2023 06:45

Thank you for this Doug. I needed to hear this. I kind of understood a lot of this after studying your content but couldn't put the information into a tangible substance. Once again, thank you!

Shkoop - 24.04.2023 05:29

Why are your hands so square shaped?
