FFXIV - Are The ARR Relic Weapons Worth It?

FFXIV - Are The ARR Relic Weapons Worth It?

Lewis Rex

1 год назад

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@tyverus89 - 04.11.2023 22:47

the books used to require 100 mobs 10x of 10 different mobs...

@ErraticFaith - 26.10.2023 14:53

Did all of them back to back in one sitting when they were new. I swear westerns find everything 'boring'. Just shut your mouths and get it done. Not hard. Not boring.

@drakewarnock1239 - 25.10.2023 03:39

I'm currently getting all my ARR relics because I'm crazy. I'm halfway through. Those books can piss off.

@jasonu3741 - 26.09.2023 19:55

Only thing I will mention as im currently on the materia infusion stage as a Free Trial Dragoon. when you purchase a treasure map decipher it immediately and then purchase another.

that way you can do back to back treasure maps and collect 10 Alexandrite every time you return to Mordona, Revent's Toll. saves quite abit of time and gil!

@1bossofbosses - 10.09.2023 20:42

I quit on the books ill do my anima weapon instead the books are boring and extra so not worth it for me. The books are what desytoy me from ever wanting a Zodiac weapon in its entirety its tedious for no real reward. If i were to do that i better get Zodiac Arfmor, Zodiac, Weapon, Zodiac Minion, Also Loads of gil. basically that kind of work is worth 10million gil.

So yea and u can't even do all the books at one time yea books is a no its never going to happen for me that is what its worth for me for all that kind of work if i don't see what i literally said as a payout for that stupendous kind of grind ill never do that. I am almost done with my anima weapon its not as bad as a grind but the Zodiac will never happen ill pass on that for life.

@robin6709 - 26.08.2023 09:49

i did like the first step for 2 weps for some reason just cus i wanted something that glows but wow i did not know it would get so much worse lmao. but like endwalker relics seem rlly easy so??? yay ig

@Kate-ms2mn - 24.08.2023 12:46

i mean the grind is awful, but at least you don't have to go to bozja

@Legendx777 - 17.08.2023 23:56

hahaha DUDE you get a Sub just for the intro Joke!

@diceking7469 - 16.08.2023 10:29


@Dwayneff - 27.07.2023 01:18

it's the atma book grind that is the worst.

@trentonbuchert7342 - 22.07.2023 06:30

This is worse than doing the Breaching the Tomb achievement in WoW Legion. I completed it 9 times for the class mounts. If I try for the relic weapons, I’ll probably only have enough patience to do it once.

@n1kl051 - 14.07.2023 22:16

I'm not seeing this in the top comments, some1 might've said it but anyway - in dungeons you only need to kill the final boss with the relic weapon, use your usual until then. I was just doing it on my BLM and the difference is 1-2 casts which shaves off precious seconds for which I could be in another run

@eureka5635 - 12.07.2023 03:02

you can use blu to clear out fates until you get the fate you need.

@Irimu_ - 26.06.2023 16:13

It's really not that bad of a grind. As long as you're getting a weapon for a job that you actually play a lot it's totally worth it. In my case I got the BLM and SCH ones and they look amazing.

@budlikycz2445 - 26.06.2023 02:20

Wait you can skip Realm Reborn Relic and go straight for Heavensward ones? I though you need to have the previous Relic Weapon. I am doing RR one for the paladin and I completed the first book today and it was soul crushing god dammit xD

@sacer666 - 19.06.2023 00:50

Its to bad third party tools such as addons and plugins are not allowed in this game. If they were I'm sure someone would come up with an addon called something like "ZodiarkBuddy"

@offthepercc7770 - 09.06.2023 22:17

Did 3 in a week... Never again... probably..

@Xequah - 05.06.2023 09:10

ARR Drg relic is without a doubt the best looking weapon in the game imo.

@Blazieth - 03.06.2023 20:44

Having only completed ONE Relic... I will say this.

I wanted to use the second stage of the weapon for Glamour. That's all I wanted. But in a move that (so I'm told) would be corrected with later relics, you can't get Replicas of earlier stages of the ARR relics until you finish it all the way to Zeta. It was pretty miserable.

I'd be happier with it if they'd go back and ease the requirements to gain replicas of the early stages of the ARR relics.

@rythmiccoma2809 - 27.05.2023 15:23

I'm a lunatic, so I like the grind when I'm trying to chill out. Did three books in one day one time just cause I had nothing else going on that day. I don't know what was wrong with me

@businesscatlimbo - 14.05.2023 23:18

Worth doing maybe once or twice for those jobs you really love or if it's a relic that you think looks good. Otherwise, yeah definitely not worth it. It's so grindy

@Iowsbub - 05.05.2023 04:24

Done my first ARR Relic on my 64 Warrior and only stepped in HW to get DRK, AST and MCH and I finished all steps in only 6 days. I thought it would be longer, but for me it was a lot of fun! Never done Leve quests before and the other unlockable dungeons. The only downside of this grind was for me that it costs so much gil and I can't solo Sastasha Hard, Stone Vigil Hard and the Lost City of Amdapor on Level 64.
I think I'm getting the next ARR Relic when the specific Job hits Levelcap and I know how to make constant gil. :D

@lucianlopez6537 - 28.04.2023 14:35

No haha, but they are a pretty good flex

There is a plugin name ZodiacBuddy you should never ever use, it makes everything so much easier and less tedious never use it guys

@chandlerwynn573 - 17.04.2023 11:53

I’ve never played dragoon but it’s relic looks awesome! I started the white mage relic and got to the light farming part.

@zeeder7975 - 10.04.2023 10:51

Aurum Vale light farming usually takes around 50 times to reach the max light points x_x

@aiellamori - 07.04.2023 21:28

I have no clue why they settled on 9 books. Like why not just 1 for each of the four categories, what's the point in having you do 5 more

@Shy-bi8xm - 02.04.2023 09:31

Just rached nexus today on blm soloing it all as my friends catch up on msq ! Some parts are indeed a bit longer but overall reallynot all that grindy tbh, i was going in expecting way worse ! And lets face it... Nexus > Zeta ;)

@SILVERONIN - 01.04.2023 05:04

Yes, yes it's worth it! Working on my 4th which is summoner and the zodiac relics are still the best looking relics!

@TheJECNova - 14.03.2023 10:28

For anyone else watching this video, I'll give you some key advice to make your life significant easier, if you're doing multiple weapons:
Firstly, Atma. FARM ALL THEM AT ONCE. For however many weapons your going do? Get that many, times each time. That way, you don't gotta later.
Second, The FATE's required, for the books. That one's actually rather easy, given you can force FATE's to cycle, just by clearing out the area of any other active FATE's happening at the time.
Third, same method as with the FATE's. Just do a Leve or two, to cycle it and get one you need to pop.
The later stages aren't actually too bad.
Be forewarned, Light farming is tedious, but if you go for the right place you can do dungeon's that will blast it's progress.
Hopefully you got a Crafter friend, for some those items, to pair with the Bombard Core's and such.
The choke-point, will be most tedious which is the poetic farming.
The Relic's are gorgeous though. Painful, though they are to acquire.
Also, the other methods for Alexanderite farming are... FC dependent, IIRC.
P.S. there are video and text guides for several stages of the ARR Relic's. Light farming is one I'd most strongly advise looking up.

@neiabaraja2044 - 20.02.2023 01:35

"I am Lazy, I like doing things as fast as possible. So I am willing to spend a lot of Gil."

- And that is why those Items are so expensive. Mystery solved.

@one_eyeddd473 - 11.01.2023 17:02

Im curtently working my 6th arr relic

@sailor_anna9924 - 02.01.2023 19:27

God I'm on the last step of the HW relic for smn cause it's my favorite smn weapon and it was RIDICULOUS HOW MANY POETICS WAS NEEDED 😭 never doing it again. My friends tell me to never do ARR lmao

@Art_Codex - 10.12.2022 02:07

PLD ARR Relic is my only ARR Relic, I don't think I'll be doingg any for sometime, it really exhausting especially the book part.

@Galiant2010 - 05.12.2022 01:31

My BLM Zodiac was the first one I completed, and only one so far. Still using that at level 90 because I love it so much lol. But now that I only have 1 more HW relic to grind out I'm considering going back for more ARR ones. But idk... I kinda want to get some relics for the new jobs that don't have ARR or HW relics available, too.

@my-king - 02.12.2022 22:11

I did one and I am not sure I can do it again. We will see...

@abbottone - 15.10.2022 01:12

I just did all mine. I found the light grinding the worst so I ended up grinding it with the other relic weapon stages. IE I did the crystal tower raids which required me to have to have a memory core (15) for a stage of the 80 weapon and I needed tomes to buy stuff for 60 weapon - so I was getting 3 things done at the same time.

@kain1799 - 13.10.2022 23:29

I feel that. I did one was like never again. then spent a week doing a second one. and I think I have one more in me once I get enough money again

@kaybroughton4909 - 13.10.2022 16:10

Do hunts for allied seals to buy alexandrite, can also do the mysterious maps from poetics vendor which opens as part of the relic questline. As for the fates, as a spawner for the last four years you notice that only a certain amount of fates can be up on a map at the same time. I kill a couple of boss fates which are up and the fate I need always spawns fairly fast. Also some fates require a previous fate to be completed to make it spawn. I have four ARR relics so far and I don't think I am done with them yet.

@cemi_3877 - 12.10.2022 16:28

worst part is poetic farming, other than that. its not that bad.

@peger - 07.10.2022 01:36

I made my first blm relic right after i finish arr MQ. And I also promised myself, never again;) And i started making one for paladin.
Light farming was the most tiduse part for me. Also grade 1 materia are super expensive idk.
Tbh making all of this for the second time was super confusing, there's no "quest line" and you are pretty much force to use wiki.

Monk claws look cool. LOL

@Nodnarb59 - 05.10.2022 06:49

You got atma in 5 or less? Bruh I've done 20 in a zone and still have not gotten some

@RandyNoKachi - 30.09.2022 10:06

The NIN ARR relic is worth it, its one of the best looking weapons in the game.

@MrSpiderspider12 - 22.09.2022 11:07

I did it yesterday
In free trial

@nago2338 - 09.09.2022 20:31

From what I heard, for the light step, you can one shot Ifrit on hard, which is way faster even if it is the lowest amount of light.

@DantoriusD - 08.09.2022 09:09

Did 9 Relics back in ARR when they were relevant.....still have PTSD. After that i only did 1 Relic for my Main job at each Expansion (aside of HW where i got all of them cause there free now).

And its a shame the Relic Design got worse and worse in each Expansion. ARR and HW are still by far the best looking ones.

@zirkq - 06.09.2022 14:13

bro wtf I just want my glowing book damnit

@TheForhekset - 31.08.2022 10:55

I have to charge my weapon now doing arr content and after a few msq roulletes have made barely any progress, so im no rush because its gonna take a while. At least I finshrd the god awful book stage. Yeah once i get my axe I dont think im ever gonna complete and arr rekic ever again.
